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September 7th, 2015

[info]demiourgos in [info]thedoorway

[Dr. Strange]
You wouldn't happen to have any Uru just, hanging around being used as a bookend or something, do you?

I need to borrow it if you do.

[info]wehaveinternet in [info]thedoorway

There's something about holidays on Mondays that always make me want to sleep all day.

Especially after last ni

[info]iron in [info]thedoorway

Looks like the men in black, or whatever, have continued to suppress the truth about chemtrails. Also, LaboratoryEquipment.com is worse than Wikipedia for articles to get lost in. I've learned all about drugs that'll protect you from nuclear radiation and the fact that lions are disappearing -- And all I was trying to do was buy a altitude/environmental test chamber.

[Steve Rogers (MCU)]
Have lunch with me today.
[Bruce Banner (MCU)]
How stupid do you think it is to buy expensive second-hand lab stuff off Ebay? Just, as a thought.

[info]kindofcroft in [info]thedoorway

I know I told myself I would be open strange things, but this is taking it a bit far.

I'm looking for some people. Two women, their names are Sam and Reyes, and a bloke named Jonah. If anyone has seen them, please let me know. It's important I find them.

[info]inaraofserenity in [info]thedoorway

Network Post; Inara Serra

[Filter: Serenity crew]
After speaking with Wash, I should like to propose our first weekly film and food night.

I will pick the film this week, but we will rotate around - that way everyone will get to watch something they enjoy, and we shall have a variety of films throughout the month I am certain.

Food can be something we cook ourselves, or simply pizza or some sort of take-out. I'm open to suggestions there.

Say - this upcoming Friday night?

[info]basementman in [info]thedoorway

Network post; Fox Mulder

Sometimes I think the tesseract knows what it's doing and sometimes I think it's just out to fuck with us.

[Filter: Scully]
What do you think the chances are of us getting a weekend off at the same time and together? Or maybe we could ask Brand or Danvers if there's some special assignment in Vancouver or something.

[info]lilspotter in [info]thedoorway

Network Post; Lily Potter

Sometimes I really just want a study break and so I think, oh I'll see a film - but then there really aren't any films that I want to see (that I haven't already seen?) and so I end up watching two hours of television instead and regretting my life choices. I suppose at least I got dinner made out of it this afternoon.

[Filter: Severus]
So did you find out anything about that warehouse?

[Filter: Sirius & Harry]
Would you like to come over for dinner tonight? I'm making a cottage pie and I need to share it with someone!

[info]callmeagent in [info]thedoorway

I have to say, the American habit of using BBQ to celebrate just about anything isn't the worst thing they've come up with.


Well it looks like you're in charge. I'm not sure how well your Peggy was at taking orders.

[info]controlmyown in [info]thedoorway

[Filtered to Carol]
Feeling any better?
[Filtered to Luke]
How are you?
[Filtered to Pietro]
I'm not so sure yet that I like it here, in New York.
[Filtered to Wanda]

[info]falcon in [info]thedoorway

[Bucky Barnes & Steve Rogers (616), Steve Rogers (MCU)]
So here's the deal. The ESD is offering a new class, Avenging 101 that's kind of focused on the younger heroes, or the people who might want to get in on what it is we do.

So far, the class list looks like this: Billy Kaplan, Mindy McCready, James Rogers, Flash Thompson, Claire Bennet & Jon Kasiya -- but I'm sure we'll see a few more before things start to really heat up. (Or if you've got anyone you want to recommend the class to, it might be a good idea)

I'm teaching it, you know, as a kinda seminar, but I thought it might be good to have the rest of you come on in from time to time and talk about what leading the Avengers means and has meant to you, and you know. Give a bit of your own, personal, Captain America spin with in.

'Cept Bucky. You need to not fucking swear in my classroom.

[info]professorxavier in [info]thedoorway

[Academic Advising CHARLIE: James Rogers, Tommy Shepherd, Rory Gilmore, Primrose Everdeen]
Now that classes are starting, if any of you need assistance with the work, if you have any questions about what you need to do, or are looking for any kind of work placement or other extra curricular activities - do let me know how I can do anything with you.