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February 13th, 2016

[info]extremist in [info]thedoorway

I'm actually looking quite forward to what tomorrow has in store. So far the holidays here have been enjoyable. And this month will mark a full year since I've arrived here.

    I'll be a bit busy tomorrow to spend time with Hawke. If you need me, please don't.

    (I'm joking, of course, but try not to need me.)

    You know, I was thinking we could have Cora and Zevran over sometime next week. We could do dinner together, get caught up. It's been a while since we've all had a chance to sit down and chat.

[info]phased in [info]thedoorway

It is far too cold out for my tastes, but I feel like staying curled up in a blanket all day would just be pure laziness on my part. Maybe I should see if I can't find something to do.

[info]senorfoggy in [info]thedoorway

Nothing says February like frozen pipes, though that's never stopped me from working when there's things that need to get done. Also, tomorrow is Valentine's Day, but I'm more concerned about discount chocolate day on Monday. Who's with me?

[info]hydra in [info]thedoorway

Why can't Netflix and Chill just mean Netflix and Chill. I'm really more interested in catching up on the Walking Dead than I will ever be in sex.

[Spider Ladies]
I can't drink, and I knock people over when I turn sideways. I don't know if I'm really an ideal Valentine's Day date, Webs.
[Clint Barton (616)]
Can I ask a favour?

[info]chapmanpiper in [info]thedoorway

The Orange Cafe is throwing a Vagina Party tomorrow night, we're putting on a production of the Vagina Monologues, and ladies get a ticket for a free drink at the door.

There's a couple monologues that still need readers for tomorrow, so if you're interested and a quick study, give me a all. You don't have to be off book for the show!

[Alex Vause]
I love you :3