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April 1st, 2015

[info]ktbecks in [info]thedoorway

Happy Birthday, Castle. You are the best partner in crime that I could have asked for; even when you insist on singing One Direction in the shower.

[info]ohgoodirony in [info]thedoorway

Hey, all you people interested in bot wars (and all you other engineers and building types)!

I'm proud to announce that the weekend of April 10th will be the First Annual Stark Solutions Robot Decathlon!

What does this mean? It means a weekend filled with ten tasks to challenge all your robot building skills! We'll be giving out prizes to the winners of each task as well as a grand prize and medal for the top three cumulative scores.

So, I know you're all wondering, 'How can I be a part of this awesomeness?' There's a sign-up sheet down in the lobby of Potts Tower. All interested parties are welcome! There's no age limit, no skill limit, and if you just aren't feeling it, there's no requirement to stay through the whole competition (although that obviously withdraws you from the grand prize). So, go! Sign up!

[info]iron in [info]thedoorway

An Important Announcement For All Potts Tower Residents
I want you to know that I appreciate all of your efforts, and the work that you've put in here. And it saddens me to make the announcement. But, as of April 6th the lease on Potts Tower that has been secured by Stark Charities will expire. It was an unfortunate company oversight that we didn't renew the lease on time.

Our bad.

But we're not about to leave you in the lurch. We will continue to provide housing and assistance for all Refugees, but because of the rising property costs in New York city, we'll be relocating everyone to Albany, New York.

If you need any assistance packing, please let your Housing Assistant know immediately, as we must vacate the building by the end of the week.

[info]neversaidpilot in [info]thedoorway

Filter: Steve Rogers (MCU)
First off.. good to see you back. I'm not sure if I would have been able to take you seriously with the other face.

Second.. you got any plans for Easter? I have a homemade hand-drawn invite I can send out to you by a really creative 8-year-old.

Filter: Anne Weaver
Hey, beautiful. SHIELD got you running around after that alien judgment?

[info]unaskedquestion in [info]thedoorway

A year ago today, I married my sexy sexy wife, just back from her first of many treason convictions. My girl's an achiever like that.

[Included a stupidly sappy picture also with a dog and an incredibly grumpy orange cat]

And now I'm happy to announce that this year, I've knocked her up and am gonna be a dad! We're thinking of naming the baby in question Sharknado Superman Montoya-Williams. And we accept congratulatory checks made out to CASH.

[info]80sreference in [info]thedoorway

network post: peter quill

Not sure whether Katniss or Zevran is to blame for those dreams, but smooch smooch, what a cutie. And no one tried to kill me, though maybe we broke up? Unsure.

Filtered: White Team
So remember that list someone "got rid of" on our behalf. Seems to me they failed. No, I don't read the New York Times, but I've been trying to find and make nice with my secret admirer. And we weren't even sent the whole thing. Or they've found more since then. Either way, it's only a matter of time before someone figures out the joke.

[info]barbiefangs in [info]thedoorway

network post: caroline forbes

Filtered: Dwayne Hicks
Your name is part of some prank on the New York Times today. I'm not sure what's up with it, but if anyone tries to give you trouble about it at Fangtasia, do let me know.
Shoutout to Fangtasia Employees and anyone else, if you haven't filed your taxes yet, but Stark Charities is offering assistance on filing your taxes, no joke. Cramming never makes anything easier, and we have two weeks left til the deadline. It's a different world here, but we have taxes like everywhere else.

And if you have filed your taxes, you can flash that for a free drink at Fangtasia to celebrate.

[info]anexplodingman in [info]thedoorway

Maybe this place isn't so bad after all. My niece is here, I have a job interview at two, and I just found out today that they made A Song of Ice and Fire into a TV series. We only had the books back home, so now I'm just gonna be marathoning Game of Thrones all week. Happy April Fools Day by the way!

Text to Claire:
-- Hey, what are you up to tonight?
-- We should get dinner.

