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March 1st, 2014

[info]daisywillrocku in [info]thedoorway

if you reply shoot me an email please?

I love medical evaluations! (Please note sarcasm) I understand that they're necessary etc I just hate them. (No offense dr crusher, you were by far the nicest doc I've ever been to) and now for coffee number six.

[info]tonystark in [info]thedoorway

Filtered to Natasha Romanova (616):
So, Local Tony got me to come to his tower and beef up security because of a deeply weird request he received form the Security Council.

Have you heard anything about this?

[info]deanna_troi in [info]thedoorway

HAPPY BIRTHDAY CHRISTINE: A combined Gift from Deanna & Laura because the mun is lazy )

[info]ladyofsummer in [info]thedoorway

Oscar predictions, anyone? Unfortunately I'm a few years behind and haven't seen many of this year's nominees, but I'm really thrilled to see Sandra Bullock get the recognition she deserves. She's so often dismissed as a fluffy rom-com actress, but she's highly underrated.

[info]daisywillrocku in [info]thedoorway

Drop for Nick Fury (616) )

[info]askxphoebe in [info]thedoorway

Column is done and its still pretty early in the day. I'd say that I deserve a nice shopping and lunch excursion. Retail therapy is always the best.

[info]artisticmother in [info]thedoorway

Saturday in Central Park....don't mind if I do.

[info]ginnerly in [info]thedoorway

The animal shelter called - apparently when I was here before we had a dog. And they have the dog, which they wanted me to come and pick up.

So, now, we've got a dog in the flat. This should be fun.

[info]furrybluefriend in [info]thedoorway

No matter how long winter is, spring is sure to follow.

We just need to keep telling ourselves that sometimes.

[Filtered to Rogue (both), Raven]
Ladies, I apologize if I have been remiss in my socialization lately, I've been rather engrossed in the push for scientific discovery.... or perhaps I should say rediscovery of late, and I suppose rather like Marlowe's scholar I have found myself running into a bit of a wall.

But, that's related, because what I have to ask today may seem a bit strange. But, know that I have been here for over a year now, and it has been a process coming to accept this form that I found myself in recently before my arrival here. I spent much of my eight months here, attempting to reverse it. The problem is, I was moderately successful. I managed to revert my phenotype for about three weeks back in August and, stabilize some others who had deleterious mutations or unstable chemically induced powers. I reverted, but none of the others did or, have yet. It's really quite remarkable for those who were looking for a way out. However, in the wrong hands, problematic.

Someone has stolen that research.

I've been working assiduously to counter the compound I made and I think there's some promise within my own response to it. I think I'm close. The compound was made based off a chemical that was secreted by the epidermal cells of a Rogue who was here previously, and since my first attempt was created based off of Raven's blood. I was wondering if you all might be willing to allow me to take samples to try to formulate an anti-sera that could counteract my compound.
[Filtered to Pepper Potts (MCU)]
Ms. Potts.

First of all, congratulations on your engagement. :) But also, I was wanting to check, it has been about six months since we used the X-2238 compound to stabilize your Extremis. I was wanting to check in and see that everything was still well with you and that there had been no problems since.

[info]modelcitizen in [info]thedoorway

network post: alison hendrix

The blessing in disguise with this recent change in procedure is that coming here now resembles what it actually is: kidnapping. It's must harder to deny when people are hooded, disoriented, and dropped off at locations to be found.

Filtered: Sarah Manning & Cosima Niehaus
The other silver lining is the more limited opportunities to use new refugees as lab rats. That, or they're doing even more and even worse things. And this is all a cover up for it.

[info]stackthehouse in [info]thedoorway

network post: sookie stackhouse

This has been my first winter in about two years, five if you're choosing to think about the idea it was 2008-2009. Mostly I think about it every time it gets real cold out there, and I can't remember it being cold in a long time, even Louisiana cold. And that's well above freezing, let me tell you. I'd just pull on the Merlotte's pants and wrap a jacket around me, and I'd be good. Now, I don't mean to be complaining here, and that's not what this is about. I finished building my room at Dr. Strange's a while ago now. And I think I'm going to try for something more: a garden, where it's warm and sunny all the time, like the fairy dimension in the cemetery, with fewer gravestones. There's no guarantee I'll be able to do that before it gets proper warm around here, but if I do, I'm welcome to sharing it with some company now and again, to anyone that misses the sun and warmth like I do.

