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February 28th, 2015

[info]theregularguy in [info]thedoorway

You guys. We should all stay in this dimension cause the taco bells are amazing.

[info]cleanandsober in [info]thedoorway

[Filtered to Sherlock Holmes]
We don't have anything scheduled for today, do we?

I've got 13 hours worth of House of Cards to watch.

[info]alexishcastle in [info]thedoorway

Who: Alexis Castle & Kate Beckett
Where: Starting out at their apartment and then who knows where
When: Feb 28
What: Kate takes Alexis shopping
Rating: Low
Status: Incomplete, started in a gdoc

Read more... )

[info]sosayweall in [info]thedoorway

How are you handling frak all?
You feel up to getting drunk tonight?

[info]marajade in [info]thedoorway

Network Post; Mara Jade

[Filter: Luke]
I'm all right. I know you probably have figured that out, but just for clarity's sake you may stop worrying.

[Filter: Sam Winchester]
Hanging in there?

[Filter: Nick (MCU)]
I'm sitting up with minimum pain. Please save me from Tumblr.

[Filter: Jedi & Former Jedi of Potts Tower]
I go onto Tumblr for one small gif, and I end up on the Jedi Code.

Help me Obi-Wan Kenobi, you're my only hope.

[info]everymansdream in [info]thedoorway

[Texts to Jacen Solo]
›› Picture attachment
›› Come find me

[info]heelsoverhoodie in [info]thedoorway

Oh you know what, screw you whoever you are. Its not funny.


They're not just about cats anymore

And no matter what we do they keep coming

[info]baymax20 in [info]thedoorway

There are many new people here. I am Baymax, your personal healthcare companion. Hiro mentioned I should see if anyone needs aid. Are you ill?

[info]annewithane in [info]thedoorway

Talent Show IC/OOC

Who: Everyone who performed at or attended the PTYC Talent Show
When: Saturday night, February 28, 2015, beginning at 7 p.m.
Where: a local community center not far from Potts Tower
What: the PTYC Talent Show
Rating: Low, probably

The doors opened at 6:30, and shortly after 7 the show began with an introduction by Anne Blythe, Mary Margaret Blanchard, and Jean-Luc Picard. They announced that the monies raised would benefit the Children's Aid Society of New York, with a preliminary sum of a pretty decent amount going to the charity. After that, they turned the stage over to the first of the performances.

[info]ingoodform in [info]thedoorway

As much as I enjoy the times when our show isn't airing here, I have to admit that for once I'm curious to see what happens next.

[ EMMA: ]
So, I've been thinking.

How are you holding up?

[info]antgirl in [info]thedoorway

So when I showed up here the woman running the clinic, Dr. Hendrix, was helping me find specialists who might be able to see if there was anything they could do about my heart. I haven't really thought about it much since she got taken back by the tesseract because I've been feeling fine and I don't really have to use my powers that much. Usually.

But honestly I didn't feel great while we were fighting stuff in the TV dungeon. So maybe I should start looking into all that again. I just don't really know what to do or how to handle it.

[ TOMMY: ]
Do you wanna do something fun?

[info]provenmettle in [info]thedoorway

This time a year past I might've killed for some peace and quiet and now I find myself missing the excitement. I'm a fickle creature.

Lady Wasp, if I might trouble you for a moment of your time?

[info]ooooshiny in [info]thedoorway

Network Post: Kaylee Frye

How much longer till spring? Im tired of bein' cold.

[info]ooooshiny in [info]thedoorway

Who:Kaylee Frye and Inara Serra
When: Backdated to just after River's last post so a couple weeks ago?
Where: Their apartment
What: Talking about things mostly River
Rating: Low but some discussion about nightmares
Status: Complete

I just want River to feel better )

[info]freezeorexplode in [info]thedoorway

This has been my first winter here and it seems endless. I miss winters in San Francisco, where it is much warmer. Why couldn't I have gotten Leo's ability to orb myself anywhere right now instead of healing?

[info]yo_abercrombie in [info]thedoorway

If the forecast is right for the next week it might actually start warming up slightly. 'Bout friggin time if you ask me.

[info]castlewriter in [info]thedoorway


Hey, Wesley. Would you be interested in swapping HA floor duties with me?

[info]harvardbound in [info]thedoorway

I'd say this fits my life, but my mother is the one who needs the coffee IV. I've gone to grab a cup at home many times and find it all gone. At least I'm still guaranteed a free cup of coffee for a few more months if mom comes back.

[info]heelsoverhoodie in [info]thedoorway

Who: Light Yagami and Mona Vanderwaal
When: February 14th
Where: Potts Tower then a Mexican restraunt
What: Date Night
Rating: Discussion of violent pasts

Bring me for Mexican food and I’ll tell you exactly what my reasons were. And you can tell me then if I was in your world, if I’d have ended up in your new world order or dead at your feet. )