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May 25th, 2015

[info]caramacmanus in [info]thedoorway

Hi, I'm Mindy, I'm 18 years old and an Aquarius, and when I grow up I want to be a superhero... Nah, I'm just playing. Look, I'm not sure what kind of crazy kidnap scheme or alternate world shit this is, but if I could get my toys back that would be great...

Whatever. I think I'm supposed to find some guy named Logan Howlett, since he's my advisor...? Also, this apartment is woefully lacking in snacks and drinks, where's the best place to get pizza around here and can I charge it to this fancy card?

[info]razorclaws in [info]thedoorway

I want a rematch for that football game because someone can't figure out whether he won or not. And this time, the shirts stay ON, because it is still not nearly summer yet to enjoy the weather without shivering. You boys are back to normal instead of jacked up like whoa anyway.

Seriously though, where the heck is summer? I didn't put away my hoodies for this.

[info]stevenuniverse in [info]thedoorway


Oh my gosh...

it's beautiful

[ooc: i promise it's safe]

[info]iron in [info]thedoorway

Sent around 4am


[info]sonofthrain in [info]thedoorway

My nephews would have been far better at this but the tesseract saw fit to take them back so I will do the best I can. I run Durin's Forge. If you require a weapon, armour or shield, I can make it for you. I also make jewelry and other ornaments. I would welcome any other smiths or craftsmen or women if you have need of space and equipment and I am also in need of a shop assistant, if someone is requiring work.

[Filtered to Darcy]
I enjoyed the Indian food and your company. Perhaps we could do that again?


[info]rebeldawn in [info]thedoorway

Network Post; Hera Syndulla

I keep thinking how odd it is to see a Wookiee on the front of a magazine cover, until I realize it isn't a Wookiee, it's a man in a suit that looks like a Wookiee, and then I return to how homogeneous sentient life in this galaxy appears to be. & perhaps it's just because this planet has no experience with other planets near it that it's this way, but I still haven't quite gotten used to being human.

[info]caramacmanus in [info]thedoorway

It feels weird to say Happy Memorial Day, considering what the day represents, but I can't think of how else to put it. Thank you to those who died keeping our freedoms safe, and while it's not the proper day for it thank you to those who still fight.

For those of you who are having cookouts, if you decide to set off fireworks just remember that to people who suffer from PTSD fireworks can be upsetting because of how similar they sound to gunshots, so be careful. Wouldn't want to accidentally upset someone and cause a problem if it can be avoided.

under cut for f-list )

[info]neurarchitect in [info]thedoorway

I want a vacation. Does anyone know any good scientific conventions coming up somewhere with a beach?

Neuroscience prefered, but I could probably manage psych, mental, biophysics, or broad based.

[info]mykindastupid in [info]thedoorway

Delivery for Steve Rogers(mcu)

With a note that reads: Lady at the flower shop said they'd deliver so from someone with as much mud under his nails to another. Capt. Mal )

[info]walterblythe in [info]thedoorway

[Basil Hallward]
And how do you feel in the cold light of this day?

[info]specimen in [info]thedoorway

You're the emblem of the land I love, the home of the free and the brave.

WHO: Completely open!
WHEN: May 25th, 10AM - 6PM
WHERE: Avenger's Mansion
WHAT: A Memorial Day get barbecue and fundraiser to help benefit the Mayday House. (A separate booth for donations to the USO has been setup as well, as per Steve's request.)
Ev'ry heart beats true 'neath the Red, White and Blue )

[info]gofuckyourself in [info]thedoorway

Every year Memorial Day rolls around, and every year I got mixed feelings. Same with Armistice Day, I guess. See, the thing is, as much as appreciate the days to remember who fought, who served an who died...

It just never fails to remind me how little people think about the troops, living or dead, until they're told to.

I fought in at 3 4 ...6? a couple wars in my day. Every damn one of them shoulda been the last that ever needed fighting -- so I think the best we could do today -- the best we can do every day -- is what we need to to make the list of names read our or remembered on Memorial Day stop growing.

[info]furrybluefriend in [info]thedoorway

[X-men and affiliated mutants]
It has dawned on me that no one has taken over the sort of census of mutants who have come and gone since Rachel left. So I went though the calibration data for Cerebro and pulled the list.

Obviously, this should be kept within our community. On the plus side, it's half a guest list for a memorial day cookout :)

[info]neversaidpilot in [info]thedoorway

I don't get a chance to talk about him nearly enough -- or usually choose not to -- but even after a couple of years it's hard not to remember my boy, Riley, on this day. It was hard not to like him within five minutes of meeting him.. the guy just knew how to win people over with his dumb jokes. Seriously.. they were pretty dumb jokes, but you found yourself rolling your eyes at him all while not taking too much offense because you had to try to lighten the mood a bit out there.

Riley and I were assigned to the 58th Rescue Squadron. We were pretty much starting at the same time. You think you could do all the research before joining the Armed Forces and know what you're expecting? No, there is probably nothing that could ever prepare you for it. It was pretty important to know that you weren't going though that overwhelming feeling alone. Riley was there every step of the way. It was my idea to become pararescuemen. It was his idea to try out the Falcon suit. "Jet Packs, Wilson. Actual winged jet packs," he said, trying to convince me over, looking like he stepped right into a sci-fi movie. Truth be told, it really wouldn't have taken much to get me to sign up for it. Have you seen those things? You might, today.

There's a lot to carry on your shoulders when you serve. I don't just mean that physically while being a pararescueman. There's joy out there when you find your men, and bring families back together but also a lot of heaviness when you can't. The most important thing is having someone to share that heaviness with you. My boy had a lot of friends.. we all carried the weight of his loss together that day, and some of us still do.

Here's to you, Riley. Thanks for being one hell of a trooper.

[info]therealnickfury in [info]thedoorway


Still needed New York side?

[Natasha(MCU), Clint Barton (MCU), Maria Hill]

Captain America owes me some potato salad.


Coulson's girl, the hacker. What's your read?

[info]landocalrissian in [info]thedoorway

Anyone seen that bishwag, Han Solo?