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January 27th, 2015

[info]neveraguardian in [info]thedoorway

So, got told there were people I knew here. And this was the way I should contact them. Which is a pretty fucking sucky way of saying, surprise! I'm alive!

My name's Mason. Rose, are you

[info]bitterman in [info]thedoorway

I don't know whether to thank the gardeners or the tesseract or perhaps both. I discovered a Venomous Tentacula in the gardens on the thirteenth floor. It is young and needs time to grow but the leaves will be most valuable for my work. I have warded it extensively and I ask you not to attempt to pass the wards. You would not enjoy it, from both the effects of my magic and the Venomous Tentacula itself.

[info]notfastenough in [info]thedoorway

You know what snowstorms are good for? Extra time in the lab. We never really got snow in San Fransokyo, so this is going to be fun. I'm working on developing a snow bike. Can't really test it in the lab unless someone can make artificial snow. Trying to figure out how to get the speed I want without losing control on snow. Ice is a different story.

I'm thinking of taking it out on the park once the snow stops.

[info]neversurrender in [info]thedoorway

Who: Sam Winchester & Christopher Pike
What: getting drinks, discussing classes and life experiences and so on.
When: Tuesday night
Where: Sam's bar
Warnings: TBD, probably nothing much aside from mentions of weapons/war

... )

[info]amadgirl in [info]thedoorway

I take it back. I don't need to go back home. Ever.

Last night was fun. I've never played a game like that before. Thank you.

[info]ichoosethem in [info]thedoorway

My last job was a hospital porter. I cleaned and did the rubbish work around the hospital. Anyone need someone like that? I've got to make money

[info]imanavenger in [info]thedoorway

Who: Carol Danvers (EMH) and Luke Skywalker
When: Backdated 1/22
Where: SWORD medical
What: Carol convinced people to bring her junk food. Luke wants to check up on Carol and brings cookies
Rating: PG

How Carol had managed to command such a force of talented and caring people she had no idea. She hoped she had done something good to deserve it.  )

[info]sonofthrain in [info]thedoorway

Who: DURIN’S SONS. Aka Thorin Oakenshield and his adoring nephews Fili and Kili
When: After Thorin’s arrival, Jan 25.
Where: The lobby of Potts Tower -> Fili & Kili’s apartment.
What: Uncle and nephews have some catching up to do.
Rating: G but S for sads.

There is much that you need to know, uncle. )

[info]drawnfromdust in [info]thedoorway

If anyone's feeling lonely during the 'snow storm' there's some people looking on Craigslist for a cuddle buddy. And probably a lot more.

You're welcome, New York.

[info]lady_ivashkov in [info]thedoorway

One of the wedding planning sites I signed up with just sent me a link to take a quiz entitled, "Are You an Anastasia Steele or a Christian Grey?" I think I may take myself off their list if this is what I can expect from them.

[info]anotherdeadgirl in [info]thedoorway

So I heard on the news that we're all supposed to die in this snow storm. Maybe I shouldn't have rewatched The Day After Tomorrow. At least we live in the tower and not on the ground like people in houses. I'll be making warm food for the next few days, so if anyone wants something, let me know!

Filtered to Cole
Are things cooling off for you? I know you said it was really loud. I helped a few people too, so I hope that helped you a little.

Filtered to Finnick
Finnick, I have a problem. I decided to go into a candy store, and that was a bad idea. I bought so much freaking candy. I'm gonna die if I eat it all, do you want some?

[info]jedifarmboy in [info]thedoorway

Network Post: Luke Skywalker

[Rikki Barnes]

I can't believe I'm doing this

This might sound like a strange question but could you possibly teach me how to bake cookies? You've turned Anakin into a pretty decent cook so I was hoping you could help me out.

Peanut butter cookies specifically.

[info]ldoyouknow in [info]thedoorway


It seems I'm not the only one who just arrived here. I'm Light Yagami. It's nice to meet you all. What would you recommend for someone to do around here?

[info]makeitso in [info]thedoorway

Network Post; Jean-luc Picard

It has been a fulfilling start to the new year.

[Filter: Audrey Nathan]
Audrey, if I may have a minute of your time.

Beverly Crusher and I would like to move apartments, from our two apartments into one apartment - perhaps one of the two bedrooms like 907 or 908?

Do we contact you to make these arrangements or someone else?

[info]mercilessworld in [info]thedoorway

Fantastic Avengers + Tony Stark

[Fantastic Avengers: Xavin, Violet and Tris + Tony Stark]

We're the group designated to handle outside threats like this. I know the most about the Titans as they are a threat from my own world. You've fought them first hand now.

If more come, do you feel comfortable taking them out? What questions do you have about them?

We are expected to lead this if more come. If needed, we may need to lead different groups of Avengers. I want you all fully prepared so now is your time to ask any questions.

Tony, I included you here to see what you've found out about them.

[info]justhitjackpot in [info]thedoorway

Okay so living above your job means that you don't get to call in blizzard. The doors might have been closed, but there was way too much behind the scenes, ledger crap to deal with to not go downstairs. Let me tell you, a giant mostly empty room? Impossible to keep warm without all the people.

I need about fifteen blankets to get warm.

[info]widowstings in [info]thedoorway

Been a while. Thought I'd check in with the most patriotic man this side of a dimensional rift.
Did you come to terms with your conundrum?
This weather reminds me of home.

[info]featherington in [info]thedoorway

From what I understand, the time I am from was a part of the "Little Ice Age". Snow and ice and terrible weather weren't unusual. But I'm very certain that I do not recall ever seeing so much snow at one time. I'm very glad to be here, safe and sound and, most of all, warm. While the houses we live in may be magnificent, there are times when a bed was the warmest spot one could find.

Filter to Sully
Have you survived the snowstorm? I'm running low on hot chocolate, myself.

I don't suppose you would like to reprise our date from a few weeks ago, with Scrabble replacing reading aloud?

Filter to Henry Jekyll/Edward Hyde
Hello, friend. I feel as if we haven't spoken in ages. Are you well? Keeping busy? I've started at university and it's quite a change from being a lady of leisure, I do assure you!