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September 18th, 2013

[info]doctorfun in [info]thedoorway

Good news, eh? Worth celebrating? Doesn't involve a name tag, but it does involve an environment that ought to mandate them. I've a job! Apparently you've got to pass exams to teach. Whoever thought of that? Honestly, you've all this schooling and then tests, but tests for after the fact as well? Ridiculous. So, I'm no professor yet, but I do have the luxury of assisting one until I can take said exams and move on to having my own class!

Think I'll have some tea in my brilliant new mug.

[info]doriangray in [info]thedoorway

Well, if anyone needs me, I will be sitting in my room consumed with lust for the remainder of the evening.

Get it, Oscar Wilde.

(OOC: Special thanks to Emily for bringing this amazing article to my attention)

[info]slicendice in [info]thedoorway

» I'm gonna regret this Where's a good place to take a woman on a date in this damn city, kid?

» So 'bout that camping trip you shot me down for last time...

[info]ficcion in [info]thedoorway

On one hand, coming from a book (and an old book at that) means most people have no idea of who I am and treat me like a regular fifteen year old girl. People should read more nowadays anyway.

On the other hand, I wonder if I was a famous character from a well known book I could get something out of it. Like tickets to go places or being able to ride roller coasters that require minimal height I can't reach at the moment.

But being invisible does have its perks.

Am I supposed to go to school?

[info]wyndampryce in [info]thedoorway

Network Post; Wesley Wyndam-Pryce

It seems that in the cat invasion of 2013 one of them adopted us and has yet to leave the apartment.

[Filter: Fred]
Must I wait until tonight to eat the delightful looking cake in this box?

[Filter: Residents of Floors 7 & 8]
This is just a check-in to see if everything is all right and if anyone has need of anything. If you do, please don't hesitate to ask, or knock on my door and I'll see what I can sort out for you.

[info]archerhawke in [info]thedoorway

I started doing some of this indoor rock climbing they have here and it's such great fun! Though they do get all flaily and panicky if I try doing it without the ropes. Silly really. I've climbed far more difficult things than the walls they have without ropes and the floors are covered with padding anyway.

[Filtered to Gwen Cooper]
Gwen! You have to come with me. You'd love it. It's great for the adrenaline. Beats fending off panicked crowds any day.


[info]awkwardfall in [info]thedoorway

Next month is Halloween. And then before we know it, all the holidays will jump on us at once. It makes me a little sad. I'm going to try and perk up before I go to work and move about the Tower. I would hate for my mood to affect things around me.

I know I must sound redundant, but does anyone need anything? I don't sleep or eat and my job is such a small amount of time in a 24 hour cycle.

Oh! The little kitten I adopted when we had our infestation has yet to be named. Suggestions welcome!

[info]myeu_muh in [info]thedoorway

7:00pm - Midnight (or beyond)

COSTUMES REQUIRED (At least wear a damn name tag, lazy)


Could use 1-2 party planner types that want to help me shop for stuff and set up decorations. I'm recycling a bunch of the stuff from last year. Donations welcome for food & drink!

[info]stilllucy in [info]thedoorway

I've gotten the mice to play fetch.

[Filtered to Bennett]

Using the scans from both of our incidents over the past few months, I think I might have extrapolated a possible way to reverse engineer whatever it is that is currently serving as a block for Bucky's memories. Both scans have an anomaly in the hippocamus during both of our incident and if i can safely induse a similar anomaly within his it might trigger recall. I'm going to begin testing on Buckymouse after I run a few more theoretical simulations.

However using this its likely that if he does remember it will trigger a hallucinogenic state similar to what we experienced as the memory is recalled and situated back into long term memory. Which does leave a question on if it would be within our best interests to induce such recall if it would go straight to the audiovisual centers, which could lead to the possibility of a violent reaction and if his mind truly cannot handle the information other possible side effects. But it is also a procedure that could prove to be incrediably useful is proven successful.

Also hot barista was asking about you today.

