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February 23rd, 2014

[info]gossipmagnet in [info]thedoorway

I CAN'T FIND MY SHOES. I need them for an interview with Columbia, they wanted me to come in. I have no idea if I'm in or not, but I figure an interview is a good thing. I just can't find my shoes that I want to wear. Pink heels. OMG.

[info]missqfabray in [info]thedoorway

Who: Rachel Berry and Quinn Fabray
What: A discussion about life and love
When: February 5, after this http://asylums.insanejournal.com/thedoorway/3615238.html
Where: Quinn and Rachel’s apartment
Rating: PG-13 with language and implied sexual situations
Status: Log; complete.

You’re like a magnet. Somehow, you draw people to you. They want to be with you or be around you. )

[info]missqfabray in [info]thedoorway

Network Post: Quinn Fabray

Snow and freezing temperatures for this week. That groundhog needs to learn to be a herald of summer. I mean, what does he get out of predicting cold? At least the fashions here are better than Lima. I've been able to catch a few more shows than I normally would have.

Anyone have recommendations for a new show here on Broadway? Or off broadway?

Filtered to Rachel Berry
Any shows that you like that maybe you want to go to?

[info]spewpresident in [info]thedoorway

The fanfiction... remind me never again to go and look. The worst ones have me with..... Snape. Ugh, I can't get the images out of my head.

[info]deafenstein in [info]thedoorway

You find some interesting things on the internet.

[Bay and Daphne]
So I may have decided to take a look at the fanfiction about us. I found one about the two of you. Moving to Lima, Ohia and joining Glee Club. Oh and Toby? He joined a club like that at his all boys school.

[/Bay and Daphne]

Would you want to go see a movie or maybe get some dinner tomorrow night?


[info]jasontoddwayne in [info]thedoorway

For those who died do any of you remember death? Did you come back like you left or was something damaged? Did you ever get whole again?

For those who've made the decision that killing is a last resort what would drive you to it?

[Filter DC]

It's odd. I would do anything to keep big bird or little bird from ever having to take that last resort but I wouldn't feel as broken if baby bird came back and made my choice. I think I'd just try to help him understand the magnitude of the choice instead. To be honest I think sometimes the old man should make that choice and he doesn't.

[info]dropthemagnolia in [info]thedoorway

I'd go get once of those iced mochas but it's far too cold. Looks like I'm the only one whof eels like that, though.

I talked to Logan yesterday and he told me about the house you're keeping for the X-Men. He said I should stay in his room until he gets back from wherever he's at.

[info]loveandjustice in [info]thedoorway

I'm still a little sad that the little friend I got my bunny disappeared the other day. I've been thinking about getting another friend for my bunny, but I don't know what sort of friend to get. Plus, if I disappear then it is two animals that need new homes instead of just one.

[Michiru, Setsuna, Haruka]

If I disappear, make sure my bunny is taken care of.

And I suppose the tea shop too.

[info]harvardbound in [info]thedoorway

Got a job yesterday at a bookstore. I foresee spending all my paychecks there. I also bought a Kindle off of Amazon the other day just for the convenience of cheap books all in one place. It is not the same as the holding a book and breathing in the smell of old books, but it will do for now as I build up a physical library.


Are you working tonight? If you aren't, I'm thinking of having a Netflix marathon of something and eating my fill of junk food.

[info]mrbridgerton in [info]thedoorway

Good evening, I am Mr. Colin Bridgerton, most recently of London, of the year 1824. Please bear with me as I make the necessary adjustments to living here and now.

Miss Penelope Featherington

I would like to apologize

I find myself at a loss for words.


Perhaps reading my "source" material wasn't a very good idea. While it's good to be in complete understanding of what happens in my future, I'm finding it difficult to comprehend the detail and the intimacy of reading such a thing without having lived through it. And to think that Penelope -- ! Penelope and I, that is. I would have never imagined, never considered, never -- Penelope! I don't know what to think.

[info]askxphoebe in [info]thedoorway

Okay, rethinking Mexico thanks to a couple of people. Maybe I'll do Jamaica or The Bahamas. Yes, that sounds more relaxing.

[info]magicalplace in [info]thedoorway

[sent this morning]

[pretend these are all encrypted and shit~]
-- I wrecked my ride. Can dad come look at it?

[info]alanablooms in [info]thedoorway

It's not every day that you discover one of your very close friends and respected peers served you human flesh at the dinner table. I don't know whether to laugh or cry. Does anyone know of a psychiatrist who specializes in extreme situations such as this? I feel the need for outside consultation.

[info]freezeorexplode in [info]thedoorway

I have tried so hard not to add to the conversation, but I am so ready for spring.


I want to have a family dinner with the four of us. What does everyone's schedule look like for the week? I'm off on Thursday and Sunday.

[info]castlewriter in [info]thedoorway

[Kate & Alexis]

I'm going on a promotional tour for my books for the next week in the Midwest. I think Chicago will be my most exciting stop. Anyway, I will miss the two of you and I'll bring presents when I get back next Tuesday.

[Floors 22 & 23]

I will be out of town this next week. If you need anything while I'm gone, I am sure another housing assistant will be happy to assist you.

[info]xenolinguist in [info]thedoorway


Please tell me that you are not busy on Friday night.

[Starfleet Ladies]

I had a wonderful time. We really should do this more often, now that there are a few more of us here.

[info]the_doctordonna in [info]thedoorway


I saw that the Adipose have gone. Did a nanny or their parents get them? Or did the blue cube thing take them?