July 2016



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July 1st, 2015

[info]thevenomchoseme in [info]thedoorway

Aw yeah. That great time of year again to narrow down where to watch the fireworks. Although I got a lot more options this time

[info]dumblebee in [info]thedoorway

I had a great deal of fun at Pride last week. I've never seen anything like it or been to anything like it. I'll admit I was a bit hesitant at first but I only needed to mention my name and the reaction was extraordinary. I did get called 'Ickle Dumbles' quite a lot but it was rather funny so I don't mind.

[info]amartinelli in [info]thedoorway

I finally signed up to this Netflix website and I am not sure if it is a good idea or not so far.

Peggy Carter
Hi English.

Haven't seen you in awhile I figured you were off doing something you can't talk about right? If you do see this I hope everything is alright with you.

Howard Stark & Edward Jarvis

I do hope your trip went well.

Delivery for Donna Noble
A box of English Tea leaves and a note reading,

Dear Ms Noble,

Thank you for giving me the opportunity to work for you. I very much appreciate it.

Angie Martinelli

[info]summersgirl in [info]thedoorway

Network post; Buffy Summers

[Filter: Tony Stark, Pepper Potts, Stark Charity People]
So, my sister and I noticed in the stipends that we get, the normally $1000 stipends, that they're a little bit more than that this month, and by a little bit more, I mean quite a bit more.

And that's totally cool if we're getting some sort of summer bonus thing, but it was a lot more, and I thought I should probably make certain it was an actual legitimate thing before booking flights to Cancun or something.

[Filter: Sam Winchester]
So how goes life with the dog and the fetching rabbit?

[Filter (ETA): Dawn Summers]
If Xander ever shows up we'll have a story to tell him about that one time Iron Man totally just gave us $10,000.

[info]walterblythe in [info]thedoorway

Happy Canada Day

I know that the 4th of July is this weekend, and everyone is getting ready to celebrate with a Friday off work and some fireworks, and that's probably gripping your attention -- but I just wanted to take a moment to talk about something else.

Today, my country turns 148. Today is Canada Day. Commemorating the joining of the British North American colonies of Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, and the Province of Canada into a federation of four provinces. Technically speaking, however, Canada remained under British rule, quietly gaining more and more power to govern herself until 1982 - When the Canada Act was passed by the UK, finally allowing the Canadian federal government to "patriate" Canada's constitution, ending the necessity for Canada to request amendments to her Constitution be made by the British parliament.

So we were born in 1867, but it was really 1982 when we finally shook off English dependance. Which, really, might seem a bit less exciting than wars for Independence and Sovereignty but so far, it's worked for us.

Canada has become one of the freest countries with wide civil support for it's citizens, Capital punishment was abolished in 1976 -- in 1977 Quebec prohibited discrimination based on sexual orientation, and the rest of Canada quickly followed, it was also defined to include discrimination based on gender identity -- In 2001, Ontario legalised Same-Sex marriage, and within 5 years, so had the rest of the country. Canada has no legal restrictions on abortion, and they can be covered by provincial health care plans.

Our military now engages primarily in peacekeeping operations and the protection of human rights in other countries, and involvement with the UN efforts.

And while Canada has made many missteps over the years regarding the treatment of the First Nations people in our country, immigrants and immigration and we still have leaps and bounds to go as a country to completely end discrimination and bring true equality to it's citizens (there is a wage gap, in Canada - which our Pay Equity Act has decreased but not eliminated) I do want to take today to surrender to our accomplishments, praise the ways in which we've tried to correct our mistakes, and be proud to be Canadian.

If you want to have a drink with me and my lovely boyfriend, You'll find us at the Ontario LLC bar, on 559 Grand St in Brooklyn. Because where else would you find an ironic Canadian dive bar, if not Brooklyn?

[info]mr_jarvis in [info]thedoorway

Please take note that Mr Howard Stark and I will no longer be residing at Potts Tower. Our new address is 20 East End Avenue, penthouse suite 7C.

Still recovering from jet lag, but pushing forward.

Private to Donna Noble )

Private to Asuna Yuuki )

Private to Tony Stark )

[info]harvelle in [info]thedoorway

I'm looking to hire on a couple extra people at the The Roadhouse, so if you have bartending, serving, or cooking experience, come down and see me tod tomor Sunday.

[Johnny Storm]
Hey, I think I forgot to mention this, but so you know: I moved down the hall to 1910. My friend Sam's brother and friend got sent home, and we're from the same world and all, so he asked if I'd be his roommate and I figured I'd keep him company.

[info]zevran in [info]thedoorway

i hear that naked cliff diving is the hot new thing this summer. who wants to join me?

    that was a rather boring trip. by comparison of our past journeys, of course. you have ruined me in this way -- not one single dragon or threat of impending world doom. at this rate, i yawn in the face of danger if it isn't on fire or giant and scaly.

    but that peter fellow is quite nice to look at.