[info]bymjolnir in [info]thedoorway

It would seem your disguise still works quite well, Fury. It is quite amazing that I can simply dress as mortals do, don a pair of seeing lenses, walk about calling myself Sigurd Jarlson, and no one is the wiser as to my true identity. A clever deception.

However, the content of most of the discussion I encountered on this day seems to revolve around a Hermione Granger and whether or not she is with child. I am unfamiliar with this Lady Granger. Is she royalty here? I understand there is a fascination with the marriage and breeding of those who hold old land and titles in the elder civilizations of Earth. I have attempted to search the internet and all I am finding are pictures of a girl who is unlikely of age to comfortably bear children. Thusly, I do not believe I am finding the correct Hermione Granger.

Whilst I have attention, I admit confusion on a dessert served to me. How exactly does one fry ice cream? Truly, a lack of magic is no obstacle for clever people and that is why I love this realm so very much, even if it is not the one I am used to.

[info]vicious_bitch in [info]thedoorway

Delivered via messenger to Wesley Wyndam-Pryce )

[info]supposedtobe in [info]thedoorway

This afternoon, I belatedly stumbled upon thirty of the most arresting photographs from this (and my) world's past.

Which one strikes you the most? Which one hits you the hardest?

[info]barbiefangs in [info]thedoorway

network post: caroline forbes

Filtered to Hank McCoy
I miss you. It was just supposed to be sex.
Filtered to: Elena Gilbert
I'm a horrible person. I'm a horrible horrible person.

[info]castlewriter in [info]thedoorway

I know that the subject of watching (or reading/playing) ones source material has been talked to death, but with shows coming back I wanted to know if anyone with a current show would be watching their source. I plan on watching Castle (my source) when it comes back on next Monday. If anyone wants to join me, come on by 2203!

[Floors 22 & 23]

How is everyone doing? Anyone need anything?

[info]the_doctordonna in [info]thedoorway

I've been told that the Doctor is here. Is he?

This is Donna. Donna Noble, if that helps any.

[info]william_pratt in [info]thedoorway

I'm sober. I hate it. But in this place, I might as well turn human for a while. Can't take the chance that I'll end up in the bloody hospital. And I don't need to be walked. I'll go by myself.

I can get my own blood from the slaughterhouse.

[info]ex_tenfold188 in [info]thedoorway

To the girl on my floor who said my name, or rather sounded like she was choking on my name, then ran away...

Uh, I'm sorry??

To everyone else: well, well, well. Look who got swallowed up by parallel universe transporting energy? I guess it was inevitable. You decide to embrace your powers and start a detective agency in the heart of District X and weird things are bound to happen.

I'm not surprised that the apartment I have now is about ten times better than the one I did have. There goes my plan to win Who Wants to be a Millionaire, someone said that show doesn't even come on anymore.

[info]venomblast in [info]thedoorway

Filter: Carol, Jan, Jones, Tony, Steve, Peter, Ben (all 616)
Jamie's back. And he's on my floor. And he doesn't remember me. I kind of just ran into him and then ran in the opposite direction.

What the fuck, world?

[info]swearjar in [info]thedoorway

I'm sorry if I scared all the people who were watching the cube-thingie! I was scared! I'm okay now! Kaine is here, he came to get me when everyone was crying! He gave me CHEETOS! They are crunchy flavor! Crunchy is a delicious flavor!


[info]givemeyourenvy in [info]thedoorway

Man, dying is a lot more painful than I expected. This is not where I was expecting to wake up. Sorry if I scared you soldier boys, but I'm perfectly healthy. Promise. Now who has my skates?

Hello, Refugee Network - I'm Alison but pretty much everyone knows me by the name Dazzler. Was told there are folks I know here?

[info]arseniclace in [info]thedoorway

TXT: Chase

>> Hey. Question.

>> Do you remember Hop Li's?
>> With the hot and sour soup...

>> I miss it.

[info]brokenlily in [info]thedoorway

Network Post: Sydney Sage

This couldn't actually be happening It simply isn't possi

I was directed here and it was suggested I introduce myself. My name is Sydney Melr Sa Sage.

[info]stoptheclock in [info]thedoorway

I've never been to New York before.

Is it really 2013?