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December 9th, 2015

[info]hellotrickster in [info]thedoorway

At least I have one thing in common with this town.

image unfiltered )

[info]bitterman in [info]thedoorway

Just a reminder that Ophiuchus will be closed from December 14 until January 18. If anyone has any potion or magical requirements, you have until the 12th to get them to me. Depending on timing and their requirements, I will endeavour to get things done before I leave.

[Filtered to Wesley and Beverly... and, after some thought, Tonks]
Is there anything I can get you while I am in England or Europe?


[info]anakinsolo in [info]thedoorway

Network Post; Anakin Solo

[Young Allies]
All right, so when Rikki and I were out last night patrolling we were checking out what appeared to be an abandoned warehouse. We thought maybe there was trouble, but as it turned out there wasn't anyone around that we could find.

What was weird though, is like there was an entire office of computers, and lights, and pretty much anything you could think of that's electronic, that was just torn up. And it's not like someone ramsacked it for the parts? Cause while someone might have done that, this was just smashed.

I'm thinking we should check it out again tonight. It was just a little too weird.

[info]lasthorcrux in [info]thedoorway

Well. JK Rowling says Donald Trump is worse than Voldemort, so I guess that means I've got work to do.

[info]gofuckyourself in [info]thedoorway

[All Staff/Students of the Educational Services Department]
That's a wrap for this semester. Finals start next week. Don't leave all your studying to the last minute.

And a reminder: I don't give extensions on assignments, 'less you can present me with a death certificate. Preferably your own.

Otherwise, keep safe over the holidays, and we'll see you back next year.

[Steve Rogers (616)]
I got something for ya

[info]thisisatriumph in [info]thedoorway

the weirdo elf thing is done and so are classes. i still have zero idea what to do but right now it's studying for finals, then taking the ged classes, then finding a way to make some money.

anyway, christmas is soon. i got myself a tiny little tree with some lights and it's kind of awesome.

[info]jailhouserocker in [info]thedoorway

Alright guys. Internet closed. Go home.

[info]iron in [info]thedoorway

So I remember that Naughty/Nice list-checker from last year. I never fair very well, which is fine because I don't need Santa and can afford my own presents. But that said -- let's get to what's really important shall we? What's your Christmas Stripper name? Buzzfeed will tell you

[Pepper Potts (MCU)]
I think this year, I am going to plan the Stark/Avengers Christmas party. I've got like what [...] a week? That's plenty of time to throw something together, right? I've seen you do more with less.

[Bruce Banner (MCU)]
I bought these weird Orangina candies that look like adorable Erlenmeyer flasks. Which was maybe why I bought them. But they're weird and delicious. Do you want some?

[info]winter in [info]thedoorway

This eagle knows what's up.

[info]doesyoursdothat in [info]thedoorway

Network Post: Ezra Bridger

Made it through my first semester of school. Might have learned a few things too. Now finals which means studying. Not my strong suit but I'm going to do my best.

Also I'm looking for a part time job during the holidays. Does anyone know if any of the Tower businesses are hiring? I thought about talking to the Jawas but I don't want to steal stuff anymore.


I want to get Sabine something nice for Christmas but I don't know what. I know the things she likes best are art stuff and explosives but I'm guessing explosives are out.

Do you have any ideas?

[info]mygodhasahammer in [info]thedoorway

This is for Barnes. Any I suppose.

What is your favorite zoo?

[info]jedifarmboy in [info]thedoorway

Network Post: Luke Skywalker

No, I don't know where Luke Skywalker is. Not that one anyway. I mean obviously I know where I am but him? Don't have a clue. Just wanted to put that out there.

Do you want to know if we're having a boy or a girl? We haven't talked about it.

[Wanda Maximoff (MCU)]
This is going to sound like a very strange question but a good friend of mine is looking to set up a mutual friend of ours with someone. I was wondering if Pietro might be interested. The girl works at SWORD, you might know her, Kaylee Frye? I've been on several missions with her and she's a very nice person.

[info]lastliving in [info]thedoorway

I thought pine scented candles would be a good idea but I think I'm going to throw up.

[hunger games people]

If any of you get a real tree, take me with you.

[info]charger in [info]thedoorway

Went into a Pinkberry looking for more lickable massage oils. I wasn't sure what a Pinkberry was even supposed to be, but I was way off. Very, very off. I'm still gonna need about a hundred more of that chocolate peanut butter sludge, though.

[info]runaway in [info]thedoorway

Just in case the this is the dimension where Santa's real, I just wanted to say that I did way way better this year and I definitely deserve a unicorn.