July 2016



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March 24th, 2016

[info]forever_marked in [info]thedoorway

As today is the day the doctors said it would be wise to announce this but I feel it should be known that I am with child. It is the main reason I have decided to take it easy and what help I may offer is offered as an adviser.

We'll know whether it's a boy or girl come April, which is a rather exciting thing to know in advance. I am sorry for having been vague for the last few weeks about this.

[info]isherprotege in [info]thedoorway

OMG it's been forever since I've been in a Nerf War!! I'm definitely signing up for it. Who else is in?

[info]lastmutanthope in [info]thedoorway

Easter seems like another candy holiday. There are a lot of those.

[info]jainasolo in [info]thedoorway

Network Post: Jaina Solo

Taking a survey here. Rey's post made me wonder.

Am I the only person around here that doesn't like Peeps?

[info]slayersocialwrk in [info]thedoorway

[Text to Aggie]
Yo. Whatcha up to?

[info]doesyoursdothat in [info]thedoorway

Network Post: Ezra Bridger

I am so ready for the Nerf war tomorrow! I was practicing in the apartment but I knocked over a lamp so I had to stop.

[info]aworldinmyeye in [info]thedoorway

What are "Peeps"?

[info]0z in [info]thedoorway

network post; Oz

My Easter tree turned out really pink...

cut for image )

[info]red_and_blue in [info]thedoorway

Are there any geologists here or meteoriticists?

I'm curious to know if this version of Earth has a certain type of rock, maybe the Tesseract brought some through.

[Doctor (12)]
Are you back from London? I hope the trip was useful to you.

[info]mysteryofset in [info]thedoorway

Nerf guns are in the lobby, games start at 8 am tomorrow. As per usual,

  • shops on the ground floor of Potts Tower are off limits unless pre-cleared.
  • No one cares if you use powers
  • You are responsible for damages you cause
  • Once you are shot, you are out.

  • [info]rickjones in [info]thedoorway

    Hey, uh, Gwen didn't show up for band practice. Has anyone heard from her? We switched nights so maybe she just forgot... but when you live here you kind of think the worst.

    [info]steelskin in [info]thedoorway

    There was someone outside the X-House just now. I shouted at them. I really shouldn't have, but I did. I'm protective of our family. I don't know what they wanted because they ran when I shouted.

    [info]lastliving in [info]thedoorway


    How do you feel

    not like I care

    [info]sitwell in [info]thedoorway

    [Text Message to Tony Stark]
    - http://tinyurl.com/hjsdsjh
    - Everyone's always said Gates was a home schooled jungle freak who's a less hot version of you
    [Text message to Natasha Romanoff]
    --I've a secure staging point at Cygańska Góra 8 when you're ready.

    [info]fireandarrows in [info]thedoorway

    I want you to tell me right away if you feel even the slightest bit sick. Or just [...] off.