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February 4th, 2016

[info]exterminated in [info]thedoorway

[Filtered to Ianto]
So. Did you ever look in that box? The one on the top shelf of my cupboard?


[info]fuzzy_elf in [info]thedoorway

In affiliation with Educational Services Division (ESD)

Directed by Kurt Wagner


Monday, February 22th - 6:00 - 9:00 pm
at the Tower Gymnasium.
Come prepared to sing a song from the show and to familiarize yourself with one or more of the scenes. Contact me for scene clips and MP3 samples for practice purposes.
Characters Needed )

Also needed: backstage crew, sound crew, lighting crew, props, costumes.

ETA: If you don't know your vocal range, contact me to set up an appointment and I'll test you.

Inquires and questions may be made to this post, or to me, privately. Thank you, and break a leg!

[info]whyamiking in [info]thedoorway

network post: alistair theirin

So I didn't lose my shadow. I know exactly where it is. But it's stuck. And not to me.

[info]doesyoursdothat in [info]thedoorway

[Sabine, Ahsoka, Anakin Solo, Rikki, Tahiri, Claire]

So they're doing another play. I think we should all do something in it. I volunteered to help with props and lighting and sets. Sabine, I might have volunteered you to help me with that....

This is a musical so if you don't want to sing, they need help backstage. I don't know what it's about but Mr. Wagner said something about a girl in a plant suit.

[info]thisisatriumph in [info]thedoorway

okay i know everyone's a bit freaked out by the latest weird thing but i figure i should ask. i'm gonna make a bunch of valentines cards so if you don't want one/don't celebrate please let me know. i'm gonna get some candy too, because i can't make that so if there's something people don't like or something let me know.

[info]thekaijugroupie in [info]thedoorway

Hold up. You can buy girl scout cookies online?


[info]boygirlalien in [info]thedoorway

network post: xavin

I worked out this morning.

Cut for large photo, not filtered )

Physical goals - check.

[info]organa in [info]thedoorway

Well -- no one could accuse the political process in this country of being dull. It'll be interesting to watch the way things unfold, in light of all the accusations and controversies flying around.

    Hello I saw you asked

    How are you, Master Skywalker?