[info]biomechanoid in [info]thedoorway

network post: moya

So many people here only one from their universe (universe like theirs) (41). I thought I'd be lonelier (I'm lonely, I'm not, I'm both, I'm neither... failure to explain). Mind/soul adapts (learns) from loss (stronger hopefully [not closing off]). They have happy lives (together lives, John & Aeryn) and me (I'm there, they're in me). I'm very attached to these legs and arms and stomach and mouth and definitely the mouth (and fingers, fingers are very very very good at so many things [like typing]) and people. People are coming and going but they are staying in my heart, and I was so scared [used to be] and ran away with my people and ran and ran and didn't meet very many new people (Chiana and Stark and not very many more). But I'm not running, and I'm glad I'm not running (sad I'm not flying). I want to stay put here (and I'm not the only one {am I?}). I thought, in the cold and the tired and the strange and the scary, for new people who just want to go home (that's a valid feeling too) and old ones who lose someone yet again (heartbreak is heartbreak), good news is good and uplifting and should be. If it helps you, this has made my day.

Cut, not filtered )

[info]therealnickfury in [info]thedoorway

[Sitwell and Barton]

Remind me next time how much I dislike being shot.

[info]doriangray in [info]thedoorway

[Tony Stark, Pepper Potts (616)]
So I'm getting Geiszler set up with the pre-existing projects, but at that was mostly charity work, I was wondering if we had any potentials in the pipelines I could throw him at. I imagine our friends in Japan would be interested in his experience with robotics, but I've also been in touch with Ekso. They're interested in the artificial limb work we're doing, so I was thinking I may look a bit closer at what they're offering, as I think Geiszler could potentially spearhead something there.

I've also gotten in touch with Stark Industries Re: getting Henry Jekyll lab space there, given his certain ...instabilities, I thought it might be best to keep him away from our smaller, more confined operations. I'm funding him privately, I know, but I did want to make you all aware of what's happening as it's still obviously tied to Resilient in some fashion.
[Tony Stark (616)]
Did you here about that bullshit that happened to Kim Kardashian at the Vienna Ball? Honestly, if you're paying that much to have the young lady accompany you, you should be paying her at least the same amount in respect. She left early, but I can tell you I would not have been nearly as gracious
[Septimus Smith]
Have you figured out, yet, that you were hear before? I don't think SHIELD got hold of any of your belongings, I think they're probably still all tucked away in Park Slope, but -- but if I told you that you and I had a bit of a tumultuous history, would you be all that surprised, Darling?
[Newton Geiszler]
I keep wanting to call you Newt Gingrich There you are. Your own lab space as promised -- If you can give me a list of your creature comforts, I'll make sure you'll well stocked by Monday, and by Wednesday of this week, we hope to sit down with you and review potential projects. I hate the idea of having you sitting around with nothing to do.
[Dr. Jekyll]
I'm sorry it's taken me so long to get back to you. I'm sure you understand that given your... history and requests, I wanted to make sure I had everything in proper order before I re-extended my offer, and explained to you the details -- and what I hope to see from you. You're not going to be employed, specifically, by either Stark Resilient or Stark Industries, but I'll be borrowing space in Industries facilities and paying for your research out of my own pocket. Consider this arrangement a patronage. Extended to you by one man well aware of the monsters within himself, as a way of helping another -- understood?

[info]beverlycrusher in [info]thedoorway

Filtered to: S.H.I.E.L.D. Director Maria Hill:
There was an incident this afternoon you need to be made aware of. Patient Jane Doe, a victim of the 'Scarecrow', came out of her unresponsive and catatonic state for approximately five minutes. She identified herself as 'Aisha', but no other information has been offered. I've ordered more scans and tests to be done on her, to determine why she was lucid, but I can't offer any more information at this time. I will keep you apprised of the situation.

[ooc: if there is anyone else who should know be filtered into this conversation, let me know!]

