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June 1st, 2015

[info]falcon in [info]thedoorway

[Pepper Potts (616)]
So, you got any time off while Tony's still away on that honeymoon of his?
[Mindy McCready]
Hey girl, I'm Sam Wilson, otherwise known as Captain America. You'll be able to tell me apart from the other two Captain Americas, 'cause I'm the one with wings.

Right now, you've been put in to my team, the Outstanding Avengers, alongside Roy Harper, Oliver Queen and the all-times brilliant Wanda Maximoff. But I wanted to take a minute to introduce myself and see if you got any questions.

[info]makewayduckling in [info]thedoorway

Who: Primrose & Katniss Everdeen!
When: Evening 31 May, 2015
Where: Potts Tower
What: Sisters reunite
Rating: A for AWWWWW

Prim knew in real life that death came with more fire and screaming )

[info]homosuperior in [info]thedoorway

[Telepathic communication with Charles Xavier]
Get out of my head, Charles

[info]sistagirl in [info]thedoorway

How do y'all deal with the stress that comes from knowing when your show is coming back? I really don't think I can handle watching myself on TV and not being able to do anything. Maybe I'll visit Mr. Lee Daniels and make sure he don't get cute.

[info]mykindastupid in [info]thedoorway

Filter: River Tam

Hey, little one. How you holdin up?

[info]summersgirl in [info]thedoorway

Network Post; Buffy Summers

So when Giles was going on about opening between opening gates between dimensions, he was all hellbeasts, end of world, terrible demons, and he kinda sorta forgot to mention Captain America and Luke Skywalker.

So hey, I'm Buffy.

[info]anakinsolo in [info]thedoorway

Network Post; Anakin Solo

[Filter: Skywalker/Solo Family, Rikki, & Jon]
Hey. Has anyone heard from Jaina recently?

I can still feel her, so I know she hasn't left, but she hasn't responded to my filter, or my texts, or like, anything...

[info]noproofneeded in [info]thedoorway

Greetings. This is singular place and arriving here was a singular experience. I am Solas and I have been told this machine will allow me to communicate with others here.

[info]lovethatturret in [info]thedoorway

Whoa, this place is so not the border worlds, let alone Pandora. Too clean and neat. And boring. I've been here for several hours and no one has shot at me or thrown an axe at me or tossed dynamite at my face. Okay, that last one was just Tina and I totally deserved it.

So, I'm Axton.

[info]ktbecks in [info]thedoorway

WHO: Kate Beckett and Richard Castle
WHERE: Union Square
Rating: Low
Summary: Castle has developed the Force. Kate is skeptical. There is coffee and a cute baby.

Kate was pretty sure the Castle family had now reached the pinnacle of Star Wars fandom..... )

[info]lauraroslin in [info]thedoorway

With the weather improving I've been thinking it might be nice to go out of town for a day or so, visit parks and zoos and the sort. Would anyone be interested in joining me?

[info]felicity_smoak in [info]thedoorway

So with Chloe back does this mean there's a chance you'll get back together with her?

Female Friends
You know it's been forever since I've been on a date. I think I should fix this except I don't really know any available guys....

[info]_nofuture_ in [info]thedoorway

Filter: Steve Rogers (616)

I did what you asked. I accepted the Professor's help, and will be seeing him once or twice a week.

[info]amartinelli in [info]thedoorway

Well this is certainly an interesting situation. Now, I suppose I should introduce myself. I'm Angie Martinelli and I was told that I'm seventy years in the future which is rather unexpected to say the least. Must remain calm. I've been told there's people here that I know though?

[info]stormrichards in [info]thedoorway

Embezzlement scams? In construction? In New York City, of all places!
Goodness, gracious. Now I think I've seen everything. I am so utterly shocked, I can't contain even an ounce of my surprise.

[Violet Parr]
Hello, Violet Parr. My name is Sue Ri Storm. And I wanted to take a second to say hi, and welcome you to this crazy place.

[Faith Lehane + Kitty Pryde]
So, I've heard you two are the latest recruits for the PTYC.

I'm Sue, one of the co-directors here, and I'd love to get to know both of you better. Maybe we can talk about ideas for the centre of things you'd both like to do here. The experiences you'd like to take away from this kind of a place, you know. That stuff.

This isn't a job interview or anything. It's just we're a small staff, so I feel like it's a good idea that we all get to know each other.

[info]serzhant in [info]thedoorway

» This is much more delayed than I'd planned, but I'm back on home soil.
» I remember there being an offer of steak and vodka on the table.

[info]clairetemple in [info]thedoorway

To: Anders@PottsTower.Com
From: Dr. Claire Temple
Subject: Clinic Position, Potts Tower
Attachment: CV.pdf

you have 1 new message )

[info]slayersocialwrk in [info]thedoorway

Tonight seems like a good night to go out. You in, Lando? Anyone else? I've got something to celebrate.

[Rachel Summers]
Hey, Red - I got the job I mentioned. I'm going to be counseling teens at the Tower. And some in the city, too.
[Laura Kinney]
Hey, how you holding up?
So B ask about me yet?
You're quiet lately. And I forgot to ask - when's the wedding?

[info]benkenobi in [info]thedoorway

Perhaps the greatest lesson any of us can hope to learn is that we never stop learning. There are, and will always be, mysteries. There are, and will always be, that which we cannot hope to entirely understand or accept.

The second a person believes they know everything, I think, is the same moment they should instead just admit that they've failed to see the universe for what it truly is.

[Anakin Skywalker]
There is something that we should

There's been a development that you deserve to be made aware of.

[info]lionheart in [info]thedoorway

I need a job. I was crowned queen in my world, though I see no use for a queen here. I have been a blacksmith, a guard, a trader, and a bounty hunter. I use magic, guns, and swords. Your technology is strange, but I have seen stranger and I learn fast.

    You will remove the labels from the kitchen.

[info]kathrynjaneway in [info]thedoorway

First of all, is there anyone here who plays tennis? I'm interested in picking it up again.

Also is anyone here familiar with quantam cosmology?

Would you want to join me for lunch at some point?

[info]phased in [info]thedoorway

I was wandering around a lovely second-hand bookstore today, and I found this poem in a collection. It really stuck with me.

“Dear Future You,
Hold on. Please.
Love, Me.

Dear Current You,
I’m holding on. But it hurts.
Love, Me.

Dear Past You,
I held on. Thank you.
Love, Me.”
— Iain Thomas, I Wrote This For You

[Logan + Ororo]
I need some advice, if you don't mind...

[info]askxphoebe in [info]thedoorway

I need to start taking vacations more often. My advice has never been better and Im not stressing as much anymore.