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December 13th, 2013

[info]myskywastaken in [info]thedoorway

Who: Mal Reynolds and Willow Rosenberg
When: December 9, 2013, about half an hour after he initially posted
Where: Mal’s apartment
What: A case of mistaken identity
Rating: Low!

Then, what was overly rude after you tried to kill someone? )

[info]irishstabler in [info]thedoorway

I will never get used to people knowing who I am.... I really won't. I don't know how they can even produce a show about me... well, you know, not all about me... I just wish that they'd stop asking me about Jenna. I... it's not like I wanted to... and they keep asking me how I feel about Liv being with Cassidy, and frankly, I don't want to talk about it. I mean, I'm glad she's happy, if that's the case, but that's all I want to know. I don't want to know anything else. If she's safe, then I don't have to worry, you know?

And now Alex is gone... I don't have a lot of people to talk to.

[info]pink_sunglasses in [info]thedoorway

Well, I am exhausted from studying for my finals. I don't know if I'm going to make it, they are sapping all of my energy. I barely have time to eat. I hate finals... but if I want to get into Julliard or NYU, then I have to work hard. It's just really exhausting. And I still have another semester to go.... at least I have all my college applications in a row.

[info]liljewprincess in [info]thedoorway

Text to Santana

Santana.... I am somewhere....
I have been drinking and I don't know where I am.
And we need to talk.

[info]talkstothestars in [info]thedoorway

Network Post: Drusilla

Miss Edith didn't like that very much, did she? She wants a horse and carriage when she travels.

Were you good without your mummy there to watch you, or were you a nasty little thing, hmmm? I know what you get up to. But now you're here, and you must confess even the smallest of them or you can't listen to the dancing snowflakes. We'll put on our best toes tonight, won't we, and sit very quietly.

[info]idonotbrood in [info]thedoorway

I greatly approve of the mead here in Asgard and of the many fine warriors with whom I can drink it and test my skills against before we face our enemies. I believe this mead may even be superior to the wine in Danarius' cellar and he had some truly superb vintages. Asgard is truly a fine place.

[info]mulderitsme in [info]thedoorway

So. I ignored everything everyone's told me since I got here and ventured into tumblr. Honestly? I think tumblr may well be an X-File in and of itself. However the science nerd in me wants to try all of these experiments, even though the results of the Mercury (II) Thiocyanate + fire experiment is even more disturbingly close to a X-File than tumblr itself.

I also had to laugh at this summation of the show I'm from. From my personal experience, it's... startlingly accurate.

[Filtered to Mulder] )

[info]welsh_teaboy in [info]thedoorway

Text message

-- I have a request to make.
-- No, it's not about the kilt or the leather trousers.
-- Though I may need your help getting out of them.
-- Now that there are two TARDISes here.
-- Promise me you'll let me know before you go running off with the Doctor on something?
-- I won't stop you from going.
-- I just would rather have a text or a note than just come home to an empty flat.

[info]iron in [info]thedoorway

Don't wear your armor on the ice, they said. It'll be fine, they said. Except now I have a bruise the size of Long Island, and no you can't see it.

Rhodey is a regular Evan Lysacek, though. Who knew?

[Stark Industries]
Hey team,

See, it's the end of the year, and this is generally the time when I'd snoop around in your projects and figure our more about all the cool stuff you're doing. But it seems like this year, there is a lot going on with Asgard. Refugees, ff you're going, cool. If you've already left. Also cool. I'm glad you're helping out. But let either Pepper or I know.

Because here's the thing. We don't want this cutting into your sick days or vacation time. Oh, and you'll still be paid for the time you miss. It's Christmas, after all.

[Hikaru Sulu, Pavel Chekov, All Tony Starks, Lee Adama, Howard Stark, Peter Parker (MCU), The Doctor (10,) Bruce Banner, Spocks, Kirks, Pike, Picard. +anyone I forgot]
I know already some of you are getting involved off-Earth. Again, I think that's great. I want to start getting things organised so we can kick off with R&D hopefully no later than January, so who is available?

[Peter Parker [MCU]
You busy?
[Pepper Potts (MCU)]
If I told you that I needed you to come down to the workshop and take off your clothes for science, would you believe me? Secondly, how do we feel about a joint business venture with Stark Resilient?

