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March 29th, 2015

[info]rickjones in [info]thedoorway


-- I'm concentrating really hard to type this nicely

[info]jainasolo in [info]thedoorway

Who: Jainakin
When: Sunday March 1 (backdated like a mo-fo)
Where: Jaina’s apartment
What: Legos, talking, plotting to take over the world, the usual
Rating: PG
Status: Complete

At least it's never boring )

[info]iron in [info]thedoorway

[Howard Stark]
What did you do?

[info]beverlycrusher in [info]thedoorway

For those of you who knew him, Jean-Luc Picard has returned home through the Tesseract.

Filter to Brand & Danvers
Effective immediately, I am tendering my resignation from SWORD. Thank you for allowing me the opportunity work with you and this organization.

[info]agent14 in [info]thedoorway

All sorts of news for a Sunday. interesting news regarding the senate, bad news for the stock market.

But, good news for the rest of us, I suppose.

[Nick Fury (616)]
And probably the reason you're still alive.

[info]askjarvis in [info]thedoorway

Security protocols have all been reset, everyone should be able to access their normal workstations and clearance levels as of Monday morning. If there are and problems or complications, please do not hesitate to make me aware.
It was nice talking with you.

[info]kamala in [info]thedoorway

Oh, snap, move over, Hawkeyes.

[info]anotherdeadgirl in [info]thedoorway

Text to Cole:
-- Hey!
-- We haven't talked since you got better. How are you feeling?
-- I have a present for you, btw.

[info]acceleration in [info]thedoorway

I am still pretty bummed out about my super awesome boss leaving, and then the beginning of the end for One Direction, so I've been trying to think of things to look forward to.
  • Being out of a job means I can spend some time figuring out what I want to do? I liked working at Parker's a lot, and it was great to have a boss who understood my powers but didn't want to take advantage of me, but I don't know if I'd want to do that forever. So now I guess I can think about it. Maybe I'll go back to school. It's weird trying to figure this out when all I ever was before was superhero. Whenever I'd try to quit that, I always ended up back in it anyway.
  • When is Rihanna's album coming out? I am a desperate woman.
  • Game of Thrones is coming back soon. Who wants to throw a premiere party? Billy???
  • My birthday is getting closer :)
  • Someone should totally go to the Easter Parade with me on Sunday.

There's probably more, but I don't want to bore anyone.

[info]freezeorexplode in [info]thedoorway

I am very thankful that whatever was going on this past week did not effect me. I rather like being myself. I even like being a witch occasionally.

[info]castlewriter in [info]thedoorway


Thanks to everyone who came out to my laser tag birthday party. It was a blast!

[Floors 7 & 8]

I apologize for being behind on this. I wanted to introduce myself. I'm Richard Castle and I'm your new Housing Assistant. I am a native of New York, though a different one. I am almost always home (I make a living writing) and can be found in 810.

[info]harvardbound in [info]thedoorway

I have wasted so much time on Buzzfeed this weekend. I've taken so many quizzes, read about trending news, frivolous decorating articles, and all the food. The supposed highlight of the weekend was stumbling across bookshelf envy and then the disappoint that they are just displays for a handful of books. I may not have my collection of books here, but I would only use 11 out of the ones that were posted.

However, this ended up being the highlight of my binge on BuzzFeed.

[info]sonofdurin in [info]thedoorway

This month has been most unusual. Between the illness that afflicted most of us and switching bodies with my Tauriel, I think I can safely say that these few weeks have been the most confusing since I arrived. I'm glad to be back to normal, and to be able to work at my uncle's forge again.

Oh, yes, my uncle has a forge in the city. Fili and I work there as well, so you may ask either of us if you have need of anything.

Are you feeling better now that you are no longer burdened with my height?

[info]marytudori in [info]thedoorway

[Filtered to Anne Boleyn and Elizabeth Tudor]

I am not certain of the customs in this time, but for us it is proper to honour the Lord during this time of the year. This upcoming Sunday, in one week's time, marks the day when our Lord hath risen from the dead after his sacrifice.

Would you two care to accompany me to Mass as we have been? I am planning on making an announcement to invite others to attend with us, as well.

[Filtered to Anders]

Hello, Anders. I hope I am not intruding by writing this note to you. In one week's time, my half-sister, her mother, and myself are attending Mass in celebration of the holiday. I would honoured if you would attend with me?

[info]blaineydays in [info]thedoorway

You know, I can deal with the alien plague. I can deal with being in an alternate dimension where I share an apartment building with Spider-Man. I can even deal with the fact that I'm a fictional character and I'm constantly being mistaken for the guy who plays me on TV.

What I can't handle is the complete lack of spontaneous musical numbers. Someone please explain to me how "serenade your boyfriend at the Olive Garden" turns into "sir, you're disturbing the other customers, please leave".

[info]lockbearer in [info]thedoorway

Why has no one told me about these?

[info]cheerhappy in [info]thedoorway

Well, this other-New York doesn't really seem too different.

Hi, I'm Claire.

[info]foolsgambit in [info]thedoorway

So now's we all back to normal, I have some things I should bring by for you. I went shopping when I was you, see. Picked out a few things. I hope you like them, though, 'cause I didn't keep no receipts.

[info]blanchard in [info]thedoorway

[Filtered to Emma Swan]

I'm starting to think we need a new Sunday night ritual: I bring you some hot cocoa with cinnamon and apologize for all the stupid, selfish things I'm doing in our future back home.

[info]thatsminenow in [info]thedoorway

I didn't do it, chopper did. That's all I have to say.

[info]stoptheclock in [info]thedoorway

Should we We can't keep Want to go out to dinner tomorrow?
I haven't gotten up the courage yet. Jesus, I wish I could get drunk again.