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January 25th, 2014

[info]barton in [info]thedoorway

-- I am Gandalf, the white wizard of this Realm.
-- The Lady Maria Hill, Noble Guardian of Aviary Secrets, has alerted me to the nature of your ornithological quest.
-- You seek an eagle! Among the finest, and mightiest creatures in this realm, and over whom I have taken personal guardian ship
-- Given our shared coloration and thinning follicular activity.
-- You must tell me of your quest! But take heed, young Padawan
-- For only the worthy shall be rewarded.

[info]adanovak in [info]thedoorway

Filtered to Adults

(changed after she is reminded of the children.)

Well, I have court on Monday, but I actually have the weekend to relax. I am so glad about that. I am spending some time with the new Wally Lamb book, which is good so far. He's one of my favorites when I actually get time to read. And Monday I've got a lunch date after court, I'm hoping it will lead to.... well, you know. I'm not ready for a serious relationship, but I am ready for some sex. It'll hold me for awhile, I don't have an overdeveloped sex drive.

[info]gossipmagnet in [info]thedoorway

Well, I can't sleep, and it's way too early in the morning for much to be on... so I'm sitting here watching Annie. I haven't really seen it in a long time, but it's one of my favorites.

[info]captainhart in [info]thedoorway

PRIVATE (encrypted via wrist strap)

Being good is getting boring. I'm starting to want to go somewhere a bit dodgy, start a fight or five, and see what happened if I disappear awhile. Fucking Harkness. Time was, you could trust a partner to have your back, but I got used to being solo.

Now look at me. I can't stand it here, I want to just wade in and start shooting people until something gives.

Pull it together, John.

/end filter

If I wanted to do a bit of target practice, do I have to notify our keepers? Especially if it's not traditional weapons

And who do I have to kill for a decent cuppa round here? And if you mention Lipton, you're going to get shot a very ugly look. I'm talking about a scalded kettle and a bag of tea and a nice five-minute brew, no bloody strings on the bags, and for God's sake, use milk and not coffee cream.

THAT kind of cuppa. Is there anywhere in this Godforsaken city who does that? Or is it a lost cause?

[info]doctorfun in [info]thedoorway

(backdated to the morning!)

Hello! Care to join me, Sailor Moon, and Sailor Neptune for lunch today?

Well done, Earth. Never short on giving me things to do. Still not how I'd prefer to be busy, but it'll do. Only sorry people were hurt.

Doesn't anyone watch the news here, by the way? No one's excited at all over an overturned rock on Mars?

[info]doorwaynpc in [info]thedoorway

[Filter to Foxtrot]

You each have received a file. Your current mission concerns the safety of every agent at SHIELD. Our sources have indicated there is a leak within the New York office. This leak has already caused the death of one agent. We must work quickly.

Find it. Place the leak into custody. We will handle the rest.

[info]atouchofmadness in [info]thedoorway

Now if one were to have a rock party, what would one get? Obviously sediments of various types. Maybe a nice boulder.

Clara, can I put a boulder in the living room? It looks like it could house a boulder.

And snacks. Can't have a party without snacks.

[info]abitunlikely in [info]thedoorway

[Team Foxtrot]

What's our plan with this?

[info]bubblepuff in [info]thedoorway

(backdated to 1/24)

UGH can I not walk down a hall without having everything DESTROYED by a stupid bouncing ball?!

RIP my turquoise beaded necklace that I just bought. You were good for the 2 glorious hours that I had you for. :(

[info]basilhallward in [info]thedoorway

[Filter: Dorian Gray]
I never heard from that man who wished to view your portrait. Am I to assume that the situation resolved itself in an agreeable manner?

I assume the reason I haven't heard from him is not a sinister one, though I am not sure that it would be any great loss

[Filter: Walter Blythe]
How would you feel about... company?

[info]woodenleg in [info]thedoorway

Man. You get chicken pox for one week and fall behind on work and you're suffering for it for the next two months. It seems like I should probably start looking for a second job.

[info]partlighter in [info]thedoorway

My one year mark is quickly approaching. It was pretty cold back then when I got here and I was wearing.. a dress? San Francisco weather has spoiled me. I have not seen this much snow since I don't know, the last time I watched a holiday movie with my sisters?

But yes, digressing. Anyway, one year. And knowing that I'm a fictional character is still surreal and downright weird and I'm just happy that I get to teleport anywhere I want to go otherwise, I'd be thrown with my awkward if I had to walk down the street. The sad part about it is that if I didn't have pictures online to remind me, I would have probably forgotten what San Francisco looked like. How the Halliwell manor looked like. While I get that some people could be like "WOO! One year!" because maybe life here is better than at home (I mean, my life is too.. my sisters and I don't have to hide our magic, nor do we have demons constantly trying to kill us and steal our things), it's just the little things that make me miss home a whole lot.

Filter: Prue Halliwell
Ooookay, it's probably high time that I told you about something that I kept hidden away and didn't use but, now that we're relatively cool with each other?? y/n? you should probably know about too... I have the Book of Shadows.

[info]agentsitwell in [info]thedoorway

[Filtered to Victoria Hand, Maria Hill, Nick Fury]
Anyone get any memos from IA recently because I have an untraceable 072 I just caught worming through internal mail.

[info]laurakinney in [info]thedoorway

Is it just a popular opinion to start disliking the colors red and pink around this time? I am not sure if it's irony that a month commemorating love would get so much hate.

[info]welsh_teaboy in [info]thedoorway

Monday. 8pm. One if by land, two if by sea.. Providing work doesn't interrupt.

It's been nine months since we tied the knot. And a year and a bit since I've been here.

[info]scream_survivor in [info]thedoorway

I think I need a social life.

Granted I am spending my Saturday drowning in legal textbooks.

[info]castlealexis in [info]thedoorway

Is it ok to just be sick of the cold? But in spite of the weather I have more reasons than usual to be happy.

Dad: Super Bowl predictions? Plus I think we're overdue for lunch.

Kate: Girls only outing for breakfast once school and work allow? Its just been awhile.

Neville: I took one of those quizzes online to see what house I would land in and you nailed it, I would be a Ravenclaw.

*Separate Filter to Neville*

I think its safe to say you passed dad and Kate with flying colors.

[info]acceleration in [info]thedoorway

Talked to the team, and they're cool with you coming to meet everyone sometime. We're all kind of misfits, so we get not having a place or knowing where you fit in.

We usually train on Sundays, if you want to join us tomorrow afternoon.

[info]xlharris in [info]thedoorway

So, it seems Anya is gone. And with Giles gone, who's going to run Widdershins? Willow? Dawn? Is there any sort of legal paperwork we need to look into?

[info]stephendedalus in [info]thedoorway

[Ichabod Crane]
I know who you are now.
But I didn't look it up, I remembered. Or I suppose I remembered the legend of you that someone handed down to someone else and then someone else who was Washington Irving wrote it down, either that or Oscar Wilde happened to this daguerrotype.

So. Hello Ichabod Crane. I know who you are and you don't bleed as much dust as I thought you might.

[info]chartermarks in [info]thedoorway

I'm not sure I understand the fuss everyone is making over the Super Bowl. From what I've read it seems to be some kind of sporting event, but the way people talk about it you'd never know. Are sports always treated as a matter of life or death here?