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September 14th, 2014

[info]thebuffster in [info]thedoorway

Who: Ben Reilly (616) & Buffy Summers
When: Tuesday, September 9th, before the Spider House dinner
Where: Buffy's apartment
What: After this conversation and this invitation, Buffy and Ben have a talk.

MJ had said it best anyways. He didn’t get to decide what he deserved. )

[info]ktbecks in [info]thedoorway

Text Messages to Richard Castle )

[info]ocorellia in [info]thedoorway

Filtered to Carol Danvers (EMH) and Abigail Brand
What's a gentleman need to do to sign up for SWORD?

I'm planning a poker night for Wednesday. If anyone outside the usual crew is interested, let me know.

[info]parrviolet in [info]thedoorway

If you ever wondered what it was like to work in a toy story, imagine that it's very similar to looking after small children. One kid threw up on me, and another one threw a toy at my head. Yesterday's work adventures.

I'm just glad they are working with my schedule so it won't get in the way of my studies.

Filter: Sue Storm
Hi! Is it all right if I call you Sue or do you prefer Mrs. Storm. I was wondering if you had time this week to meet? I never met anyone with powers like mine.

[info]peterguillam in [info]thedoorway

To: Recruiting@michaelson.net
From: p.guillam@pottstower.com
Subject: Manager of Logistics Procurement – Distribution (Job Number: 607532)
Attachment: guillam_resume.pdf ; guillam_cover.pdf

you have 1 new message )

[info]flameon_ in [info]thedoorway

I miss KiSo I saw some posters about a bar crawl and I was like HELL YES and then I get there and it's like, for lit geeks. And let me tell you, those people know how to party. And they're fucking smart. But like, I didn't black out, but I got really fucking smashed because it's like they were channeling whatever dead author they liked who drank like a fish. All of them.

Lit geeks, man. They're hardcore.

Only they didn't really start drinking until we got to the last bar, and until then they were all wine this and wine that. WTF.

[info]iron in [info]thedoorway

[Pepper Potts (MCU), Bruce Banner (MCU), Alex Vause]
Hey, do you remember when Captain America and a few of the refugees helped out with the Phoenix Project building emergency housing for people displaced by Sandy -- before we realized that the Phoenix organization was sort of a front for HYDRA (one of the many fronts for HYDRA) and everything was shitty?

Well, Bruce and I were talking about ways to reinvent the elevator using a hydraulic, water pressure redistribution system and I thought instead of trying to convince you to let me rip an elevator shaft out of Stark Tower and try and replace it was untested technology that would impede work functions in ST and probably give Happy a security-crisis heart attack, we bought and redesigned a building with the new system, set it up with it's own self-sustaining reactor and packaged the whole deal as affordable housing for New York City?

I'm thinking if we get the refugees involved with the project, we could spin the PR as a way for the refugees to give back -- not to Stark Industries, but to the city that they live in. You know, considering the protests, considering the mystery and the myth surrounding what goes on at Potts Tower, I feel like a project that puts refugees out there as concerned, helpful individuals who appreciate the opportunities that have been given to them and want to do something for others could do wonders for their approval rating, and lead to, I don't know, anti-protests.

I'm just throwing it out there, this is just brain storming, but it sounded like a good idea when we were drawing diagram's on the bag that Bruce's lunch came in.

ETA: Or you know what? Instead of low income housing, we could build a kind of rehabilitation centre, you know? Like group housing, or a kind of community wellness building, something like that. I'm just throwing ideas out there.

[info]becauseimhappy in [info]thedoorway

I don't like going to Central Park anymore. That crazy preacher is always there. Last week he tried to tell me that I'm going to hell because I work for Stark Industries and he thinks Tony's the devil. I was tempted to talk about Cthulhu but I still get the heebie-jeebies when I think about it so I just ran away. I was running anyway, so it wasn't like I looked like an idiot running away in like my suit or whatever.

[info]demiourgos in [info]thedoorway

(Regarding: this)

Okay so like.

You know.

Being a gay Jewish kid And creator and artisan of at least a couple universes... aaaaaand I guess one of the leaders of a Cthulhu cult for a while... I try not to engage with crazy preachers in Central Park. I mean I've basically made it a rule that it's a bad idea, and that I'll only get angry and accomplish nothing.

Today was no exception. But oh my God, I think I spent more time trying to keep Teddy from punching him in the God-fearing jaw than he spent listening to me.

I got called a Jezebel and the whore of Babylon, too. Which is like, the worst, right? And so unfair. I really like dogs.

[info]makeitso in [info]thedoorway

Network Post; Jean-Luc Picard

I'm glad to see that HYDRA is still being tracked down, in places where they may have yet been undiscovered. It makes you wonder how many escaped during the chaos and confusion of SHIELD falling apart - and I suspect we would not like the answer.

[Filter: Beverly Crusher]
Tonight, dinner, dancing, are you available?

[info]addledmorality in [info]thedoorway

Not that I imagine many are heavily involved in politics here, but HYDRA finding their claws in the US senate is such an interesting story. Then again I really think the surprise would be if the senate were entirely clean instead of the other way around. There are some miracles that will never happen. Curiosity begs to see how many more names he turns up for a softer cell and protection from his former allies.

