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November 11th, 2014

[info]gofuckyourself in [info]thedoorway

-- Hey
-- You got your phone?

[info]pottsresilient in [info]thedoorway


For Herc Hansen )

[info]fereldenshero in [info]thedoorway

It's beautiful.

The fade would look like this. Skies blended together in the colors of dreams by spirits creating their own illusions of reality.

[info]changetherules in [info]thedoorway

Network Post: Helena G. Wells

I am still trying to understand how it is that my brother, who was usually such a dolt, actually got into some semi-original writing after I was gone. Even though he kept using my established name and lifting from my then-unpublished phrasings and ideas, he found new purposes for them or waited until they had some relevant context to release them with his modern flourishes.

In particular, he became prolific in these mixed writings about war, and "the war that will end war".

I didn't live through this "World War I" as he did, and I could only imagine war at that level as faraway stories. I wish such wars would never happen outside of telling tales. In my darkest moods, I've thought that humanity could never overcome its lust for inflicting these horrors upon our own and upon other nations. I've imagined terrible scenarios; I have to remind myself to hope we can be better than that and that so many believe we can be. Perhaps there really will be an end to war someday.

Thus today, I find myself missing my dear Charles, and even admitting that he was dear.

On his behalf and my own, I thank everyone who has fought in the hope that their war would be the final war. I wish we had been right about that so long ago.

[info]neversaidpilot in [info]thedoorway

Filter: Network Veterans / Party Invitees*
Good evening, everyone. This is just a quick reminder that tomorrow, at 230 Fifth is the dinner. This is for you, commemorating your service to the country. It would be great to have you there.

Filter: Steve Rogers (MCU)
Dinner's going to be paid for, by the way.

*ooc: okay, so I forgot to put something earlier but for the veteran's dinner on the plot calendar, just pretend that your char had been invited days ago already!

[info]walterblythe in [info]thedoorway

Today is not just about the veterans.

I read an article last year (here) about how one man in England has decided to stop wearing the crimson flower on his lapel, because the poppy and the respect that has been paid to the fallen has been used to promote and underline the importance of modern conflict.

This is not what I mean, when I say that Remembrance Day is not just about the veterans.

What I mean is that this day is meant for more than just a minute's pause to reflect upon the lives lost in brutal conflict. It's to serve as a moment, a single moment a year, wherein we think of nothing but the cost of going of war. Because that is a debt no one should suffer.

There will be times when citizens must fight to protect what it is they hold valuable. There is a time when peaceful protests, when negotiations and promises do fall through and there are few answers beyond violence -- but today, we remember what that looks like.

Even at the front, during the war, there were men like Siegfried Sassoon who stood up to his superiors, threw his medals into a river and wrote a declaration about the senselessness of continued fighting. He was sent to Craigslockhart and court marshalled. Others were shot and killed by their own commanding officers for cowardice, or deserting.

Remember them too.

And the monster that war makes of all men.

Remember and use today, and every day, to find solutions, to make peace. Honour the lives of those who died believing they fought the war which would end all wars by proving they were right.

Make it better. You're the only ones who can.

God bless.

[info]alanablooms in [info]thedoorway

The network says it's normal, but I don't see how it is. I got new memories last night.

I need to see you.

[info]pinkypinkerton in [info]thedoorway

This afternoon, any current servicemen (and women) or veterans looking for a moment's peace and a stiff drink can have both for free this afternoon at Kamchatka Peninsula.

[info]gofuckyourself in [info]thedoorway

Don't know why everyone got so worked up over a little Aurora Borealis.

[info]felixblake in [info]thedoorway

[Filtered to Abigail Brand & Carol Danvers]
I'm uncertain how good your reception is out there, but last night at about 9:50, there was a global peak in auroral activity extending nearly to the tropics and lasting for about 30 minutes.

There didn't seem to be a concurrent peak in global radiation. And I've been on and off the phone with ESA and NOAA all morning. But it looks as though there were reads we can get on this event. I'm hesitant to call it a Green Event just yet, though that's what they seem to be calling it in Sweden.

Still, I'll send what teams I can and we should have a full report ready upon your return.

News: 1 2 3
[Filtered to Jack Harkness, Ianto Jones, Dana Scully, Fox Mulder]
In gathering information on last night's event there are a few observatories across the globe that I think we should consult on site with. I've had a very productive conversations and made arrangements at two such sites.