[info]the_hacker in [info]thedoorway

Text message to Parker

>>Hey girl.
>>You have plans for tomorrow night?
>>If not, you do now.

[info]katrinacrane in [info]thedoorway

Thou hast no figures nor no fantasies
Which busy care draws in the brains of men;
Therefore thou sleep’st so sound.

I had dreams last night of that dreadful realm in which I was held for centuries. It was the first time that I was drawn back to that shadowy place while I slept since I arrived here, and it was so vivid that I was frightened the forces that brought me here saw fit to send me back.

[Ichabod Crane]
You were there, Ichabod. You'd come with questions about our son. Did you learn

[info]stackthehouse in [info]thedoorway

network post: sookie stackhouse

It's the holiday season and as it gets so cold, I reckon it's high time for winter treats like cider and eggnog and frosted cookies. I know more than some about baking, but many people got holiday traditions they're used to, when it comes to food and the like, even if they aren't much more use in a kitchen than my brother Jason. I'd like to offer Christmas cookies, holiday cookies, anything like that that you're used to. I figure I'll make sure they're all ready by the 23rd at the latest. If you'd like cookies, please let me know.

Have happy holidays. If you're on Asgard and folks aren't against cookies being sent there, I'm happy to take them to the House of Life to get sent up there for you folks.

[info]sherlockholmes in [info]thedoorway

I wonder if the New Yorker will publish an article about ther Neo-Deconceptionalists, were I to write it.

[info]goldenplatedlie in [info]thedoorway

We sure as hell don't have this in Diagon Alley.

[info]primordium in [info]thedoorway

I have received notice here on Asgard that my pet has made it through the portal. Angel, Spike, Wesley -- I need one of you to see if this is indeed a Yastigilian hound named Pancakes.

[info]sendintheclones in [info]thedoorway

-- Hey guardian.
-- So.
-- Apparently either my awesome bamf guardian needs to come to Asgard with me.
-- Or I need a temporary guardian.
-- My advisor is going and he said he'd be willing to do it.
-- Or you could come to Asgard with me.

[info]goldenplatedlie in [info]thedoorway

Who: Eddie Carmichael and Sherlock Holmes
When: Friday, 13 December, 2013, sometime early evening
Where: Lobby of Potts Tower
What: Christmas decorating.
Rating: Low, but be warned that Eddie's language will be Not Nice
Status: Thread, Incomplete

This needs to go by the lift, and it needs to say something. )

[info]notaparker in [info]thedoorway

I've been really excited for the release of The Hobbit, and now that it's here, anyone want to go see it in theatres with me? Normally there'd be costumes involved, but Maybe we can do a double feature, there's a lot of good movies out still.

Plus, 47 Ronin looks really good, so I know what I'm doing Christmas day.

[info]themagics in [info]thedoorway

newtwork/network post

I may or may not have gotten a little over excited while decorating the Magic Box II Widdershins, but at least it's festive and helped me get rid of those extra decorations I went crazy for and bought extra of; I need to stop doing that. Maybe the fake icicles were too much...

Also! Finished decorating the tree in my room; it's small and still very much alive. I think I'll plant it in the spring when the ground softens. I don't think a spruce is going to enjoy being in a pot for very long.

Time for hot chocolate and a little reading to end the day.

[Filter, added later: Buffy, Xander, Dawn, Faith]
I met a man named Mal, he looks like Caleb, and I may or may not have gone to kill him. The important thing is he is not dead.

[info]arseniclace in [info]thedoorway

network post

I was supposed to be off in Asgard by now, but something important sort of came up and I think I'm going to stay burrowed in our aparkment for at least another day so that OL and Lace can figure each other out a bit better and I can get this echo in my head to stop. Chase is already gone to battle.

If anyone needs me, you got me at least another 24hrs before I suit up.

[Filter: Molly]
OL is going to stay with you while I'm gone, she'll listen to you like always. Maybe keep her at the apartment and just come stay with her when you aren't with Kurt. We'll all be back ASAP. Chase still has his connection with OL it seems, so you'll know we're okay through her.

We'll be back before you know it. If I even get to freaking leave.

[info]houseoflife in [info]thedoorway



PHILIP'S HERE! HE'S REALLY HERE! Okay I need someone to watch the portal cause I need to go HUG HIM RIGHT NOW! CROCODILE HUGS!

