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November 8th, 2015

[info]besthawkeye in [info]thedoorway

So. Pros:

The pizza here seems just as good. If it tasted like dog food or whatever, that would just be an unforgivable.

I'm not picking bugs out of my teeth -- which is way more than I can say for some dimensions I've landed in.

SHIELD is way cooler here. No fancy bracelets this time. Pro-tip? Add some color to your wardrobe.

It's almost thanksgiving.

I'm still Hawkeye and I'm still awesome.

A distinct lack of teeth faced people.


It's almost winter.

Past experience leads me to believe there will be teeth faced people here somewhere.

People on the street are still way grumpy.

The guy at the Taco truck no longer knows my name or remembers my order.

Apartment living.

Sup New York?

[info]movingspeeches in [info]thedoorway

I suspect some of you are enjoying this far more than others.

So. Tony. About that talk...think now's a good time?I have to say, it's been a good opportunity to get some reading done.

[info]sciencedivision in [info]thedoorway

$50 to the first person to bring me a coffee that doesn't taste like pumpkin.


Who switched the coffee?

[info]phased in [info]thedoorway


Is there an official mansion policy on pets? I miss Lockheed.

[info]acanarycry in [info]thedoorway

Feathers can you talk yet?

And the rest of you boys. I guess that's important to know too.

[info]chevalier_noire in [info]thedoorway

network post: sunday morning

I need help. I came home from the shelter yesterday with two dogs instead of one. They were curled up together when I came in and they came to greet me together and so they came home together.

cut for image )

That's not the part I need help with, obviously. The problem is, only one of them has a name. The little girl on the left (the black one) is Liberty. I'm calling her Libby for short. But the boy doesn't have a name. I need suggestions. Any ideas?

[info]forever_marked in [info]thedoorway

[Texts to Cullen]

-On a scale of one to 'only heard about the dragon after the fact/ bringing back dragon eggs',
-how upset are you when I'll bring her home?

-They said they were having issues giving her a home.
-I don't know why she's positively adorable.
-And very sweet.

-Tyrdda will like her I'm sure.

-I love you.

(OOC: Trespasser spoilers!)

[info]spiderwoman in [info]thedoorway

Oh, sure. Yeah, just drop me off anywhere, freaky space magic. Better than a garbage boat but it could've been a warm beach.

Soooo...what's going on, Other NYC?

[info]hot_shot in [info]thedoorway

It's finally over. About time too.

I was on my way to setting a personal record for texting.

[info]sorcerersupreme in [info]thedoorway

[Magical community of Doorways]
The Tesseract.

Let's discuss it.