[info]unaskedquestion in [info]thedoorway

[Filtered to Kate Beckett]
So Purtell wanted to issue a thanks to your guys for showing up the other night. You weren't hit too hard were you?
[Filtered to Ashley Williams]
I'm gonna be late again tonight.

[info]caramacmanus in [info]thedoorway

Where's a good place to be this weekend if a person is looking to avoid hearing or seeing the fireworks?

[info]anakinsolo in [info]thedoorway

Network Post; Anakin Solo

[Filter: Rikki]
It is so very, very weird to not have to go to classes every day, but it makes me feel like I should be doing something serious, so I got a notebook, and I've been planning out our entire lives, and then I realized I should probably include you in that process.

Do you want Thai food? I had Thai food on the plan for tonight, but the plan is flexible.

[info]steelskin in [info]thedoorway

Who: Kitty Pryde and Piotr Rasputin
When: (backdated) June 4thish.
Where: Kitty's apartment at Potts
What: Kitty decides to read Harry Potter to Piotr. That doesn't end up happening, though.
Rating: PG

does this mean we’re on the same page? )

[info]youcanseeme in [info]thedoorway

The spirits of this world are so different.

I've never met one of boxes before.

[info]demiourgos in [info]thedoorway

[Teddy Altman]

[info]allflashnoheat in [info]thedoorway

Network Post: Dorian Pavus

I do not know who is behind this badly planned, poor idea of a joke, but I was in the middle of something important. And I would be most pleased if you would return me before someone, namely The Bull, claims my part of the spoils.

Of course, they tell me the Inquisitor is here. It is telling that she would be involved in this mess.

[info]thisisatriumph in [info]thedoorway

this is very different from the facility.

hello, i am chell. it's nice not being alone.

[info]mr_jarvis in [info]thedoorway


[Edwin purchased multiple gifts for people while in Japan, and they were delivered today. Those who are away will find them when they return. Image Heavy]

Miss Peggy Carter )Miss Angie Martinelli )Miss Donna Noble )Miss Kate Bishop )Miss Asuna Yuuki )Miss Pepper Potts )Captain Steve Rogers 616 )Captain Jack Harkness )Sergeant 'Dum Dum' Dungan )Doctor Bruce Banner )Mr Wesley Wyndam-Pryce )

[info]lastmutanthope in [info]thedoorway

Hi [...] I'm Hope. The people at SWORD said I could talk to other people on this and showed me a little bit about how to use this - I think I'm doing this right?

[info]gofuckyourself in [info]thedoorway

[Steve Rogers (616)]
Come get your dogs.

I'm leaving.

[info]freezeorexplode in [info]thedoorway

I can't believe it is already July and that the holiday is only a couple days away. Time seems to really fly here.

Sam's will have holiday themed drinks, in both alcoholic and non-alcoholic varieties, through the weekend.

[info]loveandjustice in [info]thedoorway

Yesterday was such a fun birthday! I convinced Luna to come with me to the lobby to enjoy the ball pit and I think she had a lot of fun. It would have been better if Violet were still here, but it was still a fun day!

[info]castlewriter in [info]thedoorway

Today my mini me is six months old. I can't believe it. Has it really been six months already? Are we really sure it's July? This place can be weird and I would not be surprised if time became a little screwed up. Though we do have the Doctor here. He's a great guy to have around. Anyway, Noah's a six month old and before I know it he will be on the move.

[Floors 7 & 8]

A big hello for those of you newly arrived. I'm Rick Castle and I'm your Housing Assistant. If there is anything you need, feel free to stop by 810. I am almost always here to help you out.

[info]movingspeeches in [info]thedoorway

Sharon Carter (616) )

Rikki Barnes (616) )

Bucky Barnes (616) )

Edwin Jarvis )

Tony Stark:

[info]harvardbound in [info]thedoorway

Made my own pot of coffee to start the day. I am going to miss my free coffee from Brew Ha Ha. I am fortunate that my year of free coffee went almost a full year before they left. Will another coffee shop move in? I really like the convenience.

[info]killingurges in [info]thedoorway

network post: Laura Kinney

Where are you going?

[OOC: Laura has been spending her free time following Logan, using the city smells and sounds to cover her presence.]

[info]barton in [info]thedoorway

So I was trying to read like a real news story. On a website. On a news thing. Like, with stuff. News stuff. Although i think it was on the daily mail so i guess not really news stuff. News-like stuff.

Except I don't remember what it was or anything about it or if I ever found the article because this happened.

Frankly there is nothing I could have been looking up that would have been more important or interesting than spontaneous dolphin attacks.

[info]steelskin in [info]thedoorway

-- I heard your bike, friend
-- Are you ever coming back?

[info]besthawkeye in [info]thedoorway

Edwin Jarvis:

THIS THING IS AWESOME. Where did you find this?

Clint Barton (616): Hey, come see my new toy.