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November 11th, 2013

[info]cheerhappy in [info]thedoorway

Do we actually have to attend school here?

[Filtered to Laura Kinney]
Hi. Ororo Monroe said we have something in common.

[Trigger warning for talk of Sylar!brain non-surgery]

[info]wantstolove in [info]thedoorway


Have dinner wi

Would you like to have dinner with me tomorrow evening?

[info]girlsleuth in [info]thedoorway

Okay.... that hurt. Does.... does anyone know how that might have happened? How I got here? I... I was on my way to Emerson College... this is completely weird....

And this thing is a little high tech for me.

[info]rambledon in [info]thedoorway

Sorry for the radio silence network? Been busy being - busy. How's it going?

[Filtered: Sam, Jo, Cas, Meg, Charlie, Veronica]

[info]tookthestupid in [info]thedoorway

What was that I was saying about feeling useless? Scratch that. I'm beginning to feel like I should have studied up on my history with this assignment. I'm not sure why any country would let Nazis and fucking HYDRA settle there. Maybe we'll get lucky and figure out why.
Don't wait up for me tonight. Heading out for -- well, I don't really know why. We've got a few places we're supposed to hit.

Make Bennett talk to someone other than you while you're in Australia.

[info]justhitjackpot in [info]thedoorway

Here goes nothing.

Are you nervous? I'm really nervous. So nervous I might make myself sick.
Hey hotshot,

You got a little time for your parents tonight?
I'm making dinner tonight! Don't worry, it'll be pasta.

[info]stoptheclock in [info]thedoorway

Yesterday was easily the nicest birthday I've had in a long time. Spent too much money at a pet store with Chuck and the dogs, but I wouldn't have it any other way.

This morning wasn't half bad either.

[let's pretend this is a picture of Herc's new puppy asleep with Pepper's dog Link].

I'm thinking he'll fit in just fine around here. The little bugger just needs a name now.

Never was much of a wordsmith, but it's Remembrance Day, and Veterans Day here too, so I hope everyone takes a moment to remember and be thankful.

[info]doriangray in [info]thedoorway

[Topic: World War II]

[Steve Rogers (MCU)]
It's been a while, hasn't it?

Could I speak to you, For a moment?

[info]polarity in [info]thedoorway

Text: Charles Xavier (Movies)
>> These mental exams are worse than your constant presence.
>> H Tell me a story.

[info]broodypants in [info]thedoorway

I'm back. And feeling better. More clear-headed. It's good. I feel good.

And Connor's birthday is in eight days! In case anybody wanted to get him presents. I'm just saying. My kid's gonna be 21 or at least that's what we're saying, I'm not sure we'll ever know how old he really is between the time stuff and the portals and the memory dumps, pretty sure he deserves some cool swag for that.

...I shouldn't say "swag," should I? It's like that time I told Gunn he'd be tripping out when he saw the ballet -- although in my defense, he was tripping out when he saw it. He said so himself, you can ask him!

[Filter: Angel Investigations affiliated (Wesley, Fred, Gunn, Spike, Connor, Faith) plus Darla, Dorian Gray & Sam Winchester.]

Speaking of presents, I brought some stuff back from the Catskills for you guys. Books, mostly, some incense, deity pendants for the women, and door mantras for everyone -- you place it above your doorway for protection from harm (I won't be offended if you decide not to use it, but around here we need all the help we can get). A few pieces of artwork from the monastery, which was demon-free this time, thankfully. Stop by the apartment at some point this week if you can.

Oh, and we're having a birthday party for Connor next week at our place. Nothing big, just friends and family, but you're all invited if you promise you can play nice with Darla. And anyone else Connor wants there, of course. Does the 19th work for everybody? Otherwise we could do it this weekend, or maybe next depending on my work schedule. I'm gonna bake a cake, I know none of you want to miss that.

[Filter: Dorian Gray]

Greenhouse offered me the job. I start Friday. Thanks again for setting up those interviews.

[info]tonystark in [info]thedoorway

» Saw this guy hanging out at the Omaha Beach war memorial in Normandy.
» Friend of yours?

[info]ktbecks in [info]thedoorway

[Text to Richard and Alexis Castle]

Family unit, we probably should have dinner and discuss living arrangements. I don't particularly want to keep apartment hopping every couple of nights, even if it is just down the hall.

Also, how do you feel about a puppy?

[info]neurarchitect in [info]thedoorway

[Filtered to Lucy Bennett]
So I was looking a little at it, if we went in the second week of December for about a week and a half we're looking at about $3000 in airfare roundtrip calculating for optimal midweek flight times and with two transfers in LA and Sydney--coming into Darwin. I guess we can split hotel costs though and probably don't need hotels while camping it shouldn't be that bad.

I guess or we could just not pick a vacation destination based off of an internet quiz, but then there's too much observational bias. But there's what I've found.

