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April 15th, 2015

[info]scienceloyalist in [info]thedoorway

[Melinda May]
Just checking in to let you know I'll be very much not available for most of tomorrow. I hope that's all right!

Also, I'm sad about

[info]parrviolet in [info]thedoorway

Hello, Potts Tower! For those of you that do not know me yet, hi! My name is Violet Parr, and I am here to announce that I am running for Youth Representative. If there was a chance you've missed it, Alex Vause has been holding nominations for a variety of seats for our very own board! It's an excellent way for our voices to be heard and to make a difference for everyone here at Pott's Tower. I'm not sure if nominations are still being accepted, but either way I encourage everyone to look over that entry.

Now, as I have mentioned, I am running for Youth Representative. This position, no matter who holds it, is incredibly important for the youth here in Potts Tower. We need someone to voice our concerns and to look out for our interests. I believe I am the representative the youth is looking for. I have held positions in STuCo in my home world as Freshman & Sophmore representative. I have also lived here in New York City for a year now, and I have seen a lot in my time here. I have worked hard in class, and I fought hard to keep the city safe. I would like to go further for you. I have seen the challenges we face here, especially in the youth. I know what it's like first hand to arrive here with no friends and no family. I know what it's like to feel unimportant and invisible (pun intended!). I have worked along side youth and adults during my time here, and I know I can a difference. I would like your vote for Youth Representative to prove to you all that we can make positive changes here. We may not know if/when we'll be sent home, but until that time comes, this is our home. It's time to make our new home great!

I would like to invite the youth to stop by room 1804 on Thursday evening from 5pm to 8pm for a Meet & Greet. Snacks of course will be included, I encourage you to stop by, say hi, and let's start talking about how we can make some positive changes around here! I hope to see everyone there!

[info]cheerhappy in [info]thedoorway

[Filtered to Teddy]
So I need a hand with something.

[info]eriklensherr in [info]thedoorway

Friends, mutant brothers, and those who have been powered by the white event:

Our moment in history has arrived.

We all have felt the sting of human hatred, seen the fear and disgust behind their eyes, hidden like beaten animals longing for the light. We have lived too long in the shadow of humanity, consumed by darkness and fear. No more! This world is our world. I am tired of seeing things as they are and asking why. I am tired of dreaming of things that never were, and asking why not. We have the power to make our dreams reality, and we shall do it together!

Homo Sapiens, listen carefully: your time as this world's dominant species is limited. Let this election mark the end of the reign of human terror as the people rise up as one to reclaim our power!

The defeat of my fellow nominees will serve as a warning to any others who refuse to recognize their new position in the coming global order. Fall in line and your vote will be counted. Oppose us, and your destruction will be swift.

Vote for Magneto for Potts Tower president.

[info]yogammagamma in [info]thedoorway

-- you did not tell me
-- we had a son

[info]fereldenshero in [info]thedoorway

There's a strange comfort in the fact that no matter how different this universe is that there will always be taxes.

[info]nomaderwhat in [info]thedoorway

Has anyone seen Bucky? And his Cap?

There's no one here. Steve the eagle is freaking out

[info]hot_shot in [info]thedoorway

network post; johnny storm

Guess who's birthday it is?

Drinks are on me. Party starts at midnight at Cielo.

[info]sciencedivision in [info]thedoorway

It would seem Senator Raleigh seems more interested in keeping his name in the papers than in actually doing anything worthwhile to help those who have been empowered within this city.

[White Team, Nick Fury(616), Chloe Sullivan, and Mona Vanderwaal]

Have we made any progress?

[info]skrullkree in [info]thedoorway

When do I start?

[info]jainasolo in [info]thedoorway

Network Post: Jaina Solo

Hello everybody. My name is Jaina Solo and I'm running for Vice President of the Tenant Board here at the Tower. I realize that I haven't met a lot of you and your first thought is likely to be "Aren't you a little young for this?" The answer to that is no. I'm twenty and back home being twenty means that you've probably already been through at least one war. Or in my case before I came here, still fighting one. So I'm more mature than you might think.

