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March 22nd, 2016

[info]anakinsolo in [info]thedoorway

Network Post; Anakin Solo

It's way more relaxing than a coloring book, I'll just say.

Cut for image, not filtered )

[Filter: Rikki]
Can I just say 'Ow' again?

[Filter: Young Allies]
All right so, last night Rikki and I were patrolling together, and I figured we ought to all know about this.

A guy grabbed a woman's purse and I ran after him. With the Force I was pretty easily able to catch-up with him a warehouse, where it wasn't just him. There was a group of them there, and they weren't too fond of superheroes, or someone correcting them, or... let's just say I've got some pretty serious bruises this morning and I'm sore. Rikki caught up with me, and we both managed to control the situation enough, but they ran off - and they're still out there.

I'm considering if we should warn all of the Avengers here? I'm not sorry I ran after them, and I did get the woman's purse back to her, but I'd say it's definitely a point in favor or patrolling in pairs and also something we need to be aware of.


[ETA: Filter: Avengers (All)]
A heads up to all of you who are working in the New York City area. Last night I was patrolling and I managed to stumble into a trap set by some anti-vigilante types, for lack of a better word. I got a little banged up, nothing terrible and nothing I can't handle, but these people weren't too happy about people who were working to help stop crime without the authorities.

It may have been a one-off sort of event. But, if it isn't - we may see others.

[info]its_all_smoke in [info]thedoorway

Considering today was a really nice day, me and Shaun decided to go look at the big park. I've been here for a few now and I'm still surprised to see so much and so many people. And I still haven't gotten over being able to walk into a place and getting some food.

It's the little things I think. The park was beautiful, and we spend long enough there we had to get a cab back but it was kind of worth it.

[info]roughjewel in [info]thedoorway

"The Devil of Hell's Kitchen?"

Micromanaging the shit out of 10 blocks in midtown Manhattan.

[info]myeuhmuh in [info]thedoorway

[filter: Alex Vause and Tony Stark (mcu)]

Did I do okay? Is everything okay? Nothing blew up.

[info]stevenuniverse in [info]thedoorway

Spring is nice but I can't wait for summer. I'll be able to wear my flip flops, and go to the beach and roll around in the sand. I want to go to Coney Island. Prim and Molly, you want to take a trip?


How's Katniss?

[info]thehexx in [info]thedoorway

I've decided to take up teaching Latin and Women's Studies. The things we'll learn in Latin will be most interesting, I promise. Hopefully this will help me fill my free time.

I urge more of you to sign up for Women's Studies.

Please answer-- are you all right?

How are you?

[info]senorfoggy in [info]thedoorway

Apologies for anyone who's been trying to get a hold of me, I've been putting in extra hours lately since the 'Murdock' part of the Nelson & Murdock team has been feeling a little under the weather.

I hope everything is doing well, and that those of you who have been in the Hell's Kitchen vicinity haven't encountered anyone 'devilish'.