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March 16th, 2015

[info]theprotege in [info]thedoorway

Filter: Abigail Brand & Carol Danvers
I have three 20 mL bottles of Gatorade. A lemon lime, a frost glacier freeze and a frost riptide rush. Take your pick. And then we can decide who takes a nap first.

[info]inaraofserenity in [info]thedoorway

Network post; Inara Serra

I am so weak right now that if the world ended I don't think I'd notice.

[Filter: Kaylee]
Is there any place still open to buy toilet paper?

We seem to be on the last roll in the apartment.

[info]inpavidus in [info]thedoorway

It feels incredibly selfish to say I enjoyed that, but I really did. Unfortunately, being from the future doesn't always mean getting to spend a lot of time on space ships. I thought seeing my city from a plane was amazing, but getting to see our world from space was unbelievable.

Plus, we're not all dead, so that's a bonus. I might feel less awesome about the view of we were all about to die.

[info]undercover in [info]thedoorway

That's the last time I take a sick day.

[info]thehexx in [info]thedoorway

Who: The Maximoffs-- Wanda and Pietro
When: Last night
Where: Pietro's apartment
What: Pietro tells Wanda The News about Their Parentage.
Rating: Low

nothing would surprise her anymore. )

[info]felixblake in [info]thedoorway

[Filtered to Ascension Crew + SWORD + Claire Wise]
We've made our case with the Celestials. Nearly all of you handled yourself admirably, with composure, and brought to this mission the consideration and gravitas it deserved. I would be happy to offer all of those over the age of 18 a position at the Sentient World Observation and Response Department (S.W.O.R.D.)

Otherwise, grab food. Debrief will begin at 1330. SWORD personnel, They deferred judgement while we were there and rather strongly implied that we would be best served returning home. A full report is pending, expect it on your desks by 1800.

And Mr. Barnes, will you please return your stolen wildlife to wherever you found it.
[Filtered to Upper level SHIELD]
I have transcripts of the testimonies from the Ascension. Some are more interesting than others, but we might wish to earmark a couple for recruitment
[Filtered to Claire Wise]
How are my girls?
[Filtered to Natasha Romanoff]
Salazar took your girl into custody.

[info]doorwaynpc in [info]thedoorway

People of Earth.

It is the will of the Judge that a decision cannot yet be made regarding this planet. You survive this day, though will be watched closely in the future until a decision can be made.

[info]takebackearth in [info]thedoorway

Thank god that cleared itself up. I couldn't handle aliens attempting to wipe out all life on Earth twice in the same week.

Commander Shepard of the Systems Alliance Navy and SPECTRE. Not that either of those things seem to mean anything here. Nice planet you've got here.

[info]zevran in [info]thedoorway

i do not know what just happened -- in fact, how can i be sure it wasn't just delusion? a question for the ages to be sure, but i will take it as a win for this world i suppose, which is probably a good thing. and speaking of good things: i feel far less like death than i did earlier. i have a feeling this was connected after all. surprise, surprise, so perceptive.

in other news, you cannot butter the bread BEFORE toasting it. the smell is almost as bad as rotten fish. i'm not even sure this is real butter, given its colour and smell.

[info]mostresilient in [info]thedoorway

delivery for robin hood )

[info]anotherway in [info]thedoorway

Does this mean I get to put astronaut on my resume now?

How's everyone feeling?

[info]oldfossil in [info]thedoorway

I've definitely had better weeks. I gather the world hasn't ended, or I wouldn't be awake right now?

[info]capitoldarling in [info]thedoorway

Tristan's fever broke.

[info]beverlycrusher in [info]thedoorway

I don't suppose someone would be able to bring me some soup, and perhaps some crusty bread?

[info]audreynathan in [info]thedoorway

Why do fish always sing off-key?

answer )

I guess I was in a coma. All I know is that I'm so tired, and I think I'm a little hungry for the first time in days. But good news, I think that my fever's gone, and in about ten years I'll feel like moving out of Michael's bed. And that's a very, very low estimate.

