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April 11th, 2015

[info]iron in [info]thedoorway

[James Potter and/or Sirius Black. In truth, Tony Stark considers you to be like... one person]
Hello Marauders.

I need a favour and I feel like you might be the guys to ask.

[info]lilspotter in [info]thedoorway

Network Post; Lily Potter

[Filter: Severus Snape]
Sev, can I ask you something?

[info]killtheswitch in [info]thedoorway

Are you free on Wednesday?

[info]threadtheneedle in [info]thedoorway

Good morning! This is your pilot-- I mean, housing assistant-- speaking. I'll be taking care of you all from here on out, and I'll do my best to make it as smooth a ride as possible.

My name's Wash, but you can also call me Tanwonosaur. Dinosaur names can either be chosen or will be assigned to you. If you need help, you can let the internet choose a name for you.

If you have any questions or concerns, please direct them to me, or to the lovely Kaylee, aka Mommasaur, who has kindly volunteered to help me out. You can find me in room 306. My darling wife may need to get accustomed to people knocking on our door, but she won't shoot you. Probably. (Right, honey?) Kaylee is right nearby in 308 if you'd rather not risk it. You can also reach me at [phone number]. And there's always the network.

We've got some fun stuff planned for you, so look for more announcements in the future. In the meantime, welcome aboard and I'm looking forward to getting to know all of you a little better.

[info]anexplodingman in [info]thedoorway

Texts to Claire:
-- So I'm gonna tell you something and you can't laugh.
-- Rick and I are kind of seeing each other now.

Texts to Rick:
-- Hey you.
-- I saw this and thought of you.
-- We should try it.

[info]onetrueking in [info]thedoorway

network post; aragorn

Filtered to Hobbit / LOTR-verse
My friends, it has been too long. Please let me know what I may do to ease the burdens & sorrows of this strange world.

As I've come to understand, the Tesseract takes as well as it gives. In that light, I should like to open the opportunity to any interested for my Languages of Middle Earth course. You may sign up with the Educational Services Division here.

[info]battlescars in [info]thedoorway

Hell, yeah, I'm awesome! Kinda bittersweet with half my friends disappearing.

Bellamy, you still here?

Best of luck to everyone in the robot finals. May the best robot win. aka mine

[info]whyamiking in [info]thedoorway

network post: alistair theirin

Has anyone else noticed what a good place this is? I have begun training with Lady Sif. It's been some time since I was this sore, and I like it. Then I play with puppies. We have puppies in this tower, lots and lots of puppies. And you can pet them and walk them and play with them. Every day this week I've been down to the Barking Lot (they don't bark that much, it's more an excited yip to see you). They invited me to come back next week. I have no idea what Sharknado means, but I have been offered free food there. Life is good.

[info]sitwell in [info]thedoorway

Text message to Natasha Romanoff
-- My robot just registered as a CO to dodgeball.
Text message to Newt Geiszler
-- Tuesday. 9 PM. Lavagna.
-- Pickup order Bryson

[info]sporty in [info]thedoorway

The dog days are over, the dog days are done.

Who: Sif & Steve Rogers (616)
When: April 11, late afternoon
Where: Potts Tower Gym
What: A random run-in!
Rating: PG-13 at the most? But I doubt even then.
Can you hear the horses? 'Cause here they come. )

[info]iron in [info]thedoorway

-- Whose got the bigger stick now
-- old man

(Around the completion of Round 6 of the Robot Decathlon Day 2)

(Also, not a warning: Howard Stark was a shitty father and they talk about that)

[info]itsaredlight in [info]thedoorway

Filter: BH6
You know, it's hard to really say that I'll stay friendly if people don't keep taking my tools.

[info]malfoyheirdraco in [info]thedoorway

er, hello. harry mentioned that i can write on this thing and have other people talk back. so did those other blokes.

i'm draco. draco malfoy. i hear there are a few of you here. is anyone here from my family? or my house?

[info]jailhouserocker in [info]thedoorway

Alright everybody. Announcement time.

The guys at the Charity (are sick of us) think, in the spirit of democracy and shit like that, that Potts Tower should establish its own tenant's board to make a lot of the day to day calls for the tower, interface with the PTYC and Housing Advisors, and organize events here.

So we'll take nominations and volunteers until the 19th. Elections will be on the 26th for President, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer. And it's open to residents over 18 who want to run. ETA: Also we'll take a youth representative until Legal says we can't.

So let the games begin.
Presidential Candidates: Padme Amidala, Erik Lehnsherr, Laura Roslin, Loki
Vice Presidential Candidates: Jaina Solo, Verity Willis
Secretarial Candidates: Donna Noble, Inara Serra
Tresorial Candidates: Jamie Moriarty, Nick Fury (616)
Youth Representative: Claire Bennet, Alexis Castle, Violet Parr, Anakin Solo

* means the candidate needs to confirm

[info]anexplodingman in [info]thedoorway

Who: Rick Jones and Peter Petrelli
When: Sunday, the 5th, at night.
Where: Peter’s apartment.
What: Talking about their ridiculous lives pre-Tesseract.
Rating: Medium-High. Talk about sex and death. What a combo.

The first thing he spotted was the broken pair of bunny ears on the ground. )

[info]webdesign in [info]thedoorway

Hey Tonight. Does anyone want to go see the Mountain Goats? I have Harry's an extra ticket.

[info]tylerose in [info]thedoorway

I have really enjoyed the weather so far this weekend. It's been gorgeous!

Filter: Whoverse
I've just realized that I've been here for a year now, and I still have yet to go see a musical. They're still showing The Lion King, what do you all think?

[info]theotherparker in [info]thedoorway

[ooc: posted earlier in the day, oops]

So, just with all the disappearances and all, figure I'll put this out there so nobody freaks. I'll be out of the city for the weekend. I'll still have my phone and all, so when the inevitable world ending disaster comes along, I'll get the speed dial.

[info]mercilessworld in [info]thedoorway

[Filtered private to Tris]

Any more strange reactions with your ability? I am thinking we should maybe bring it up to the White Event people, but I don't know if we should.

[Filtered private to Dawn Summers]

Dawn, how are you holding up? Whatever you need, I'm here. Anything.

[Filtered private to Tony Stark (MCU)]

Sir. About the news that I've uncovered about the Titan. I was talking some theories over with Sam Winchester. I wonder what your thoughts would be.

[Filtered to Sam Winchester]
Thank you for listening the other day, Sam. I'll trust that Eren will eventually make his way back safe and sound. For now, would you be up for a sparring match or something soon?