Harkness, you're taking Mulder, as well as agents Ibbott and Gaido to Pingelly Heights Observatory outside of Perth. Agent Shadi Mohammed will be taking Jones, Scully, & Musarrah Mohammed to Tromsø Geophysical Observatory in Norway. I have flight arrangements, and Op details at Command. Please proceed there ASAP.

Both Pingelly and Tromsø have affiliated recording sites and should be able to begin organizing exactly what occurred last night.
[Filtered to Sharon Carter (MCU)]
How was your marathon with the Asgardians?

[info]ororo in [info]thedoorway

[Text Message to Betsy Braddock]
-- 6 Attachments
-- And that is not even the most beautiful thing I made last night

[info]stoptheclock in [info]thedoorway

After reading this, I finally understand what they were going on about in Pride and Prejudice.

[info]westen in [info]thedoorway

Others have written about Veteran's Day a lot better than I could. But while we're recognizing the impact of combat on both our fallen friends and those of us who survived to talk about it, I'd like to take a moment to remember everyone else whose life has been touched by war. The innocent locals who have been hurt or killed simply for daring to exist in a war zone. Those lives our efforts were supposed to save or at least improve, but instead we ended them. They are not collateral damage. They are human beings, and nothing justifies the loss of their lives.

Let's remember, too, the civilians who have entered areas of conflict in order to provide humanitarian aid, assist the military, or simply document events for posterity. The people with no military training to fall back on, no oath of office or enlistment to urge them forward, who nonetheless did what they could to try to help when opportunity arose. Whether it was a good idea or not

My brother was one of those people. He wasn't a soldier or a government operative. He never saw real war the way I did; he didn't even die in a combat zone. But he gave his life for the United States of America. He assisted the CIA in apprehending an enemy of the state, the co-founder of a rogue organization that burned spies like me in order to force us to work against our nation. He died on that mission.

Back home, my name is inscribed on the Memorial Wall at CIA headquarters in Langley, because I was supposedly killed in action. My brother was killed in action too, but his name will never make it up there. So today, I'd like to be the one to recognize him.

His name was Nate Westen. He was a father, a husband, a son, an entrepreneur. He was loyal, enthusiastic, stupidly brave. He was great with cars. And he was my kid brother. A better one than I ever deserved. I miss you, Nate. I love you.

[info]ingoodform in [info]thedoorway

» Did you speak to your mother?

[info]basilhallward in [info]thedoorway

For those ESD students who are currently selecting their courses for the Spring of 2015, there are still several open spots in both the Art History and Drawing and Painting courses, which I will continue to teach next year.

Starting in January, the drawing and painting class will begin a unit on figure drawing and portraiture -- nonmagical only -- for which we will be working with live models. The focus of this unit will be on capturing the unique traits and flaws of the sitter to reveal character.

Though most of the models we work with will be fully clothed, students under 18 will need approval from a parent or guardian to attend classes on January 14 and 15th. (Students who cannot or do not wish to participate will not be penalized.)

I would be happy to answer any additional questions you may have as you make your selections.

[info]thebanshee in [info]thedoorway

Filter: Teen!Tony Stark
Hey, have you heard from Rhodey lately? Is he with you? He's not answering his phone and we have a date.

[info]ohgoodirony in [info]thedoorway

Filter to Agent Pepper
Please tell me Rhodey's with you and he was a dick and forgot his phone somewhere. Please.

[info]nomaderwhat in [info]thedoorway

[Young Allies]

I've tried going over what we have on the drive with Anakin. I don't think it's encoded but this kind of science isn't really my thing.

My chem book is really only going to get us so far. And by far I mean not at all.


So. That was mortifying.

[info]hundredtexts in [info]thedoorway

Filter: Friends of Teen Team Iron
Hey, guys. Bad news. Our Rhodey's gone. The Tesseract decided to take him back home. His girlfriend, Lydia, contacted us and we searched and all of his stuff is still here.

The good thing is that he's okay back home. He's doing good. He's got his mom and, he's got us too. And my dad and Tony's dad. So hopefully, we'll see him back here eventually.

Filter: Pepper Potts (616)
Can I just, like, ask for a day or two off? Or a small vacation?

Filter James Potter
Well, your Magical Watch For People works just fine. Perfectly actually.