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January 12th, 2015

[info]nonbender in [info]thedoorway

Now that my roommate, Korra, and I have managed to settle in and learn how to use this.. hello, my name is Asami Sato. We were on our way to the Spirit World for a little vacation and then ended up here, which we understand can be.. a longer vacation than intended.

This world is, well, nothing like ours. I mean, we have automobiles and the usual city infrastructures, one that my company and I helped rebuild, but New York City isn't like any place I've seen. That being said, if anyone has any advice for first-time visitors here, it would be much appreciated.

[info]byebyebourbon in [info]thedoorway

[Filtered to SHIELD]
Well the paint's hardly drying on that embassy, but we have got it bugged up so tight they're darn near a structural component.

Now the hope's they just don't find any of em.
[Filtered to Steve Rogers (MCU), Sharon Carter, Antoine Triplett]
Now that things've slowed down a bit, least on my end, we should maybe talk about the fact that Monty's gone back.

[info]neurarchitect in [info]thedoorway

[Filtered to Bruce Banner (MCU)]
Q: What's a physicist's favorite food?

[info]yogammagamma in [info]thedoorway

[Tony Stark (616)]
Hey, you busy this afternoon?

[info]webdesign in [info]thedoorway

[Dr. Bruce Banner (MCU), Dr. Tony Gates]
Harry is getting wor
I don't know if you can
He wants to see if
[David Alleyne]
Are you getting tired of the fact I keep coming to you for moral guidance? Because I could stop, I could come to you with like -- pizza -- instead. Or like, a cheeseburger with a side order of my problems? Would that be okay?

[info]pottsresilient in [info]thedoorway

[Filtered to Tony Stark (616)]
There's something wrong with my coffee maker. Can I use yours?

[info]daisywillrocku in [info]thedoorway

Searching for "healthy" street food mission is almost a fail. However I'm happy to admit I've eaten more actual home-cooked or restaurant (not cheap diner!) cooked meals this week. I have discovered a like for chicken Caesar salads.

Was fun watching everyone at the tournament, good distraction from day to day life. Makes me miss punching people in the face.

[info]agent13 in [info]thedoorway

[Steve Rogers (MCU)]
You've been kinda quiet lately. Everyone okay? There's no one you need me to rough up for you, is there?

[info]theregularguy in [info]thedoorway

Delivery to Steve Rogers (MCU) )

[info]littlestsummers in [info]thedoorway

Network Post; Dawn Summers.

I really want a salad.

[info]anakinsolo in [info]thedoorway

RP Log; Obi-Wan Kenobi & Anakin Solo

Who: Obi-Wan Kenobi & Anakin Solo
When: 12 January, Monday afternoon.
Where: Potts Tower basement.
What: A meeting of the Old & New Jedi Order
Rating: Low.

Your grandfather was the better one at jokes, I admit. )

[info]anexplodingman in [info]thedoorway

Okay, so teleporting to a new dimension is pretty crazy, but have you guys seen all the new menu items at Taco Bell? What the hell's a crunchwrap slider? I don't know but it looked good. And everything is improved, too. People are holding phones that you can touch with just your finger, no stylus needed! People thought I was crazy when I stared in awe at some of the features technology can do now. I feel so out of touch, it's embarrassing.

Anyways, hi, I'm Peter. I suppose I'm one of you guys now?

[info]feelseverything in [info]thedoorway

Why is cooking so damn hard? I mean I try to follow a recipe, but I always set things on fire and then it's all burned. And when it's not burned and gross, it doesn't taste the way that I thought it was going to taste.

I give up. Living on take out for the rest of my natural life.

In other news, I really want to go skiing. Anyone want to come with?

[info]capitoldarling in [info]thedoorway


They have a printer that prints sugar cubes.

How do I get one?

[info]oldfossil in [info]thedoorway


Who: Obi-Wan Kenobi
When: Monday, January 12
Where: His Tower apartment.
What: Meditation, or a one-sided conversation with the dead.
Rating: Low.

It is a long way from here to the Outer Rim, and I have much to tell you. )

[info]stoptheclock in [info]thedoorway

It's been two years since what was easily the worst day I'd ever known. I'd always thought the days Sydney was attacked by Scissure were the worst, but this day in 2025 ripped that all to pieces. It also gave us a future that many of us weren't sure we'd ever see. I still don't know how something can be the worst day and the best day at the same time. Your family in ruins but the rest of the world safe again, families who will never know what you've faced. You're thanked for your sacrifices and your service, and you look out at the faces of the people saved, and you think you don't want their gratitude because it doesn't make anything easier. We join the military to make the world a better place for those who can't stand up and fight, and we're told that sacrifice is worth it if you can protect them, and it's true, but the reality is not that simple, not when you've lost everything. The reality is much more complicated.

I'm glad I'm not there for this anniversary. There would only be remembrance ceremonies, a speech I'd have to make, and a thousand looks of pity from well-meaning strangers. It's easier in a world where today is only Kiss a Ginger Day and nothing more.

[info]mercilessworld in [info]thedoorway

[Filtered to Dawn Summers and Sam Winchester]

If I do not have a distraction, something will be destroyed.

[info]anakinsolo in [info]thedoorway

Network Post; Anakin Solo

For once I haven't seen some ridiculous item with someone's face from my reality on it. I do have a cup with a crab on it though, thanks for that Dad.

[Filter: Jaina & Jacen]
I'm signing you both up for a class with me.

[Filter: Rikki]
Guess what?

[Filter: Jon]
Are you patrolling tonight?

[info]sciencedivision in [info]thedoorway

I hope everyone is settling into the new year well.

[Peter Quill]

Have you found any individuals that you would wish to bring onto our team?


Would you be feeling up to lunch sometime soon.


I hear you've been busy. You know I spent quite a bit of time in the field at your age. There's nothing quite like it.


It's becoming pertinent to ask, what are your feelings on mixing business with pleasure?

[info]razorclaws in [info]thedoorway

Filter: Asgardians
Hi, there. You don't know me but I know of Thor from my world and he helped get me and some of my friends out of a sticky situation once. Maybe twice. And the Tesseract this time happened to send us some gifts back home in relation to that situation.

I was wondering if any of you guys that have formal archery training with an Asgardian bow would be willing to train me so I can improve my skills?

Filter: Danny and Luke
Feelers have been put out. Hopefully they don't start asking questions on why a mortal teenager was given a bow and arrow.

Still glad we got these instead of the goat.