Do we have bacon? Tell me we have bacon. I WILL GIVE HIM ALL THE BACON!

[info]snowflakeinhell in [info]thedoorway

Network Post: Illyana Rasputin

Wow... so... not sure what to make of the box doing this one. I'm coming back just long enough to pick up my "present".

If I still have any fanboys here, maybe you can tell me if there's any future stuff I should know about with my bloodstones? Because my amulet just arrived.

[Private to Sam Winchester]

Figures I'd get this back when your friend who maybe could've helped with them is gone.

[info]ktbecks in [info]thedoorway

First decent snow of the season is rolling in, and it's on my weekend off. Wish it was more than a few inches, that way my excuse to stay inside in pajamas and drinking copious amounts of wine would be an acceptable practice rather than sort of sad.

But, still, I love snow. Especially when I'm not working. Dead bodies and snow isn't a good combination.

(Warning: Discuss of motives/acts for/of murder in the comments. Don't want anyone to be uncomfortable when stumbling across it)

[info]theironpatriot in [info]thedoorway

[Sharon Carter (616)]

Any chance you've got next Wednesday night off?

[info]methlab4cutie in [info]thedoorway

Who: Jesse and Ellie
When: A few weeks ago when Jesse told Sherlock he was going grocery shopping.
Where: A grocery place in NYC
What: GROCERY SHOPPING GEEZ. And talking about whale watching. And stealing a grocery cart.
Rating: Nothing terrible triggering. Bad language and vague mentions of drugs, though.

Basically, I’m saying we steal this cart, El. )

[info]shinytomato in [info]thedoorway

Add me to the growing list of people getting things via the cube.

In my case it was my stuffed rabbit, usually kept in HQ. But I had proof in one thing only a handful know the story behind, a hot sauce stain on the tail.

Its a small thing but at the same time its pretty major too.

[info]byronsully in [info]thedoorway

Network Post; Byron Sully

It's been real nice the past few weeks as I've been spending a bit more time out of the city and on the ranch doing work. I've also got at least two orders for bed frames which will keep me pretty busy for the next few months - I think I've got a bit of a pattern though and the tools and the knowledge of where to buy supplies, so hopefully the building part will go a bit more quickly. Don't know how much I can speed up the carving though, and that's the part that makes them unique.

Took a trip out west last month, and it was good to be back in Colorado, although there's a lot of it - most of it really - that ain't much like I remember. It seems eventually civilization catches up everywhere, doesn't it?

[info]makeitso in [info]thedoorway

Network Post; Jean-Luc Picard

It seems like many others the Teseract has seen fit to give me a bit of Christmas cheer. They called me earlier today and let me know that they had my Ressikan flute in their possession. I went down and picked it up and I confess it was a delight to hold it again. I'd found some instruments here that were similar, but nothing precisely the same.

Fortunately it seems I have not forgotten how to play it and it's making me wonder if perhaps after I return from my trip over the holidays if it may be time to do another talent night as we did in the past.

[info]defying in [info]thedoorway

I really, really just need to...

I don't know. hurt something? Do something. Let out some aggression. I'm so over just being sad over things. After... Whatever, I've got a better idea. I'll find a punching bag.

[info]radical_hacker in [info]thedoorway

This weather feels a little more space like, at least more like the moons of Jupiter. But the fancy coffee drinks have been way too much fun since I'm drinking my way through the Starbucks holiday menu!

[info]gcooper in [info]thedoorway

The weather feels more like Wales just minus the fog (which I'm missing to be honest). Add in a trusty mug of coffee and a great coat and its actually not bad.

Just wish Rhys was here (to name one of several).

*Filter: Doctor (Ten)*

As for your question about Christmas surprise me.

[info]jameskirk in [info]thedoorway

[Spock (AOS)]

Pike twisted my arm.

I'm going to Asgard.

[info]william_pratt in [info]thedoorway

Filtered to SHIELD and Buffyverse

I'd like to go kill some bloody things in Asgard, but I can't leave Dru alone.

Is there anyone who's got a remotely helpful solution for me?

[info]fromzerotohero in [info]thedoorway

Filtered to Bonesverse
I signed myself up for the mission to Asgard. Feeb represent I leave tomorrow.