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April 26th, 2014

[info]byebyebourbon in [info]thedoorway

Backdated to yesterday

[Filtered to Monty Falsworth, Peggy Carter, Howard Stark, Steve Rogers (all MCU)]
Found us an airfield that's a touch kind to an old vet. I got us a Piper Warrior soon as we can get out there on Saturday, need it back early Sunday.

Find those checkers, yet Monty?

[info]thebuffster in [info]thedoorway

That was a new level of lame, even for you.

Why don't we just get this over with?

[info]agentsitwell in [info]thedoorway

cut for cake! )

April was a really long time to stick to a New Years resolution. If you don't count that I actually kind of broke it in February and picked it back up again for Lent. Which I don't.

But the important question now becomes what coffee goes with a cake like this?

[Filtered to Phil Coulson]
Hey, I heard they got you back.
[Filtered to Victoria Hand]
So, even if you're ignoring me, you've still got my cat.

[info]agent13 in [info]thedoorway

[Bucky Barnes (EMH)]
So, Bambi how was the rest of your night?

And I hope you weren't expecting to sleep in. A pulled a few 'Fennhoff's from a list of registered psychiatrists. There's two in New York I want to check out, one in Brooklyn and what a few hours upstate. Either we'll take the drive or I'll send the wizard. Depends what his plans are. You free?

[info]annewithane in [info]thedoorway

Filter to Alana Bloom
Hello, Dr. Bloom. I'm Anne Blythe. I understand that you are a doctor of psychiatry and that you are willing to meet with refugees who may be having... difficulties. I wonder if you would meet with me?

ooc: trigger warning: depression, infant death

[info]burnedup in [info]thedoorway

Now I remember why I never wear high heels. Owww, my feet.

[info]snowflakeinhell in [info]thedoorway

Network Post: Illyana Rasputina

That prom was like 300% more Russian than last year's, so that's прохладно. Definitely glad I wore the сарафа́н instead of a prom dress this time. Super happy that my under-18 pick for queen got it! But bummer that Cassie didn't win for her group.

[Sam & Willow; also open to Buffy, Dawn, and Wes per Sam's original request]

Hey, so. No answers yet about finding that soul. But I have something to offer up that could possibly be useful if/when someone does find it and needs to get it back to the body. It's not useful in itself, but maybe there's something to it that can be adapted or reverse spell-engineered or something to help contain and transport it, or maybe help with thinking of ways to free it if it's trapped in something. Sam already knows about this thing, and right before the last time Willow got taken back, I was going to tell her about it because boss and stuff.

My soul isn't intact. I have with me an amulet that contains three parts of my soul turned into bloodstones, with two empty spaces that would've held the rest if it'd been finished. It took very dark, demonic magic to do this, and it's irreversible, so definitely not something to try to replicate. So maybe examining the bloodstones or the amulet will give you some useful insight or inspire something.

[info]idonotbrood in [info]thedoorway

Who: Fenris
When: April 25th, 9pmish
Where: Fenris' apartment
What: Fenris' thoughts go awandering
Rating: PG-13 for suggestive situations

He sat down again and refilled his wine glass, determined to distract himself from thoughts of home and Hawke. )

[info]sherlockholmes in [info]thedoorway

Man wird am besten für seine Tugenden bestraft. (Aphorism 132) Jenseits von Gut und Böse Friedrich Nietzsche (1886).

One is punished most for one's virtues.

I don't think it's that difficult to ascertain why recent events have turned me upon Nietzsche's perhaps most famous volume. What, with the nobility of souls, and whether gazing into or being gazed upon by the abyss is more powerful.

Morality, noble actions and noble hearts; heroes and addicts, obsession and reverence -- what guides us to do what we do, if it can be helped and if our actions matter. Are our souls measured in the afterlife and devoured by a beast if they are not worthy? If out deeds were unjust, if our motivations unfounded? Does stopping bad people from doing bad things using whatever means we need to use measure in our favour... or against us?

[info]provenmettle in [info]thedoorway

Hark, my friends. I have met a warrior who can perhaps match my skill where none of you have yet come close, save perhaps Torunn who is young yet. Her name is Mulan and she comes from a land of magic and beanstalk-dwelling giants.

[info]openbook in [info]thedoorway

Who: Emma Swan, Captain Hook
When: BACKDATED to April 3rd
Where: Waters around NYC.
What: Emma surprises Hook in a few ways for his "birthday."
Rating: PG13 near the end.

''You'd think after all that time, you'd get tired of sailing.'' )

[info]fereldenshero in [info]thedoorway

-- :D
-- Soooooooooo?

-- He's shorter than I imagined.
-- And bespeckled.
-- You wore a dress.

[info]tinnedtuna in [info]thedoorway

Why do we have only one dance party a year?

If movies are anything to go by, high schools have them for every minor event. They seem important.

[info]thewasp in [info]thedoorway

I'll be sending you a bill for my ruined costume. I had to burn it.