I know that as Vice President my main function will be to support the President whoever he or she might be in whatever decisions that they make. I promise I'll do that but I also promise that if I don't agree, I'll let them know. I'm not afraid to speak up and if I should be elected, please come to me if you have concerns and I will make sure they are heard.

I'm not good at campaign speeches and this is about the best I can do. If you'd like to meet me and talk to me in person, I'll be on the thirteenth floor tonight with my brother, Anakin. He's bringing brownies and I'm bringing the puppy.

Which is my way of saying. Meet my new friend Rogue, I stopped by the shelter today and I couldn't resist him.

[info]vicious_bitch in [info]thedoorway

How could I possibly tell him no?

[info]oldfossil in [info]thedoorway

network post; Obi-Wan Kenobi

Filtered: Mara Jade & Luke Skywalker
At the risk of having my voice lost in the field of campaign speeches, I have a proposal upon which I'd like your input. I believe that it's time to reform the Jedi Order. There are more than enough of us here to start a training rota of sorts, and there is more than enough incentive to keep us all accountable. We need to be prepared, should something from our galaxy come through the Tesseract or should one of our own go rogue.

I know that we cannot revive the Old Order, nor do I believe that is necessary. If we were to work together, we might devise a means, however, of giving some sense of normalcy to those for whom the Jedi Order was a way of life.

Filtered: Anakin Skywalker
It has been too long, my friend. Might I invite you and Padmé to dinner sometime?

[info]ocorellia in [info]thedoorway

network post; Han Solo

Poker night's still on. Think we could use it after the month we've had.

[info]gofuckyourself in [info]thedoorway

ETA Ottawa Senators are leading right now. I don't know what to make of this. If it lasts any longer, I guess it's safe to say that heatwave in Montreal has just gone to their heads and made 'em all forget how to skate.

ETA 2 Montreal's got their game back 2-1.

ETA 3 Damn it, Ottawa tied it up.

Montreal, 4. Sens 2 3

[info]freezeorexplode in [info]thedoorway

Good evening Potts Tower. For those of you who don't know who I am, I am Piper Halliwell. Some of you may or may not know that Sam Merlotte of Sam's Bar and Grill has returned through the tesseract. Sam's is still open and the only thing changing is the management as I will be taking over. New refugees (those 21 and older) still get their first drink free. If you want to reserve the smaller rooms, just let me know and I'll set it up for you. If you need a job, experience or no, I have positions open.

[info]winter in [info]thedoorway

What has Stark done now?

[info]slayersocialwrk in [info]thedoorway

Been a long time, Big Apple.

[info]favere in [info]thedoorway

I am fascinated by this world, but there is very little to do here. So I have decided to spend some of my time attempting to share a view of the world with some of you. Teaching seems a noble profession indeed, and not in conflict with my primary mission.

My name is Hannah, and I will be teaching the Geography class to the students of this tower. I understand that you have already gotten through most of the school year, but I hope to have some time to travel with you before it is over. I do not think you can truly understand any part of Earth until you have been here. I had a perfect view of it from Heaven, but being down here has taught me so much more about it.

However, I must conserve my energy for we will not be traveling immediately. I will let you know when that will be possible. In the meantime-- I hope you understand the geography of this place well enough so as not to feel completely lost in it.

I must return the animals at some point, you know. Except for Princess Fluffles, of course. I hope that does not make you too sad.

It can wait until after Castiel is healed. I should not waste any of my power before then, even to bring them home.

[info]fourstarsaiyan in [info]thedoorway

Um. Oops. Is anyone good at fixing things?

There might be something broken in the gym in Potts Tower. I didn't mean to, I swear!

[ooc: Goku was trying his best at restraining himself and didn't do such a good job. Anyone using Potts Tower probably would have heard a crash, especially those living on the lower floors, where he brought down a few training punching bags. They broke a hole in a wall.]

[info]mercilessworld in [info]thedoorway

Check in, please. This places gives as much as it takes, it seems. In that sense, it's no different than the cruel world I left behind to come here. If I know you, let me know you're still here.

[Fantastic Avengers]

Are you all still here?