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January 4th, 2014

[info]ofletters in [info]thedoorway

network post

Post made while waiting for food order 01/03.
I'll be honest. I'm not up on the most recent data in terms of the legality of owning something like a porcupine, but if it were at all possible I absolutely would. How could you not love this little guy, just listen to him!

[Dean & Sam]
I've been at work a little over twenty-four hours and probably won't be home tonight either. I'm going to need a break eventually though...so any possibility we could get together for beer and a movie or something soon?

Also, Dean, I want a hedgehog...

What do you know about deaddrops? I think it's something we need to hunt for here - they're like real live Easter eggs. I'm so excited about this. When are you free? We absolutely must find at least one and possibly drop a new deaddrop of our own.

[info]doctorfun in [info]thedoorway

Hello! You may have noticed an absence of a one Sherlock Holmes. He's all right, safe and sound! Should return soon.

I thought I should tell you: I've still not heard from Bowtie. Have you?

Now that is an undertaking, undoing a power grid in place for decades in the span of ten days. I commend the ambition! Curious to see how that actually plays out. No doubt it'll have a happy ending, of course. Be good for the city in the long run. Much more interesting than discovering your inner Beyoncé, though...

I do confess to being deemed Carmen.

[info]the_hacker in [info]thedoorway

Network Post: Alec Hardison

I keep warm with the glow and heat that my computer systems give off. And my Xbox. And Playstation. Even the WiiU keeps my fingers warm. But this man is not made for all this snow, ice and wind.

I wish my Nana was here though, I could go for some good, homecooked meals.

Or Eliot. His food was good.

Someone get me some homecooked food!

Don't say anything about my Hoodie Footie when you see me, because it is COLD.

What's your schedule like for Boston? Next weekend?

[info]snipe in [info]thedoorway

Just received a warning from tesseract surveillance; please note attached readings. Updates to follow.

eta. Updates attached, note overlay on typical readings. Safety protocols to tesseract teams updated.

FILTER | Agent Hand + Agents Organa, Jade, Harkness, Johnson, Rogers (616), Fury (616), S. Carter, and Williams
Attention: in response to irregular readings, tesseract safety distances have been redrawn. Note your new zones and disseminate to your cells before their next duty shifts. If we note any hazard warnings, you will be notified ASAP.

[info]makeitso in [info]thedoorway

Narrative; Jean-Luc Picard

Who: Jean-Luc Picard
When: 4 January
Where: France
What: Musings under starlight
Rating: Low

The stars looked exactly right from here. )

[info]petrichoric in [info]thedoorway

Did I fight and die in the Revolutionary War to protect America from the forces of Britain and evil ... for purchased water and personality quizzes? Have we traveled so far and yet regressed so ... perfectly? Being that I am now quite out of words, I shall simply say:

Welcome, Miss Jenny Mills.

How lovely of the Tesseract to bring you to us.

[info]agentsitwell in [info]thedoorway

[Filtered to SHIELD Tesseract Researchers + SHIELD L7]
I've attached this this morning's readings from the Tesseract both in raw form and compiled. Readouts seem to have spiked, though following a general trend upward for a few weeks now. Leadership wants to revisit Minimal Safe Distance, Precautions & Protocols, and draft a new Advisory Note.

I'm calling all hands. Report in, trade for new rad badges, and start assessments. I have to give a brief elsewhere but will be in later.

[info]handofshield in [info]thedoorway

FILTERED TO SHIELD CELL 3 (Mara Jade, Jessica Drew, Wanda Maximoff, Herc Hansen):
You're being shipped out to Europe within the hour to join cells 5 and 7. More zombie raiding parties are showing up, and we need to contain this as soon as possible.

Suit up. Meet Agent Sitwell before you board your plane.
Romanoff, meet Agent Sitwell in R&D for a briefing and be ready to head out immediately.
I'm sending in three teams of non-refugees as backup. They'll be heading out within fifteen. Romanoff will be accompanying Cell 3. Maybe it'll confuse the viking zombies.

[info]marajade in [info]thedoorway

Network Post; Mara Jade

[Filter: Karrde]
I'm headed out right now on SHIELD business. If you need anything while I'm gone your resident assistant should be able to assist you. I hope you're settling in?

[Filter: Cell Three]
I hope you're all up for zombie fighting.

[info]goldenplatedlie in [info]thedoorway


Who: Everyone who wants another snowball fight!
When: Saturday, 4 January 2014, approximately noon
Where: Norman A. Rockefeller Park
What: Snowball fight, part deux.
Rating: Probbbably pretty low.

Baby, it's cold outside. (and HOW) )

[info]hertruecolors in [info]thedoorway

Will I get in trouble if I go outside looking normal?

My normal, not your normal.

[info]ingoodform in [info]thedoorway

[ EMMA: ]
Guess how much money I have.

[info]chernaya in [info]thedoorway

network post: natasha romanoff

Filtered: Clint Barton
What have you learned, fighting undead vikings?

Filtered: Fandral
What stories of the draugr do you have that you doubt I can top? We haven't swapped stories recently.

[info]90210girl in [info]thedoorway

I already broke one of my resolutions and missed going to the gym. I haven't gotten any work out videos yet. Although I haven't really worked out how those bluray thingies work.

[info]girlsleuth in [info]thedoorway

Well, I can be a private eye in New York. I got my license. It's definitely a good thing, and I am trying to get a website set up, so I can get some work, you know?

[info]irishstabler in [info]thedoorway

....Okay, really? John Oliver left the Daily Show? That totally sucks.

[info]ororo in [info]thedoorway

[Filtered to X-men + affiliated mutants]
So we've had a few more appear recently, and I have had a chance to touch base with our contractors since returning from Asgard so thought we should touch base on the status of the building.

For those who are new here, Logan acquired us a building in Brooklyn which we have been fixing up for several months in the hopes of establishing a new and independent home similar to the Jean Grey School. And it is now almost habitable. It has electricity and plumbing, and Sage, before she left got it hooked up to city networks. We've done an amazing job on what was essentially a crack house six months ago and I think we should look into when we would like to move in and start partitioning space and purchasing furniture.

On, a less happy note, the Danger Room project has stalled. Without Kitty or Sage here, I'm not certain that we have the computer skill set to establish one here. (No offense intended, Hank). Should we perhaps reach out to someone in the Tower as I do think a Danger Room would be an asset to our training efforts.

Finally, does anyone wish to return to Asgard and fight with them?