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August 27th, 2015

[info]rocketing in [info]thedoorway

What kind of ridiculous attempt at a weapon is this? It's so flimsy, it could be snapped in half. It's also impossible to ignore how terrible it smells. It was worse than the trash in that alleyway. Why would any planet provide its elderly creatures with such a thing?? And who told them it was smart to run around with it?! Or run at people with it! Who does that kind of thing?

[info]honestapples in [info]thedoorway

network post: applejack

(ooc: posted around 2am)

[Private: Steve Rogers (MCU)]
    I beg of your pardon, Mr. Rogers, but my name is Applejack in 202 and my apartment's been broken in to while my sister and I were out. I'm still new here and I don't really know what to do about it. Any help would be much appreciated.

[info]noproofneeded in [info]thedoorway

It seems that being known in this world is not an entirely bad thing. I have gained employment with a firm that both restores and produces frescoes for commercial and residential places, as well as for artistic purposes. They have had some specific requests for frescoes like those I have done in the game, as it is here. No doubt these prospective clients will be pleased to be able to receive the real thing. Indeed, I was pleased to find that there is a similar form of fresco painting used here so obtaining the materials I require should be quite easy.

[info]ororo in [info]thedoorway

After the Labor Day holiday, the ESD will be resuming classes for the fall term. Minors under the age of 18 are required to register for 12-18 hours of courses, with some concentration on actual academic courses: mathematics, science, literature, social sciences, etc as opposed to entirely more physical, practical, or special interest courses. Unless they have registered with an external New York City School.

cut, not filtered, For Students )

For Everyone
Individual courses may be taught and reinstate the 1,000 per month stipend received by new arrivals and minors, though we also support several full time positions for those teaching 3 or more courses. While we can and will hire outside staff, we give preferential hiring to refugees. If anyone would like, we are currently looking to fill two Advisor positions and the following courses:
Algebra, Anthropology, Calculus, Geography of this World, Human Mythology, Modern Education in this world, and Spanish
Recently Added Courses: Aerial combat, Economics, Human Anatomy & Physiology, Modern Introduction to Law, Self-Defense
We are open to new classes though classes may be removed from the roster if there is a lack of interest. Thank you for your time and attention.

[info]hottestalpha in [info]thedoorway

I'm not sure how many are around, but I'd like to extend the offer of joining me this full out of town where we can safely hunt if any would like to join me.

[info]veritywillis in [info]thedoorway

Oh my GOD. I just woke up dead. Sort of. I don't -- ugh.

[Loki (616)]

I don't -- I just.

I need to talk to someone. Hi.

[info]doesyoursdothat in [info]thedoorway

Network Post: Ezra Bridger

Looks like I'm going to be busy between school, doing stuff with the play and whatever else goes on around here.

[Ghost Crew]

Here's what I signed up for. Tell me if this is good or if I need to change because I'm wasn't sure what I was doing.

Aircraft and flight procedures-Even if it's not spacecraft, it's all there is to fly around here.
Chemistry- because Sabine's taking it. I guess I could use this?
Geography of this World - I don't know where anything is so this'll be good.
Military Tactics and Strategy - Self explanatory.
Modern History of this World - Kind of goes with geography?
Vigilantism and the Law - Sounded like something I might need
English Composition

Is that enough? Do I need another class? Help me out guys.

[info]lastmutanthope in [info]thedoorway

[Nathan Summers]
They said I had to sign up for classes.
[Laura Kinney]
I went ahead and signed up for some classes that sounded kind of interesting.

[info]myeuhmuh in [info]thedoorway

Omg, I'm going to be an intern for the rest of my life.

[info]cheerhappy in [info]thedoorway

[Filtered to under 18s!]

What: Toga Pool Party!
Where: 13th Floor Pool!
When: Saturday 9/5/15 6pm-11pm!
Why: The summer's almost over and school's about to start. Why not?
Bring your favorite Greek food and drink (no alcohol) and wear your togas! Best one will get a prize at the end of the night!