[info]killtheswitch in [info]thedoorway

Well we avoided annihilation, so I think that mission was a success.

[info]castlewriter in [info]thedoorway

Guess a coma can't keep me from watching my show tonight. Noah's doing better too.

[info]willbestrong in [info]thedoorway

You'd think being asleep for 36 hours straight would leave me feeling more rested, but mostly I feel like I've been hit by a really big truck.

[info]skaikru in [info]thedoorway

I'm feeling about 95% better, so I'm feeling the need to offer my services. If anyone needs errands run or medicine or anything, let me know. I promise not to wear war paint.

Especially you dumbo. You still look like shit.

[info]markofkaine in [info]thedoorway

Christ, I never like feeling like I've been hit by a mack truck. Little hair of the dog oughta fix me right up.

[info]arrowqueen in [info]thedoorway

I think I just took vegging out for the weekend to a whole new level.

[info]bythefiber in [info]thedoorway

network post: beverly katz

Filtered: Severus Snape
I'm still over at SWORD. We got back today - no one died up there - and as the whole world heard, we have a stay on judgment for the time being. They'll still be watching. Cases around the world are getting less severe, but work on a cure's not done yet. I'm staying on until it is. And I received an offer to stay on permanently. "What Would the Celestials Choose?" is being tabled. That's not how I determine what's right and wrong, and if it were, I'd never know what to do. You've heard every word they've told us. Not the chattiest bunch. So, no passing the buck. But that doesn't mean I don't ask my friends, and you're one of the closest I've got. Sure, you're not entirely impartial, but you're logical, intelligent, and fair. You've had some experience with SHIELD, at least. And I care what you think.
Filtered: Ororo Munroe
I want your opinion on SWORD. It's hired more White Event individuals than most places, and at least Dr. McCoy works there as well. After this judgment and plague, there's not much of a closet with them for any of us. And I've never been big on closets - or working anywhere I needed one. It's a nominee for future employer.

Filtered: Hank McCoy & Rachel Summers
Greetings, the both of you. I hope you're feeling better. If you've seen Agent Blake's post, you know he's offered positions at SWORD. If not, you know now. I'd appreciate your thoughts on working for SWORD, particularly as mutants. White Event powered people are different, I know, but I'm not sure how large a difference it'll be in the public eye or SWORD's eyes. And if you have differing thoughts on how they treat those from the White Event, I'm curious.

Children's songs have been getting stuck in my head all day. Though, more frustrating than those has been getting "Duck Duck Goose" stuck in there. I'm fairly confident it's one of the signs of sleep deprivation. Some of you were asleep for more than a day, restful or not, but I wouldn't mind passing out once this is all over.

[info]theboomstick in [info]thedoorway

So what'd I miss?

[info]everymansdream in [info]thedoorway

What better way to celebrate my fever breaking than to go out and stay out all night long?

[Zed Martin]
How're you doing?

[info]ldoyouknow in [info]thedoorway

That is an experience I never want to go through again.

[Abbie Mills]

As you weren't affected by whatever this was, what happened? I'm as oblivious as the rest, unfortunately, on this one. I've uncovered most of it, but there are some pieces that I still don't have. If you wouldn't mind sharing that information with me.

I never got to finish my list before I succumbed to whatever this illness was.

[Filtered to Mona]

I hope that you got out of this unscathed.

[info]razorclaws in [info]thedoorway

Okay, I don't know if it's because I was out for all three meals of the day yesterday but wherever this soup came from.. whoever made it.. it is REALLY GOOD. Dear people running the makeshift care center on the 13th floor... awesome work.

[info]kamala in [info]thedoorway

Why not just make the decision to let us live forever? Like, that would be great. I'm pretty sure if it's not your plague, it'll probably be, like.. global warming and anti-vaxxer's diseases getting us anyway.