July 2016



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October 13th, 2015

[info]wyndampryce in [info]thedoorway

Network Post; Wesley Wyndam-Pryce

[Filter: Floors 22 & 23 (Clint Barton / Hawkeye (616), Rory Gilmore, Lucy Stillman, & Lilah Morgan)
We are currently a very small floor - and there is no one currently living on floors 23, and I am a bit behind the times with decorating.

However I have some good stock at Widdershins - ghost decorations and the like, and if you'd join me this evening we could put some of those up and enjoy them for the remainder of the season. If anyone has additional ideas that might help us win this contest I'm open for them, but my creativity may be a bit low at the moment.

[Filter: Dimitri Belikov]
If you've got a moment I'd like to pick your brain a bit for more information about your world.

[info]anakinsolo in [info]thedoorway

Network post; Anakin Solo

[Filter: Rikki]
Twenty-two days.

Unless I counted wrong.

[Filter: Leia Organa]
Hey. So Dad said he talked to you. So Hi. I just was wondering if you'd want to get food or something sometimes. There's a good place that does waffles, which are pretty much amazing.

If you wanted to some time.

[Filer: Tahiri]
Lightsaber sparring? like, tonight sometime?

[info]votebiden in [info]thedoorway

It doesn't matter if we're stuck in the 1940s, it's the Greatest generation for a reason and with Joe Biden here to lead us through it, it will be even greater.

Tonight's the CNN democratic debate and I'm hosting a watch party on the 13th floor. There are cakes and a build your own waffle station and a party sub and sodas and something stronger for those looking for it and I'm realizing now that I may have gone a little overboard because everything's so cheap suddenly and this is so exciting!

So the debate starts at 8:30 but if you come early we can scrapbook and dish on all our favorite candidates. And we can theorize just how Joe Biden is going to show unannounced!

[info]tonystark in [info]thedoorway

God bless inflation.

[Filtered to Dorian Gray, Pepper Potts]
I made an offer on the apartment above ours. I don't know what we'll do with it, but I don't think it really matters. Apparently 1941 is a hell of a buyer's market.

I was thinking about doing the same thing with the building in FiDi. At these prices, we could afford to lose money on this for a while.

How fast can we push this through?

[info]powerman in [info]thedoorway

[Filtered to Nick Fury & Phil Coulson (MCU), also Danny Rand]
So okay, full disclosure I'm not quite 18, but I'm totally willing to say I am if anyone asks. And I really want to help SHIELD out.

Me and my boy Danny worked for them back home because back home they totally trained a bunch of kids my age. And my parents worked for SHIELD. And after they disappeared, you and Agent Coulson were practically family.

Plus you can use the help right? With all the stuff in Europe. I'm super strong, super tough. Super Awesome. And Danny? He's even cooler, a Zen master martial artist with not one but TWO dragon fists.

So it's win-win right? You should totally give us a shot.

[info]thisisatriumph in [info]thedoorway

every time i think i'm almost caught up, something wonky happens. at least it's harder to get bored i guess.
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[info]kibwana in [info]thedoorway

network post: azari

Today's classes certainly kept me awake the entire time. It hardly mattered which class it was, as most of mine tie into politics somehow. It included one discussion over whether or not we'd enlist in the army. Though the class was evenly split over whether or not we should go to war, the overwhelming consensus was that should it happen, the male students would enlist, and many of the female students wished to join the Nurse Corps. A few even argued that the military should streamline the approval of women joining active combat so they too could enlist. The manpower (womanpower? people power?) it would take to fight such a war could overpower concerns about unit cohesion. And most everyone agreed lifting Don't Ask Don't Tell after the first world war hasn't hurt any.

Filtered against MCU
As much as I've preferred discussions about how an active war affects the process of incorporating women into combat roles, this situation feels more like a city-wide or country-wide version of the tesseract event a few months ago where people thought they were in the Wild West or high school or something like that. Rather than what 1941 actually was like. But so long as no new wars or battles actually take place, I see little harm.

[info]stoneguardian in [info]thedoorway

network post: caridin

Discussions whether to wage war are a luxury one only has when removed from the battlefield. I know little of these foes. But if they will one day threaten this country, surely it is better to strike them early than late.

Filtered: SWORD
As our affairs concern those even farther abroad than all these lands, what concerns of ours are these conflicts?

[info]boygirlalien in [info]thedoorway

network post: xavin

I don't know that I would recognize peace if I saw it. When was the last time anyone was truly at peace?

[info]bythefiber in [info]thedoorway

network post: beverly katz

In honor of 1941, I'm attempting to recreate my grandparents' recipes. While I know how it's supposed to taste, it's yet to turn out just right. But half the fun is trying.

Filtered: Grey Wardens / Former Grey Wardens
I have been analyzing tainted and untainted blood from the Hawke brothers to isolate and identify what is responsible for the Calling that Grey Wardens eventually experience with the primary goal of developing a method to neutralize or suppress the Calling in Grey Wardens that arrive through the tesseract. I've eliminated pathogens (anything that causes disease) and immunoresponses (how your body fights off illnesses) between the brothers, and I believe I am close to identifying the taint. My writings tonight have twofold purpose.

First, I would like to confirm my hypotheses by also analyzing other samples of Grey Warden blood, to ensure that it is not simply the result of some illness Carver Hawke faced that Garrett Hawke did not and to analyze its effects on the body over time (to see what it looks like in further and less developed cases). I have no magical abilities with which to manipulate your blood, and I will not label or record any results using identifying information, for what good that will do given the small number of Grey Wardens here.

Second, the Stark Expo is coming up this month, and I do believe I could achieve results faster with input and discussion from other scientists. However, I will not discuss any results in public without express permission of everyone whose health could be affected by this information. I may also be able to present the information without identifying which world the disease comes from to offer further protection. But I will need to inquire about that, if you would like that to be a condition.

[info]mostresilient in [info]thedoorway

Filter: Jamie Moriarity
How would my most gifted student feel about a special lesson this evening?

[info]sjw in [info]thedoorway

So when does the Communist Party get its presidential debate?

[info]missparanoia in [info]thedoorway

Network Post; Abigail Brand

I made some banana cookies which you will find in the break-room.

I'm hearing good things about Best Foot Forward and I'm considering going to see tomorrow night, would anyone like to join me?

[info]unshod in [info]thedoorway

network post: tahiri veila

Some of this clothing is more comfortable than what was sold a few days ago. And it's cheap. I'm stocking up.

Filtered: Ahsoka Tano
How about some lightsaber practice tonight? And... if you'd be up for it, regularly. I like your style, and you're many times better than I am.

[info]nomaderwhat in [info]thedoorway

Has anyone seen Steve?