Russell Raleigh and Dianne Castiglione. I'd say it would be in our best interest to look into just who will be replacing Senator Stern. We do have a say here, after all.

[info]talkstothestars in [info]thedoorway

Network Post: Drusilla

It's a birthday today. What shall we give you, Miss Winifred? You must have a party, won't you? With real surprises.

[info]srslypads in [info]thedoorway

Private to friends -- a loose ward, if you want your character to see it, that's cool

How about an end of the summer party Friday, eh? I'll procure booze and burn some food for everyone, and there can even be rides on my magical love of a motorbike. Who's in?

[info]theotherparker in [info]thedoorway

Come on, Ben, you can do this Ok, so, we all run in different circles and got a wide reach and interact with all different parts of the city, right? And sometimes the best way to spread information is word of mouth, so...

This isn't really sounding right. Or going the way it's supposed to. Ok, change of tactics and power straight on in.

If anyone here in their daily routine meets up with someone local who needs a safe place to stay and doesn't mind trekking out to Queens, there's a place they can stay. Most of it is a hostel dorm sort of sleeping situation, but there are individual rooms for those who might need them for whatever reason. So, if they need a warm, safe place to sleep or even just a place to cook a nice homemade meal or hang out for an afternoon, they can give Shirl a call at [phone number] if they have access to a phone for the details. Otherwise, I can supply the address to anyone who needs it.

As another part of this, if anyone wants to chip in some free time and volunteer to help people with stuff like legal advice, finances, or job searches or even to just cook some meals for folks on random nights, the more the merrier!

[info]resolveface in [info]thedoorway

Boy did I take a wrong turn in Albuquerque.

[info]yogammagamma in [info]thedoorway

[Peter Parker (616), Tony Stark (616)]
I want it.

cut for picture )

[info]blanchard in [info]thedoorway

[Text message to David Nolan]
-- Please say you're almost home
-- Neal's gone from crying to screaming
-- Is it too late to call his doctor
-- This can't be normal

[ooc: don't worry, it's just normal teething. MM is overreacting + about to discover her new power. in case anyone is going "OH NO THE BABY ;.;" which is a thing i would totally do.]

[info]threadtheneedle in [info]thedoorway

I'm not one for staying in one place too long. But you do get to know a place better, and there's a whole yī duī gǒu shǐ of stuff I didn't know about Earth-that-Was.

All the fossils, for instance. Seeing a dinosaur skeleton in person blew my mind a little. The smaller things about Earth's history that got forgotten or just aren't told as stories anymore. It's a weird thing to think about, but it keeps my mind distracted. Maybe I should try archaeology, go digging under the earth for a while since I can't go exploring in the stars.

[ SWORD medical ]
So I'm pretty sure, at this point, that I have one of those powers. And it's a weird one. (Though whatever you're imagining now that I've said that, I can bet you it's not what I have. And when I tell you it'll be a little anticlimactic.)

Anyway, captain says get checked out, so can I come in and do that?

[info]metallic in [info]thedoorway

Who: Bucky Barnes MCU, Lucy Stillman
When: Tonight.
Where: Lucy and Bennett's lab in Brooklyn
What: Bucky decides to figure out who the woman was that HYDRA agent Robert Crawford returned to. Unexpected results trigger Lucy's new power.
Rating: R for language and uh, possible attempted murder.

''What have you done?'' )

[info]metallic in [info]thedoorway



Background noises, but whoever it is is waiting for an answer first.

[info]pinkie in [info]thedoorway

Billy gave me a few more years. I feel much better this way.

Is that coffee shop hiring? Does anyone know anything about it?

[info]thetroubles in [info]thedoorway

A completely different universe than the one I was in just a few moments ago, and it's still not the strangest thing to happen to me.

I'm Audrey Parker. They tell me I was here before.

[info]ocorellia in [info]thedoorway

Who: Hoban "Wash" Washburne & Han Solo
Where: Sam's, lower level of Potts Tower
When: Backdated to around September 6, 2014
What: Two old(er) men discuss SWORD, their not-yet married lives, and what they miss most about home.
Status: Completed log.

So you might end up flying for SWORD, huh? We’ll have to get into some trouble together, then. And then out of it, of course. )

[info]westen in [info]thedoorway

Alternate dimension, huh? Kinda wish I'd known about that particular escape route years ago.

Do you people really expect me to believe

So where can a guy get some yogurt around here? And maybe a train to Langley?

[info]river_dance in [info]thedoorway

Yellow eyes.

[info]seesred in [info]thedoorway

My name is I was told the easiest way to find out if I knew anyone here was through this network. I get a feeling the odds are better that someone will know me instead, but...

I'm Scott. And this is bound to go badly.

[info]marajade in [info]thedoorway

Narrative; Mara Jade

Who: Mara Jade
When: 12 September (slightly backdated)
Where: Hassenstadt, Latvero-Romanian disputed territory
What: Mara Jade the spy.
Rating: Low

Here in the bustling and prosperous government and shopping district of Hassenstadt the hotel’s fourth floor windows provided a view of a building that was supposedly postal services, but which was one of three locations she and Nick had marked as possible fronts for the HYDRA cell the informants in Manila had pointed them towards. )