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October 15th, 2015

[info]thunar in [info]thedoorway

Starting next week, the Potts Tower Clinic will be offering flu shots for anyone who wants them. I know needles suck, but being sick as a dog for a week sucks even more. They're free, and we'll also have tea, coffee and pumpkin cookies on hand while you wait, provided by the Orange Cafe.

[Lily Evans]
Depending on your class schedule, I thought you could maybe help administer the flu shots? I can supervise, but you should be good to go.

[info]slayersocialwrk in [info]thedoorway

Glad I stocked up on cigarettes while they were dirt cheap. I'd be fine with that happening again, if someone around here is the one who made it happen.

[info]demiourgos in [info]thedoorway

I need your help with something
[Teddy Altman]
So like, remember when we played Mass Effect 2
Have you heard from Kate at all, lately?

[info]anakinsolo in [info]thedoorway

Network Post; Anakin Solo

[Filter: Kanan Jarrus]
Do you have a minute?

[Filter: Uncle Luke]
I figured we should talk about vows and ceremony and all that stuff.

[info]everymansdream in [info]thedoorway

I really don't see the appeal of the 1940s myself. I don't think it's all it's cracked up to be. Definitely wasn't for me.

[Filtered to Anakin Solo]
Hey so I saw How're you doing?
[Filtered to Oliver Queen]
All healed up yet?

[info]necromancy in [info]thedoorway

[Carver Hawke]
I think knowing oneself is both terribly important, and terribly tragic. For example, I know without prompt that I am both easier bored and endlessly curious. You would think that one might aid in trampling down the other, but that is never the case.

You see - I often find that I have no idea which direction I ought to look to learn about new people, new things or this new place where we've found ourselves! I thought perhaps you'd like to help me sort it out. Over dinner.

[info]forever_marked in [info]thedoorway

I have always had a strong admiration for healers, mages or otherwise, because I have neither the skill or aptitude for their arts. So I must say the advances this place has has again impressed me. I've certainly walked away with more information.

TW: Discussion of Pregancy )

Edited later:
[Tony Stark, of Stark Resilient]

My greetings to you,

I am Evelyn and I come to you from a recommendation from Dr.Jane Foster, who has informed me that you build something called prosthetics. As I have lost my arm, I was wondering if I might ask for an appointment to speak of one of the prosthetics you build. I also have a few questions about them, the most prevalent of them if they could be used to cast magic? If such a thing is impossible, the mere idea that I could regain lost mobility is more then enough for me.

I thank you greatly for considering the possibility of an appointment and I pray the Maker keep you in good health.


The technology here, they could perhaps give me my arm back. Perhaps not as it was, but they have a thing called prosthetics here. If I get an appointment with the person who could perhaps get me one will you come? One of the clinics doctors is also coming with but I'd like it if you were there too.

[info]captaineclipse in [info]thedoorway

I'm not sure what to think about the strange blip in the outside world we experienced recently. People were certainly more polite then, and dressed quite nicely, however it seems women were treated rather differently.

Has it always been the case here?

[info]tonystark in [info]thedoorway

[Filtered to Sharon Carter (616)]
I believe this is for you and your boyfriend:

Cut for Image )

Yes, full interior detailing was absolutely necessary. And you both know very well why.

I'm sorry I could only carry one of you inside without the suit. I hope Barnes slept all right on the lawn. It got pretty cold last night, but I imagine he's used to that sort of thing?