[info]kibwana in [info]thedoorway

network post: azari

Filtered: X-Men
If it would be acceptable to you that I not live there all the time, I would like a room in your house and to live there with Ororo you. If there is not enough room for that, I understand.
Filtered: Sadie Kane and Carter Kane
Would either of you want to study together during the week? I like to discuss things, not just read them from books. I have gotten used to having the books, certainly. It's much different than learning things from Tony Stark by his memory.
It's curious to learn history after having "History of the World" by Tony Stark.

[info]gavein in [info]thedoorway

The Wolf once got a bone stuck in his throat. So he went to the Crane and begged her to put her long bill down his throat and pull the bone out. “I’ll make it worth your while,” he added. The Crane did as she was asked, and removed the bone quite easily. The Wolf thanked her kindly, and was just turning away, when she demanded, “What about my reward?” The Wolf, laughing and baring his teeth, said, “Now you can boast that you once put your head into a Wolf’s mouth and didn’t get it bitten off.”
- Aesop's Fables

As with most fables, there is a moral here.

[info]dressedforrio in [info]thedoorway

Finally, something to do with legos that isn't stepping on them.

But of course, guess which I've managed to do three times today?

[info]felicity_smoak in [info]thedoorway

tWho: Oliver Queen and Felicity Smoak
When: Wednesday Feb 12
Where: Their apartment
What: Oliver’s Queen sets this picture as his phone’s background
Rating: PG

I don’t think the appliances and things are supposed to talk even if we are living in some kind of whacked out parallel universe where we’re fictional people. )

[info]gofuckyourself in [info]thedoorway

[Ororo Munroe, Kitty Pryde, Jean Grey, Jess Drew, Bucky Barnes (616 & EMH), Natalia Romanova (616) ]
Back in town. I plan to stay out of sight at the time being, camp out at the -- what the hell are we calling it now? X-Warehouse? Crack Mansion?

Anyway, if anyone needs me. that's where I'll be.

[info]mygodhasahammer in [info]thedoorway


We are back! And we have brought mead, and in some cases tokens! More a fantastic new dragon's head mounted for Sam's public house and the tales to go with it should anyone care to drink with us.

[info]helpwillgraham in [info]thedoorway

This place puts us all in the unique position to perform outsider observations on ourselves, with extended access to outside perspectives within our own universe. All the missing pieces of the puzzle that make it so infuriating as you live through it are just handed out for the viewer to take in, to make judgement based off of with knowledge you couldn't possibly have had.

It's fascinating.

[info]chernaya in [info]thedoorway

TEXT TO FURY (MCU) (burner to burner):
» CEO's called an emergency board meeting. You need to rearrange your afternoon plans.

[info]houseoflife in [info]thedoorway


We're having a boardgame party :D

[Next Avenger]

BOARD GAMES! My place. Right now. GO GO GO!


So I'm having a board game night with a bunch of my friends tonight if you want to come and bring your friends?


Board games! Y/y? Bring toasty :D

[info]themagics in [info]thedoorway

Today was the festival of Matronalia; ancient Roman holiday, very similar to America's Mother's Day - except most people just think Mother's Day is a Hallmark holiday. I hate it when people dismiss holidays that were once so important, they still hold value.

I think, because of everything going on, my mind is just wandering and pulling up bits of information from high school (like Roman holidays). I’ve even caught myself thinking about the philosopher Pythagoras and the characters, virtues, and other properties he taught in regards to numbers. Which then spins off and has me thinking about the Tetragrammaton, of course.

I had a reason for posting...I really did...but now I can't stop thinking in this straight line and I'm stuck on numbers. Maybe I need sleep.

[info]hcjones in [info]thedoorway

ooc: posted earlier in the day

Today is my birthday.

That is all.

[info]helpmeobwan in [info]thedoorway

Who:Obi-Wan Kenobi and Laura Roslin
When:Feb 14 (backdated)
Where:A small inn in Connecticut
What: Obi-Wan is trying to be romantic
Rating: G beause it's Obi-Wan and he really has no clue what he's doing.

Would you mind terribly if I kissed you? )

[info]ontherhodey in [info]thedoorway

-- Hey, we've been invited to Sadie's House of Life
-- For board games
-- Who's going with me?

-- Hey, what's up?
-- Want to hang out and play board games at the House of Life?
-- This kid Sadie invited me, said I could bring friends and you're a friend
-- So what about it?