[info]tonystark in [info]thedoorway

[Tony Stark (MCU), Others that (616) Tony Stark would logically know are hackers.]
So. How many of you have orchestrated or participated in a DDOS attack before?

And ideally don't have plans right now?

[Sharon Carter]
Have you been to the New York Times website today?

[info]askjarvis in [info]thedoorway

[Jasper Sitwell]
You wouldn't happen to have a spare moment, would you? I am attempting to help with the takedown of the New York Times website, but it appears to be proving more difficult than anticipated.

[info]lilspotter in [info]thedoorway

Network post; Lily Potter



[info]hazmatup in [info]thedoorway

A) did anyone else know that paper newspapers still existed?

B) Related, what's with this list in the New York Times? I don't think I get the joke but someone seems to because people were buying that instead of something with a Kardashian's face on it.

[info]unalivethem in [info]thedoorway


[info]myeuhmuh in [info]thedoorway

There's a new Strongbad email!

Also, I hate April Fool's Day. If I catch you trying to prank me, I will smack you down so hard. I will tase you with glee. I will make you eat dirt.

[info]takebackearth in [info]thedoorway

Doctors cleared me. I'd say "let's help celebrate your anniversary by getting smashed", but one of you is trying to spawn so that seems irresponsible.

[info]prancysmurf in [info]thedoorway

Now that everything's back to normal, do we talk? About the show?

[info]agent13 in [info]thedoorway

So how common is 'Sharon Carter' as a name, do you think?

[info]anakinsolo in [info]thedoorway

Network Post; Anakin Solo

I could have told them Tatooine like planets were possible if anyone had asked.

And my sister does a pretty good soup kitchen. )

[Filter: JediCat]
So why would I ever want to sleep anywhere else?

[Filter: Jacen]
How's your spider?

[Filter: Potts Tower sort-of Jedi Order (if you're Force sensitive you are on this filter basically)]
Before the world threatened to end and when there weren't as many of us here Master Kenobi had hosted a meeting. And I realize we're all over the place in terms of when we're from, but we are all here and we all have the potential to use the Force to help this world.

Outside of that we all share something that's unique to us and can't be found on this planet elsewhere. So it seems like getting to know each other, and learning from each other, and supporting each other might be a good thing to do.

So maybe we could figure out a time or a place for at least those of us who are interested in doing so - to do that in a more intentional way?

[info]naturestoolbox in [info]thedoorway

While today can be filled with lots of fun, sometimes people's senses of humor don't always match up the right way. Even if it's just getting super excited about a fake release and then utterly devastated when you realize it's a prank.

So! Anyone who is feeling even a little bit down because of a prank, I have been baking all morning so there are plenty of cookies, brownies, and muffins available to brighten your day! There are even batches that are sugar free, gluten free, and/or vegan for those with dietary restrictions!

[info]beringandwells in [info]thedoorway

Network Post: Myka Bering

Filter: Helena G. Wells
I've been thinking. And I know how much you love when I do that. Do you want to know what I've been thinking?

[info]ewoksrule in [info]thedoorway

Who: Ginny Weasley & Dorcas Meadowes
When: March 11, 2015. (backdated, obvs)
Where: Apartment 2045.
What: Roommates (re)united!
Status / Rating: Completed. Low.

I shouldn't be worried about Dark Wizards coming out of the walls. Should I? )

[info]hertruecolors in [info]thedoorway

You're not rid of me.

[info]spidershape in [info]thedoorway

'Tis strange, that the Eluvian would bring me here. At the very least, it collected Kieran before unceremoniously dumping me here.

[info]fourstarsaiyan in [info]thedoorway

So, I kinda do this once a month to see who's interested.

Anyone interested in martial arts lessons? Of any style!

I can also try to teach people how to fly? Never tried to really teach it before much, but it's a pretty useful skill to have.

[info]downiseasy in [info]thedoorway

When I went to acquire coffee, the attendant behind the counter demanded if someone had 'put me up to this', went on about some fool of April, and then asked if I was going to strip.

How did you ever get used to these strange Terran customs?