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April 25th, 2015

[info]specimen in [info]thedoorway

unknown future, it's scaring me. so now this is all that i can be.

Who: Bucky Barnes (MCU) and Steve Rogers (MCU)
When: Backdated to April 23 because I suck part 2, following this conversation
Where: Bucky's place
What: Movies and Haribo because they are grown ass men
Rating: TBD? I mean it is Steve and Bucky
Status: In-progress
Instead of making a fast run, trying to make this heart come undone. )

[info]masterburglar in [info]thedoorway

Well, that was quite exciting. I can't remember a time when I found myself unintentionally on someone else's doorstep. It's quite an interesting way to meet people though, wouldn't you all agree?

[info]mercilessworld in [info]thedoorway

I'm so...confused. I think I understand how Eren felt when he had his dreams. Maybe. They are certainly different, though.

I'm not sure why I dreamed this. Maybe from being in this world for so long now. I was in high school, top student. Eren was a...what's the word they used? A football player? Commander Erwin was a teacher. Can someone tell me what's the point of a cheerleader?

[info]agent14 in [info]thedoorway

Seems as though nature has taken a firm opinion in favour of the Anti-mimesis philosophy; following in the footsteps of the divine artist and artisan Henson.

[info]legacy in [info]thedoorway

[Star Wars + Merrill & Johanna Mason]
    Normally my dreams include sinister looking storm-covered planets and being shot at, but last night I experienced one that was...very different. Anyone else experiencing this or am I finally going insane?

[info]felicity_smoak in [info]thedoorway

I've kept it quiet but I'm now working for the Police doing Computer Forensics and anything else they need me to do. I'm looking forward to it.

Friends* (All Arrow/Flash people, Chloe and well free feel to assume)
Guess who I met!

Lunch tomorrow?

Thank you for what you did. I do very much appreciate it. If you need anything do let me know?

[info]therealnickfury in [info]thedoorway

[Jade, Hill, Sitwell, Romanoff(MCU), Barton (MCU)]

Any of you have some interesting, likely tesseract inspired dreams last night?

[info]demiourgos in [info]thedoorway

[Dr. Strange]
Hey, uh. You busy?

[info]falcon in [info]thedoorway

[Outstanding Avengers + Young Avengers & Roy Harper, Pietro Maximoff]
The Latverian Embassy sure has a nice way a saying thank you. Guess I shouldn't be too surprised. What do we know about that place in this universe, anyway?

[info]makaalbarn in [info]thedoorway

So, that was an interesting dream. I actually rather liked the clothes. I really wish those hadn't of been just a dream.

[info]doctorbanner in [info]thedoorway

Who: Bruce Banner (MCU)
When: Friday night/Saturday morning
Where: The cold-hearted streets of the city love forgot His bedroom.
What: A dream!
Rating: Low; tobacco, alcohol, and possibly the use of the word "gams."

It smells like foreboding - and bourbon. )

[info]jailhouserocker in [info]thedoorway


Voting's from now until tomorrow at 7 pm. Results will be announced after polls close.

[info]lastliving in [info]thedoorway

Who: Johanna Mason and Revan
When: RIGHT NOW. Idk. TBD.
Where: Johanna's apartment.
What: Johanna gave Revan permission to access her memories with the Force. Let's see how that goes.
Rating: It's the Hunger Games. Probably should slap a Trigger Warning on this one. Talks of death/murder and torture.


[info]iron in [info]thedoorway

Who: Tony Stark
When: Friday Night
Where: Dreamland
What: Rain can wash away blood, but it can't touch sins
Rating: PG-13.

Beautiful, but deceptive )