July 2016



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January 5th, 2016

[info]19_53_88 in [info]thedoorway

I'd like normal high school so much better if we could take comparative demonology.

I guess I'm supposed to introduce myself. Um, I'm Kira. I live in Beacon Hills, California, but I grew up in New York. And I'm on the lacrosse team.

I've never really... been on my own before.

[info]extemplar in [info]thedoorway

Evelyn's already let the cat... or the mabari... out of the bag but the tesseract has actually done something nice. My Christmas present from it was the mabari who chose me at the Exalted Council. Pup doesn't seem interested in being much of a war dog but he does make me laugh.

[info]clairetemple in [info]thedoorway

It's a little late it the season, but it's always better late than never. Potts Tower Clinic is going to be offering free flu shots to all residents today and tomorrow.

Also, there will be homemade muffins. Not made by me, because last time I tried to bake something I set the oven on fire, but made by someone. So come for the muffins, stay for the health benefits.

[info]demiourgos in [info]thedoorway

[Loki, Dr. Strange, Teddy Altman]
With... everything going on today, I didn't think to mention it sooner. But I had a really weird dream last night.

[info]blacksheep in [info]thedoorway

[Filtered to Harry Potter Universe]
Did one of you remove the Great British Bake Show from the special television box?

I can't find it, and I really need to know how Martha balances the Pie challenge with finishing her A-Levels.

[info]thekaijugroupie in [info]thedoorway

Okay seriously.

I think I'm the reason this little kaiju is here.

I should name it.

[info]parrviolet in [info]thedoorway

Last semester, and there's a lot still to do.

Still have no idea where I want to go to coll I don't know what to do after Genetics, Physics, and Calculus. I'm need to set up

I need to go to the store. I need more highlighters and dividers.

Oh, and pens.

Where's that shopping list I made

[info]missparanoia in [info]thedoorway

Network Post; Abigail Brand

Do you suppose it is too much to run both in the morning and at night?

What if that's on a treadmill in a space station? Does that make a difference?

[info]extorris in [info]thedoorway

Bao's newest thing is sleeping on me. Which, great, wonderful, and very cute. Except when he does it on my chest. And he forgets he's ten pounds of cat.