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September 20th, 2013

[info]abitunlikely in [info]thedoorway

I keep getting lost and finding strange things to do in this city! Yesterday I ate at something called the Ganesh Temple Canteen. And the other day I saw a sign for a Trapeze school. I'm not sure what that is, but I think I'll try and find it today.

[info]tookthestupid in [info]thedoorway

Germany's not at all how I remember it. Some of the buildings look the same, but the people? Nowhere near it. I didn't expect them to all still be Nazis, but I guess I didn't expect them to be so - I don't know what the word is. The closer you get to Auschwitz and villages that allowed things to go on, the more - I don't know - solemn they seem? Or ashamed. They don't tolerate any of that stuff here.

Heading to Austria tomorrow, and before you say anything, Steve, yes, I'm hopping on a train through the mountains. Through those mountains.
[If you think your character should be on this, then he/she probably is!]

[info]freezeorexplode in [info]thedoorway


Have either you had the chance to see this? I've commented about helping any way I can.

[info]basilhallward in [info]thedoorway

[info]doriangray in [info]thedoorway

» I am going to murder him.

[info]effloresced in [info]thedoorway

New York isn't what I remember it.

I hope Jack remembers to take the dogs out. I don't wa Wi

[info]supposedtobe in [info]thedoorway

[Filtered to Cell Seven]

Welcome to Cell Seven, Agent Bond. It's a pleasure to have you.

[Filtered to Tony Stark (616)]

Go on. Get the "handling James Bond" jokes out of your system.

[Filtered to Sharon Carter]

Have you gotten to the "how to load a firearm" lesson in training yet?

[info]beringandwells in [info]thedoorway

Network Post: Myka Bering

[Filter: Helena G. Wells]
Tomorrow is a very special day. Is there anything that you want to do?

[info]methlab4cutie in [info]thedoorway

filter: friends

not dead, bitches.

tbh i've been sleeping on the couch & watching a lot of netflix. sorry joan.

i need a whistle so i can respond to people like this

filter: sherlock

youre a strong willed superhero type motherfucker

ooc: if you think you might be in that filter, you are

[info]originalwitch in [info]thedoorway

network post: public

Murder and gang violence really isn’t my area of expertise, I mean, I’m just a freshman in college…the biggest news story I’ve covered is the dirt that I helped dig up about a sorority scandal…which was promptly taken from Roxie and myself by the local paper via an insider we had no idea was there. Still, it’s hard to pass up a headline about the murder capital of America. I don’t remember seeing articles like this in my world. I wonder if it was all sugarcoated somehow…or maybe I just got to see the world through rosy colored glasses due to the nature of my world.

I just didn’t realize how different my world truly is from this one, they seem so similar on the surface…but that’s the thing about journalism. You always dig past the surface to get to the reality of things, and the reality of this world is that it’s pretty unsettling.

Good news? At least Salem is safely within my apartment. He's getting used to this place too, would not stop crying over how much he didn't miss Zelda and Hilda...I think I'll go get him something nice to help him feel better.

[info]notaparker in [info]thedoorway

So... New York Comic Con is coming up. My best friend and I got to attend last year and it was pretty much the most exciting thing PSB (pre-spider bite). Gillian Anderson's going to be there, Felicia day, and even R.L. Stine will be doing autographs! Too bad I don't have any of my books here

I made a bad decision once wearing a Spider-Man costume before, but, since this world's Peter's alive, it'd be okay, right? Or is that crossing some line again? Or maybe I'll just go as a Jedi. Or nothing my own suit? I mean.. we can do that, maybe? It'd be like some unlockable alt costume from Soul Calibur.

Well, no matter I guess, but does anyone want to go with?

[info]wyndampryce in [info]thedoorway

Network Post; Wesley Wyndam-Pryce

[Filter: Rupert Giles]
You know, the other day I turned the television on into what I can only assume was the first episode of Buffy. And I confess watching you try to get acquainted with her made me feel a bit better about my own first attempts.

[Filter: Lilah]
I seem to have been gifted with a delightful basket this week. However the name card seems to have been lost.

[info]neurarchitect in [info]thedoorway

Maybe someone with a better understanding of robotics than I has a better idea. But a circular saw on a metal arm seems more of a liability than a benefit to a fighting robot to me.

[Filtered to Lucy Stillman]
That kid's post reminded me.

Remember how I got us that collaboration with ESU's fMRI by sort of implying that I knew Joss Whedon? I think that lie's starting to fall apart. We could share data or do you think we could push Stark for our own?

[info]spidergirl in [info]thedoorway

So heyyy there. I, um, hope your Friday night's not as bad as mine! HA HA? Or something. See, Rikki and Jon and I got it into our heads to do some ummmmmm retcon and superheroing right? And so we found something. Or one of his hide-outs or something - on Eldridge north of Hester - and things kind of... took a turn for the worse?

Rikki's been captured. We need help.