July 2016



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February 6th, 2016

[info]spiderwoman in [info]thedoorway

Nobody has known betrayal like this poor creature has. You can literally see the happiness die from his little eyes.

    So...let me just say, look, I know this might be a little insensitive. And I can't even fathom how bad it must've been living where you did. But -- I have to know how accurate this is.

    Did we like decide on a band name?

[info]decentsort in [info]thedoorway

network post: kanan jarrus

I'm less concerned by the small size of the horses that came through the tesseract than I am that they seem to want to eat meat. And only meat.

Filtered: SWORD
What are we doing with them? And the duck.

[info]blacksheep in [info]thedoorway

There's a girl at the Barnes & Noble Starbucks who gives me free chocolate peanut butter cookies whenever I come in. And yesterday she just wouldn't stop talking about something called Serial. (Which I thought was called Sirial because then it made sense that she'd be telling me about it. But no, it is not.)

And it's about a fellow who maybe killed somebody, and he had a trial. And now he's having a miniature trial to determine whether or not he gets another trial.

I can't work out whether or not she was taunting me.

[info]basilhallward in [info]thedoorway

For the first time since 2014, The Queen speaks.

[Filtered to Regulus Black]
Thank you for going to that show with me. I very much enjoyed your company. And I do apologize -- I had no idea a show called Fun Home would be so depressing. Perhaps another time we can watch the Bleak House miniseries, which I can only assume will be a delightful romantic comedy.

[info]jainasolo in [info]thedoorway

Network Post: Jaina Solo

[Jon, Anakin, Rikki, Tahiri, Sabine, Ahsoka, Ezra, Rey]

So tomorrow is that football game thing. I don't know if any of you are planning on it but if you're not, I would like to suggest a field trip. The Planetarium is always a good time and this program sounds interesting. Plus I haven't seen it yet. I figure we'll have the whole place mostly to ourselves since most people in this universe seem to like the football thing.

So who wants to go? Feel free to invite anyone else you can think of.