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November 2nd, 2015

[info]greywardening in [info]thedoorway

Self-defence is cancelled for the day unless Garrett feels like flying solo.

[info]movingspeeches in [info]thedoorway

Just when you thought you'd seen everything...

Firstly, I'd like to give my compliments to S.W.O.R.D. I've endured enough trips like this one to know that it rarely goes this smoothly. The warm welcome and explanation of events has been beyond helpful and I am beyond grateful to have their hand in making sure I hit the ground with both boots firmly planted.

Secondly, I would like to introduce myself. My name is Steve Rogers. I've been told I'm a bit of a frequent visitor here, which hardly seems outside the realm of unreasonable these days. Unfortunate as it is, and is all too common as of lateI have no memory of these trips. To those of you whom I may have built ties with, I welcome you to reach out as soon as you feel comfortable so we might start the process of bridge building over again.

I look forward to our time together and getting to experience a whole new version of New York City. I don't suppose anybody's got good news about the Dodgers here?

[info]gofuckyourself in [info]thedoorway

The Prime Minister of Canada and his wife dressed up as Han Solo & Princess Leia and went around trick-or-treatin' with the kids.

They're Hoth costumes, which I guess makes even more sense in Canada than it does most other places.

[info]parrviolet in [info]thedoorway

18 now, I totally got this!

Thank you to everyone that stopped by on Saturday! It was so much fun. The gifts were amazing, I'm so lucky to have such great friends!

[info]stevenuniverse in [info]thedoorway

Someone painted their van to look like my dad's!

no filter, just pics )

I wish I had that van. And that I could drive.

[info]forever_marked in [info]thedoorway

The previous holiday was interesting, and I think I got the concept of it. Perhaps next year I will endeavor to be more creative with it.

I do have a curiosity. Does the Tower perhaps have a place of worship? I'd prefer it to be something neutral, but I rather miss the habit of going to the Chantry. If there isn't one that's more then alright.


I was thinking of doing something for First Day. It's more of a get together then anything else, and I've found when this world's year ends. I'd be tempted to include the rest of our world but I don't think we've got the room.

My vote's for Wicked Grace, by the way.

[info]castlewriter in [info]thedoorway

New Star Trek series announced today! Time to take to the forums and find every little tidbit of a rumor I can find, as well as introducing Noah to one of my favorite sci-fi shows before then. Too bad this wasn't announced prior to Halloween because Star Trek costumes were not on my radar. Next year!

[info]mygodhasahammer in [info]thedoorway

[Filtered to Sif, Fandral]
Have you espied the Tesseract today.

It is often a portal, but seldom so clear a mirror. I should be interested what a sorcerer might make of it.
[Filtered to Wanda Maximoff (MCU)]
They call you a witch. To what length is that true?

[info]notmoose in [info]thedoorway

I can see Dad.

Did you sense anything at our place?


Well, today sucks.

[info]felixblake in [info]thedoorway

If you've not already done so, this is a reminder that tomorrow, polls are open from 7-7 for a number of small matters, some school board seats, and the State Senator race to replace Senator Cherryh.

If you're voting, you should vote for me.

[info]heroic in [info]thedoorway

It has been a very long time since I've been able to celebrate Halloween and I've got to say, I enjoyed all of the festivities that this version of Earth has provided immensely. The party at Fangtasia was great and it was nice to meet plenty of new people.

Seeing all of the decorations, food and drinks actually caused me to wonder -- if Halloween was a holiday that existed on every planet across all universes, how would other races celebrate it? Such as the ones from my galaxy -- Turians, Asari, Krogan, Quarians, Salarians. I'm definitely sure that there would be a great deal of alcohol consumed where the Krogans are concerned, at least.

I've been seeing things since I woke up this morning. People that we've known....friends, who died in our fight against the Reapers. I'd like to convince myself that it's simply the work of the cocktails I've enjoyed over the weekend, but we both know that nothing has ever been that straightforward. I don't suppose you could tell me if I'm hallucinating or not?

I've been told that there are two of you and while that's initially confusing for me, I understand that the Tesseract is a rather "unique" object. I've also been told that you are the people to talk to regarding advanced technology. Could I have a moment of your time to ask some questions?