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April 16th, 2014

[info]talkstothestars in [info]thedoorway

Network Post: Drusilla

Oh, I feel terribly strange. My Spike didn't dance with me like he promised. But Willow gave me a present. It's so bright, but it has such teeth. I can feel them at my throat when I have bad thoughts.

There's something... I was supposed to say something, wasn't I? I can't remember. Looming over me when I sleep. It's why I needed a present, isn't it?

I do like the doggies.

[info]mostresilient in [info]thedoorway

Filter: Alana Bloom
Dr. Bloom, I'd like to apologise for the last time we spoke. Most of the time Occasionally My reply to you was slightly accusative and it shouldn't have been. I suppose I'm still not used to people reaching out to talk to me. If that offer to talk is still available I'd like to take advantage of that

[info]peppers in [info]thedoorway

Who: Pepper Potts, Tony Stark (MCU both)
When: Today, after the group gets back
Where: Stark Tower
What: Tony is a mess when he finds Pepper.
Rating: TBD


[info]ktbecks in [info]thedoorway

Back where she belongs. I missed you, shield of mine.

cut, not filtered )

(photo from the Castle properties chief's twitter, though the original tweet is no longer available)

[info]iron in [info]thedoorway

Who: Tony Stark & Evetta Gorani
When: April 16th
Where: Gorani Mansion, in Milan, Italy
What: Stark realises that Gorani is behind the art theft & insurance fraud. Because of the romance they had years ago, Tony thinks he can talk her into turning herself in. Things don’t quite go as planned.
Rating: PG-13. Warning, Character Death. (OR IS IT?)
Status: In-Progress

Face to face
no telling lies
The masks they slide
to reveal a new disguise )

[info]iron in [info]thedoorway

[Joan Watson, Abbie Mills, Clint Barton, Alex Vause, Jim Rhodes]
Rhodey, get the plane ready. Everyone else, pack up. We're going home. I'll explain on the way.

Vause, I'm going to need you to give me a list of Gorani's top competitors. I think it's time we switched our policies.

I don't
[Pepp Bruce Pep Steve Rogers (MCU)]
I fucked up
[Pepper Potts (MCU)]
I don't even know what to Hey, honey.
We'll be back in New York by this afternoon. I'll need you to look some things over for me when we get there. Mostly just some numbers I had crunched. I didn't
I can't t

[info]ohsodashing in [info]thedoorway

I have to say I am intrigued by this prom festival that has taken the networks interest.

[Asgardians minus Loki]

The lady Anne has invited us to a feast in the honor of a Midgardian god named Jesus.

Apparently he cannot make it but I certainly am not one to turn away a feast provided by such a lovely cook. Will any of you join me?

[info]wintersoul in [info]thedoorway

...This is definitely not Arctis Tor. Or Chicago.

I need to get back before someone finds out I'm gone, because she won't care that it's not my fault and I didn't mean to come here and...

I just really need to get back. Like, five minutes ago.

[info]mygodhasahammer in [info]thedoorway

[Filtered to Jane Foster]
The blythe lady Anne of the Green Gable, is throwing a feast honoring her patron, Jesus, this weekend and has extended the invitation to Fandral, and thus to us. I had thought to see if you would care to join.

But more importantly, will you accompany to this Prom? :D

[info]hertruecolors in [info]thedoorway

Some motherfucker left "get a real job" in the tip portion of their bill. I'm going to choke someone.

If you could go to Prom with any famous person ever, who would it be?

I need your help

[info]janebejane in [info]thedoorway

-- Hey, how you holding up?
-- Sorry I didn't message you like, two weeks ago :(
-- Science makes me a shitty friend

[info]twicenamedkane in [info]thedoorway

Network Post: Kate Kane

Name's Kate Kane and here I am. I've been through a buttload of paperwork and testing and no real sleep in over 24 hours, so I could really do with winding down before I crash. Recommendations for tonight? What's must-see/must-know for the near future?

My SHIELD guide said some of my local crowd are here, but he was definitely keeping something to himself about that. Who exactly is here?