[Filtered to Cosima Niehaus, Lucy Stillman, Pavel Chekov]
So also, now that patents and papers have all been worked into the pipeline, I was thinking of submitting a late-breaking abstract for Neuroscience 2014 in Amsterdam at the end of January on the language acquisition work. Anyone else want to toss anything together and go with?

I don't know, I guess I just kind of have an urge to get out of the city these days. I'm not even from I don't know what it is. But Amsterdam will be fun.

[info]pottsresilient in [info]thedoorway

[Text Message to Tony Stark (616) (about 2 am CET)]
» Are you awake?
» Who am I kidding, you're always awake.
» Can we talk?

[info]fereldenshero in [info]thedoorway

I have to say, I admire the craftsmanship. I've found myself in a lot of cells and this one is top notch. I'd say it's better than dwarven but then that wouldn't be fair at all. Is it even natural stone? There's far more metal to be sure than I'm used to. It's unlike anything I've seen. And no enchantments that I can find. I'd imagine you're against giving up the plans but if I had something like this back in the Keep. Well, not that I have many escaping prisoners to begin with but they do like to dream.

And no one's stolen my clothes or taken my blood, which is an added bonus. Really I'm going to have to let my enemies know they've stiff competition for how polite this has all been. There's even temperature control! Imagine that!

The headache is a bit on the annoying side but I do suppose I deserved that, didn't I?

And this thing can write to others, yes? Is it spirits? The screen certainly glows like they do. Fascinating.

So hello, I suppose.

[info]thebuffster in [info]thedoorway

Hey guys, for anyone who knew her, Tara Maclay has been sent back. I'll miss you again

[info]janebejane in [info]thedoorway

Darcy, I'm sorry for calling you JD.
JD, I'm sorry for calling you Darcy.

Thor, I'm sorry I haven't called you anything.

I went to get the tea kettle when my phone rang and I don't even think the tea kettle has a whistle.

What I'm trying to say is I think I need a break.

[info]exterminated in [info]thedoorway

TEXT TO Ianto:
-- Looks like I'm going to have to take a raincheck for tomorrow.
-- Been called into a briefing
-- Looks like it's going to take most of the day.
-- Is it just me or is SHIELD as bad as the rift at interrupting things?

[info]not_betty in [info]thedoorway

Just a couple more weeks until Thanksgiving break! I love school, really I do, but with midterms and everything, I'm looking forward to some time off.

Thanksgiving is one of my favorite holidays. Anything that centers around eating HAS to be good in my book. But we have one tradition, and I think it would be fun to share with all of you, since so many of you have become like another family to me. I've been here almost 11 months. It's hard to believe, actually. So, I think I can safely count many of you as pseudo family.

We always go around the table and say what we're thankful for. I think it would be nice for us in the Tower to think about what we're most thankful for. Me? That's easy. I'm thankful for Sam. I don't know how I would have lasted in this place without him. And Titan.

How can you not love this face?
cut not filtered )

What about you all?


I invited Sherlock and Joan to go paintballing during Thanksgiving week. I hope you think it sounds as AMAZINGLY FUN as I do.

How are you, tree? You survive midterms? I feel like we've barely seen each other the last couple weeks, but it'll be nice to have a break. Just spending time cuddling with you sounds heavenly.

Have I mentioned lately that I love you?

[info]jadegiant in [info]thedoorway

But why are there so many Pokemon?

[info]peggycarter in [info]thedoorway

[FILTER: Steve {MCU/616}, Bucky {MCU}, Howard, Walter]
There isn't anything worth saying which hasn't been said so ...

Cheers, gentlemen. And happy hunting, all the same.

[FILTER: Nick Fury {616}]
They'll be ready. It was a good class.

And cheers. Should we make it through in easily reassembly, I've got something for you.

[info]jadegiant in [info]thedoorway

-- I don't know if I'm being hit on
-- Or if the pretty girl woman wants me to give her a shiv to shank with

[info]ofletters in [info]thedoorway

Network Post

Someone get dressed, let's go see a movie. What's playing? Doesn't matter, let's go!

[Filter: SAGE]

I was wondering, since you're technically my immediate superior I think, if I happened to have an idea for a special side project...do I come to you with details or Stark himself? Do I go to anyone or do I just start setting up shop in my own locked room? What is the exact protocol for this sort of thing?

Of course I would only work on the side project once I'm done with my normal activities and whatever you need me to do for the day. I've just been thinking...and I need to see if it'll work.


[Filter: Sam Winchester]
Sammy!!! I need your help. It's nothing serious, everyone is okay, I just need to pick your brain and your resources. That doesn't sound creepy. It's not supposed to, did it?

Have you been watching...the show? It'd be easier to explain if you have, if not I won't say anything, expect now you know it has something to do with that. So can we meet for coffee or something? Like, out of the building? Preferably a couple miles away all secret mission, I may just put the Bond theme on my phone.

[info]notdying4creds in [info]thedoorway

It's official!

Darcy Lewis is a genius.

[info]thepentecost in [info]thedoorway

I've been assigned to room 1707. I'll be there tomorrow.

I don't want a housewarming party.