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March 19th, 2015

[info]itsaredlight in [info]thedoorway

Filter: BH6 and other friends
Checking in to see if you all are here and alive and well. I can finally breathe again and I'm really starting to miss the lab.

[info]webdesign in [info]thedoorway

[Teddy Altman]
So! How is my new favourite Wingman? Get over this cold okay?
[Gwen Stacy]
I know I couldn't really thank you properly the other day for helping me get home, but I really appreciate it. I miss How are you doing? I heard the other Peter and MJ went back, I'm so sorry.

[info]yogammagamma in [info]thedoorway

[Pepper Potts (616)]
Hello Ms. Potts,

Do you have a minute? I meant to talk to you about something sooner but, well, with the plague and all, so I got a bit distracted.

[info]harvelle in [info]thedoorway

[Filtered to Severus Snape]
Hi...I realize you don't know me, but Sam Winchester said I need to talk to you about something. Do you have a minute, if you're not busy?

[Filtered to Sam Winchester]
I talked to Snape.

[Filtered to Johnny Storm]
So that potion? It's not like...a cure, or anything like that. It'll just help me stay in my head stay normal during...you know.

[info]notadamsel in [info]thedoorway

I guess everyone's getting back to normal. It's almost like a bunch of aliens didn't just try to wipe us all out. Strangely not how I pictured the end of the world happening.

( Lily Potter, Dr. Gates )
Thank you both for your help. I was definitely not prepared at all for a sick baby.

[info]yerawiz in [info]thedoorway

Everyone feeling all right now? I think I'm finally feeling more like my normal self.

Er, thanks. For being around and putting up with me the last week. I know I was a horrible patient.
* feel free to assume

[info]willbestrong in [info]thedoorway

The trouble with working at a club owned by refugees - you're kind of out of a job when the Tesseract decides to send your bosses back home. Thanks for that, Tesserect.

On a related note, if anyone has any good job leads, let me know. I've got experience with waitressing, bartending and running a club.

( Oliver Queen )
Hey, Ollie, how are you feeling?

[info]thesecondqueen in [info]thedoorway

Network Post: Anne Boleyn

What a strange world this is. First everyone is afflicted with what appears to be the sweating sickness and now they are speaking of a madness that only occurs in March. How does one avoid this March Madness?

[info]barbiefangs in [info]thedoorway

network post: caroline forbes

It's terrible news that MJ has gone back, and my condolences go out to everyone who knew her. Further, Parker's has closed and many of you are out of jobs. That's the risk of a refugee owned business. But we look out for each other. If you worked at Parker's and are looking for a job, Fangtasia's got open arms. We have openings for bartenders, waitresses/waiters, hosts, etc. The only positions not open are our chefs. They've been doing well. And if you're not interested in Fangtasia, I'll help you find a job somewhere else. I am a Housing Assistant as well. So get in touch with me, and I will do what I can.

[info]pottsresilient in [info]thedoorway

To: Tony Stark (616)
From: potts@resilient.com
Subject: Personnel decisions

you have 1 new message )

[info]stilllucy in [info]thedoorway

Senator Raleigh is proposing a Senate sub-committee on Superhuman Activities.

I'm not sure how many of you have followed our Senator's work recently, I might be the only one who keeps the news running as background noise at work, but this isn't the first time he's tried to get traction on more oversight for those with abilities. He's been very vocal in support for such actions. And now with the Celestials, he doesn't seem quite as radical.

Granted it was only a matter of time before someone filled the void that SHIELD left.

[Scientists who worked on the Plague cure]

Now that we have all managed to pretend to get some sleep, it was intriguing working with you all even under the circumstances.

[info]yogammagamma in [info]thedoorway

[Captain Marvel (616)]

Me working for Tony Stark.

Bad idea?

Or worst idea.

[info]theregularguy in [info]thedoorway

[Text Message to Kate Bishop]
-- Hey Hawkeye
-- You wanna come hang out at Fangtasia tonight
-- And be my way more attractive ears?

[info]basementman in [info]thedoorway

Network Post; Fox Mulder

Well, Earth, we get the chance to show the galaxy we deserve to be here. What's next?

[Filter: Scully]
Sorry I couldn't be around much those last few days you were sick.

Seems like William's almost back to himself. You think there will be any long lasting negative impact to this for him?

[info]furrybluefriend in [info]thedoorway

[Filtered to Xmen and friends]
So strictly speaking, how much should we be keeping an eye on this?

[info]marytudori in [info]thedoorway

What sort of sweating sickness did we all have this past week? Perhaps it was a miracle that we all survived.

Is it safe to leave my room? It desperately needs to be aired out and cleansed. Unfortunately, I...do not know anyone to assist with this yet. Mistress Anne, would you be available? Lady Caitlin Snow?

[info]killtheswitch in [info]thedoorway


[info]lildampeer in [info]thedoorway

16 Surprisingly Simple Self-Defense Techniques

Pretty useful stuff to know around here.

In other news, I am really glad to be back to normal. Being sick sucks ass.

Also, backstage.com picked me to be an extra in this fight scene, so I guess March is really looking up.

[info]powerman in [info]thedoorway

So if those aliens left and are gonna keep an an eye on us, are we supposed to be doing something particular?

If they were I hope they watched that Baylor - Georgia State game today. Did anyone else? Cause that was sick.

[info]jedifarmboy in [info]thedoorway

Who: Luke Skywalker and Carol Danvers (EMH)
When: Thursday March 19
Where: Luke’s bed..what?
What: Discussing things
Rating: PG-13 for implied sex plus they're naked
Status: Complete

So it's settled then. We're doing this? )

[info]venomblast in [info]thedoorway

Filter: Carol Danvers (616)
Now that neither of us are dying from the plague, what do you say we team up this weekend and conquer the whole find-a-two-bedroom mission?

[info]ktbecks in [info]thedoorway

How you know things are back to normal in the Castle household: I woke up to my kid wearing Yoda ears that Castle ordered from Etsy.

Safe to say, things are gonna be fine. I'm surprised he didn't convince Alexis to dress up and join in.

[Private to friends/family/anyone attending the War Games Weekend at the ranch] *
Castle's birthday is coming up, and since he's 44 going on 13 I've decided to have a giant game of laser tag as part of his party. Chris has agreed to let us use the ranch and the obstacle course that will be set up for his War Games class, and therefore I'm inviting anyone who is attending that to also stay and play another game/eat some cake/meet some people you might not know.

March 29 is the date, and the Doctor has agreed to transport party goers from Potts Tower and back again. But since its his TARDIS, he has veto power on if you actually get to board and ride. Gifts aren't necessary, but if you feel you need to buy Rick something he loves (in no particular order): superheroes, comic books, comic book t-shirts, cheesy sci-fi, ninjas, zombies, scotch, detective noir, leather bound notebooks, good quality pens, coffee, tech gadgets, and spy gear. He's truthfully not a difficult person to please, and would be just as happy with you donating money or time to a literacy charity or writing program as buying him things. In fact, he'd probably prefer the latter.

Just show up (bring a friend if you want, I had to rent a ton of gear) in comfortable clothes, ready to play and have a good time. And don't tell Castle, as far as he knows, his birthday is dinner with me and an afternoon with the kids. I'd like to keep it that way.

* if you want to be on the filter, you are on the filter. I'm good with handwaving.

[info]nonbender in [info]thedoorway

Filter: Korra
I miss home I miss my da 100% yet?