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January 25th, 2015

[info]doriangray in [info]thedoorway

TEXT TO BASIL HALLWARD (sent late Saturday night)
-- can't sleep
-- Tony is out with the Avengers
-- lamp didn't eat you, did it? :)

[info]sciencebiatch in [info]thedoorway

Filtered to Team Tahiti

I want to help. Is, is there anything I can do to help?


Do you think May noticed? She hasn't said anything.

[info]doctorbanner in [info]thedoorway

When it comes to sportsball, if it doesn't involve a diamond I'm out of my league - but I've managed to pick up enough to know that in Boston, the laws of physics are suspended as to Bill Belichick. His feet, as I understand it, do not touch the ground.

Which makes it much easier to believe that the ideal gas law doesn't apply to him, either. Someone should tell Bill Nye he needs to re-run his calculations accounting for the fact that Tom Brady is capable of altering physical constants.

Happy non-Super Bowl Sunday.

[info]metshakespeare in [info]thedoorway

Filtered to Whoverse

I'm not sure those tests are working, Doctor.

Still have no idea what the glowing did.


So, I've got a couple of years of movies to catch up on. Want to join me for a movie marathon and pizza?

[info]lildampeer in [info]thedoorway

network post: rose hathaway

If someone could just go turn off the sun, that'd be great.

Ow Why did I think that was a good idea

[info]theregularguy in [info]thedoorway

So say you accidentally enlist in the Navy. Can you claim takesies backsies?

[Filtered to Secret Avengers]
Also you guys might be interested in that question too because at that meeting thing, I kind of zoned out a little and thought they were passing around the lunch sign up. And. I guess we're supposed to be on a boat tonight going to antarctica or something.

[info]askxphoebe in [info]thedoorway

I always enjoy a nice jog, helps to clear the mind. Thinking about going to a kickboxing class later, just need to find a class first, if there is one.

[info]anakinsolo in [info]thedoorway

RP Log; Gaige & Anakin Solo

Who: Gaige & Anakin Solo
When: January 16 (backdated slightly)
Where: Gaige's Garage
What: One Gaige, Two Anakins, even if one is just there in Gaige's memory.
Rating: Mostly low, there's some language.

The worst part really was that it would have been easier in a lot of ways if his grandfather had always ever been a horrible person, and his brother had been the same, because then Anakin could have shrugged it off as just the way they were, rather than knowing they'd meant to help the galaxy and still kriffed it up so badly. )

[info]mercilessworld in [info]thedoorway

Who: Mikasa Ackerman and Tony Stark
Where: Stark EXPO, not that long after capturing the Titans alive
When: Early Sunday morning, probably around ten in the morning or so
What: Mikasa's extremely grateful for the quick reaction from everyone fighting the Titans and deals with it in her own way. She also confronts the Titan in a way that would make even Captain Levi jealous, and later gets a notice that she's expected to lead a multi-agency conference later that day and asks Tony for advice because she's not a public speaker
Warnings: Mentions of Titans, plot, death, etc.

Everyone here would fit in perfectly with the Scout Regiment, that much was certain... )

[info]changetherules in [info]thedoorway

Network Post: Helena G. Wells

I would like to thank everyone who came yesterday to my reading of "The Discovery of the Future," as originally written and intended to be delivered, on the 103rd anniversary of its heavily edited reading by my brother. I wasn't there for it, but it's my understanding that he didn't quite do it justice in its voicing or in wording. It was a pleasure to get to share it in the way I'd wished to share it.

If you missed the live reading, the venue has put it on Youtube.

[OOC: Full disclosure, I haven't actually read it so I can't discuss it in any detail XD ]

[info]partsaregone in [info]thedoorway


Change of plans. Everyone suit up, we're going to Oregon to take back the Needle. Strategy meeting when you all get here. Don't be late. We leave in twenty minutes.

[info]anotherworld in [info]thedoorway

I must ask: if one is not "in the books" and therefore not "canon," does it discredit your life as a whole? Is that just cause to invite yourself into another's conversation to give your spite? I am not overfond of this world's disregard for others. It was mere chance that my companion and I were unprepared for such animosity.

[info]mechromancing in [info]thedoorway

1) I always feel better after some good old fashioned violence.

2) Gaige's Garage. Anyone who knows something about mechanics who wants a set up with another refugee, lemme know. No assholes. Or if you are an asshole at least be one of the amusing ones. No boring assholes.

3) Test subjects needed. If you're okay with being shot at with a 95% chance of nothing bad happening to you, come see me! I have a job for you!

[info]openbook in [info]thedoorway

Nothing quite like slipping in the bathroom because someone couldn't be bothered to clean up after himself. I whacked my knee pretty good.

You got dinner plans tomorrow night?

[info]river_dance in [info]thedoorway

Metal. Cramped. Dark. Cold. Vital signs abnormal, but panicked breathing. Not supposed to be here. A drawer for the dead, and why am I here, why am I here, why am I here. Please let me out, I should not be here --

I can fight, I say. I am strong, they say. Should be destroyed, they say. Light is good, a good weapon, ready for fight. But the pain is different. Insides betraying. I am only human, as the saying goes, when my opponents are not.

[info]takesthecake in [info]thedoorway

Hello. I am Ryuzaki. I hope to get to know some of you, and learn more about this place. The agents seemed very bored to tell me why I am here. If you are a foreigner like me, I hope your stay has been pleasant and it is not a hardship for you to be here.

I have questions for those who would not mind speaking with me. Cake will be provided.

[Filtered to Light Yagami]
I'm sure you realize by now this world has our story told across several mediums. I can't say I'm not disappointed by your ending, Kira.

[info]thedustdevil in [info]thedoorway

[Filtered to Simon Tam]
Is it just me or has your sister seemed a bit more chatty than usual?
[Filtered to Hoban Washburne]
Wash sweetie, how much do you know of our future?

[info]cheekybastard in [info]thedoorway

network post: kol mikaelson

I'm not sure exactly how I got here but its better than being locked in the compound with a bunch of hungry baby vamps.

I heard my dear sister, Rebekah, is around.

[info]sonofdurin in [info]thedoorway

We've been told Thorin is here. Fili and I are going to meet him and find out if he is.

You were right to tell me to stay here, Tauriel.

[info]capitoldarling in [info]thedoorway

Private to Simon Tam

Hey doc.

[info]pinkypinkerton in [info]thedoorway

Looks like the toss for the India, Australia game was delayed do to rain. I'll refrain from the obvious sticky wicket blather. But I'm excited about he Fantasy League set up by the ICC. Might need to finally bite the bullet and sort out a facebook. But let the record reflect I held out at least a bloody year.

[info]blanchard in [info]thedoorway

[Filter: Youth of Potts Tower* & PTYC staff (also Picard!)]

Thanks to a suggestion from Captain Picard, the Potts Tower Youth Center has decided to host a talent show at the end of February. You all put on some pretty amazing performances at the last one (and I'm hearing great stories about the one before that!) but I know there's still plenty of talent to go around in this building. For those of you who weren't here before, you can show us what you've got for the first time!

We're going to have our first planning meeting at 5 PM on Tuesday in the youth center. I encourage everyone who's interested in participating in the talent show -- whether on stage or behind the scenes - to attend. Proceeds from the show will be donated to charity, and we want you to help us choose a worthy organization. You have a few days here to start thinking about what kind of cause you'd like your hard work to benefit. We'll take a vote at the meeting, so come out and make sure your voice is heard!

If you can't attend on Tuesday but you're interested in helping out, please let me know and I'll make sure you're included as we progress in planning this exciting event.