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September 21st, 2015

[info]bythefiber in [info]thedoorway

network post: beverly katz

Now that that's over, I should get my ribs looked at. Not sure whether they're broken or bruised, but if nothing is attacking the tower, I'm going to take the time to have that figured out. It's nothing worth yelling about waiting. I've been injured far worse in elementary school. Don't underestimate pencils.

But boy am I glad to be back to the world of the living, where you can take the elevator in peace.

[info]diplomatist in [info]thedoorway

network post: garrett hawke

I haven't gotten that beat up in a while. It was expected, when monsters are in our home for days on end, but it is something few of us miss, I believe. And thankfully, it looks as though the tower will not have as much clean up required as Kirkwall did and still does. If I can be of assistance to anyone, please let me know. I'm moving slower, but I'm still moving. And if nothing else comes up, I plan on enjoying the sun's warmth today.

Filtered: Thedas
What substitutes have any of you found for elfroot or deep mushroom in this world? They have many kinds of mushrooms and healing herbs. But they have names I am less familiar with. And I would like to make more injury kits, to have on hand to help people. They're easy enough to make with the right ingredients.

Further, how is everyone faring? Many of you stormed into the thick of it as well.

[info]arrowqueen in [info]thedoorway

Who: Oliver Queen
When: Sunday September 20
Where: One of the clinics in the Tower
What: Thinkng
Rating: PG for mention of violence
Status: Complete narrative

Everything hurt )

[info]felixblake in [info]thedoorway

So I take it Potts Tower is back to normal now?

[Filtered to Anne Weaver, Phil Coulson, Maria Hill]
I was thinking about those former agents that turned up last week with the symbols carved into them.

SWORD picked up a painting this summer when we were helping Thor search for that sceptre with the Infinity Stone. On the back it has similar etchings which Fandral and Carol Danvers recognized as part of a map. I can send over pictures, but if you want to come see it in person, Anne has some passes to the base she can work up.
[Filtered to Agents Mulder & Scully]
If both of you are in town right now, I'd like you to go over Potts Tower and see what remains of whatever happened this weekend: structurally, physically, electronically, radiologically, whatever emissions spectra you can think to measure.

Communicate if you have further needs. If there is structural damage, communicate with Stark Industries, but I'm particularly interested if there are any xenobiotic samples to be collected.
[Blandvers (Blake/Brand/EMH Danvers)]
I've seen intermittent posting by Ascension crew, so I'll give a preliminary report here.

There was an incident at Potts Tower wherein everyone those in the Tower on Friday morning were locked inside and perceived the Tower to be a Hell-like dimension with regenerating monsters. There is some evidence to suggest that this was the action of an unidentified powered individual, and Tesseract readings were largely normal. In fact, we've had very little spontaneous generation by the Stone since its surge last month.

While there may not be anything, I have sent Agents Mulder and Scully to investigate the tower and see what evidence of this weekend remains.

Additionally, SHIELD may have a lead on that Chitauri map that was found in June. I'm consulting with a specialist in the matter to see if our finding helps with theirs.

[info]whyamiking in [info]thedoorway

network post: alistair theirin

The dogs are all okay. Even Samson looks like he's just had a fine few days. Still, most dogs are not used to seeing these events, and in case anyone's pets were harmed in any way over the last few days, I have scheduled our veterinarian to come in all day the next few days. Injuries will be highest priority. But we'll also make sure the animals feel okay too, and after that, you can take care of updating any standard care they might need. Please speak with me if your animals need anything.

[info]mostresilient in [info]thedoorway

--How far away from home are you?

[info]forever_marked in [info]thedoorway

While I had no idea what happened these past few days and while it was more then a little frightening I now have both time and calm to introduce myself. I am Evelyn, and come from Thedas and some know me as the Inquisitor. I am very grateful for the opportunity to know so many of my world, and learn of the people of this world and others. As it stands if I am able to be of assistance please let me know.

Trespasser Spoilers below. )

Trespasser Spoilers below. )

[info]chernaya in [info]thedoorway

network post: natasha romanoff

Filtered: LEOPARD
The Doctor's certainly gone downhill. I'd believe two hearts, but really, he seems to have followed the way of the Master. Perhaps he'll be so kind as to lead us to one. Lets keep our distance but eyes on him. The fewer times we need to discharge our weapons, the more likely we are to find prey higher up the food chain.

But really, that went as well as most my trips to Moscow.

[info]barton in [info]thedoorway

hi pleas escan csomeoene help me put my organs back in thansk

where they go nut jsut sanyhwehre


[info]eriklensherr in [info]thedoorway

This is what happens when you fail to elect a leader to preside over your tower.

A free for all. Chaos full of violence and anger the moment the tide turns against you.

What have your leaders done for you lately, Potts Tower?

[info]byebyebourbon in [info]thedoorway

I don't know. I kind of want to see the little guy succeed.

[Filtered to Peggy Carter + Steve Rogers (MCU)]
I'm gonna guess one of ya found what it was you needed in my closet?

[info]hot_shot in [info]thedoorway

Glad that's over with.

[Filtered to: Juno Eclipse, Torunn, and Mayday Parker]

Now that we know the spiders were definitely not on our side...

How are you guys feeling?

[info]extorris in [info]thedoorway

That was, well, that was.

[info]jainasolo in [info]thedoorway

Network Post: Jaina Solo

If anyone needs me, I'll be in a healing trance for oh.....at least a week? No, seriously I don't know how long but hopefully just a day or so.

[info]extremist in [info]thedoorway

Well, after a bunch of metal men and being the opposite gender and all that, I can't say that was the strangest thing to happen here yet. Then again, the world I come from has sort of conditioned me for [...] similar creatures.

The clinic is, as usual, open to anyone who needs assistance -- even if it's just a bruise, it's never a bad idea to have someone take a look and make sure.

    I hope none of you are against working a few extra hours. If you can't, then I won't mind -- I'm quite used to dealing with an influx of patients on my own. However, I would like to spend some time with my boyfriend, so...

[info]zevran in [info]thedoorway

now that that little temper tantrum is over -- the politics in this world seem to be getting rather aggressive lately and still no one has been assassinated yet? how does one expect to rise to power without poisoning their opponents, hm?

[Cora Amell]
    is there anything you need, my love?

[info]girlwonderteen in [info]thedoorway

And the moral of the story is: Creepy old guys with hats are sometimes actually really hard to beat sometimes. And I think I cracked a rib

[info]thunder_girl in [info]thedoorway

Father, Mother Sif, Fandral - you missed many glorious battles.

[info]thisisatriumph in [info]thedoorway

still better then the facility. hey thanks everyone who let me tag along. that was actually kind of fun. i know i don't really have powers but i hope i helped.

[info]cheerhappy in [info]thedoorway

I'm really glad that didn't happen during one of those times the Tesseract decided to mess with our powers.