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March 24th, 2015

[info]lauriejuspeczyk in [info]thedoorway

Back home, we faced a threat something like the Celestials. Well, not exactly. It was actually just a giant monster manufactured by a man claiming to be the smartest on earth, who thought that giving the rivalling countries a common enemy would foster enough world peace to stop The nuclear decimation of the planet.

So I guess, maybe I can't help but wonder if that's what the Celestials were trying to do. Just give us a reason to be better; set us on the right path and stop things from getting worse; that it's less about judgement and rapture and more about just -- you know, the way parents use Santa's 'naughty' or 'nice' list to get kids to behave.

We survived on our merits, thus far. I just hope it's not temporary.

(Paging: Agent Mulder)

[info]thelittleguy in [info]thedoorway

Are we good, or do you think we should talk about what happened before?

[info]undercover in [info]thedoorway

Just a reminder, if you feel threatened because you got powers in the White Event, I encourage you to contact me or someone else in law enforcement. You shouldn't feel as if you're in danger because of something you have no control over.

Vandalism at Parker's old night club. Is it White Event related or is it Refugee related? So many questions.

[info]gofuckyourself in [info]thedoorway

[Natalia Romanova]
You've been quiet, Доченька. Where's your head at.

[info]iron in [info]thedoorway

[Bucky Barnes (MCU)]
Hey Sparky.

Can I call you Sparky?

[info]agent13 in [info]thedoorway

All right, Spring. It's time to stop being a limp noodle and show us all what you're really made up. Let's step that game up, huh?

[Tony Stark (616)]
This is me RSVPing. I'll even make sure your wedding takes presidence over anything below a level 9 global emergency.
[Steve Rogers (MCU)]
Pick a number between 1 and 13.
[Nick Fury (616)]
Are you ordained? I mean, can you preform weddings. I feel like you can.

[info]themanonthewall in [info]thedoorway

[Filtered to Mona Vanderwaal]
Grab your hoodie. We've got a job.

[info]theotherparker in [info]thedoorway

When it rains it pours and it's not even a Wednesday.

Filter to Jess Drew and Buffy
So who wants to go patrolling to find some recent brick and paint enthusiasts?

[info]wannahookup in [info]thedoorway

Filter: Mark Sim
Hey, handsome. Did you like what I did with your hair, by the way? If you saw it? I mean you were in a coma at that time so. Who knew hairstyling could be a great distraction?

Filter: Roy Harper
Yo, facetwin. Did you happen to come through with your set of bow and arrows?

Filter: Kate Bishop
I kind of lost track of myself for a long while there and then it took the plague to hit me in the face and go "dude, go get a fucking hobby". Still interested in going into archery.. just wondering if you're still interested in training me.

[info]artisticmother in [info]thedoorway

Gus is getting so big!! I don't even know where the time went. He's going to be a real cutie like his father, but the attitude of his other mother I think.

[info]askxphoebe in [info]thedoorway

I seriously want to have a bowling tournament or something fun like that. Who's in?