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August 5th, 2013

[info]eyeinthesky in [info]thedoorway

Lois? They said...

This place can't be real.

[info]talkbacked in [info]thedoorway

[Text to Kurt]
- yo, cupcake
- you off work?
- pick a club, any club
- i need a drink and so do you

[info]laurakinney in [info]thedoorway

I must have sat through many horror movies before but I still do not see the appeal behind movies like the Conjuring. Or Grudge.

Filter: Friends
I told the rest of the Academy this but I thought I should let the rest of you know that I have put in vacation days this week and I am going to be taking the motorcycle on a road trip. I have not been feeling New York City much in the past few days so it would be nice to get some fresh air in another state. Reptil will be coming with.

One of these days, I will have something else to write in here other than how I'm going on a trip.

(ooc: not sure if Berto would have told anyone this before but just hit Dea up in case he did)

Filter: Wolverine
I won't be gone for too long. I promise I won't get in any trouble. Since I know you would tell me not to.

[info]blastedaway in [info]thedoorway

So. Seriously.

Paintball. With magic.

We have to do this, Prongs.

[info]swordoflove in [info]thedoorway

I've been spending a great deal of time helping out at the Church in the past few days. There is a cathedral not far from here which has fallen into disrepair, and I have been very glad to have been able to offer my services. It saddens me to see so much neglect towards the church, towards faith, in these days. There are so many people who seem so lost in this world, and need a little guidance, a helping hand.

But alas, one cannot force people to have faith, it is something that must come from within.

[Filtered to Molly]

Are you doing okay?

[info]summer_knight in [info]thedoorway

Why am I here? What good can I possibly do here, without my Lady, or any of the Queens? The Nevernever is sealed off. What am I supposed to do, go into business as a repairman and wait for winter?!

[info]galil in [info]thedoorway

I bought a big chunk of cheese and then I ate it. Fucking Best damn Sunday ever.

And childhood dream #1 fulfilled. I made it into a comic.

Cut for picture, not filtered )

[info]littlebruiser in [info]thedoorway

can i stay with someone else tonight chase left again i want someone to read me a bedtime story

OOC: This was posted way earlier in the night

[info]calibrates in [info]thedoorway

Last day of training, got my assignment, and... which cell were you again, Shepard?

Because if it's six, I might have to ask for a transfer.

I'm sure we'll get around to the official introductions soon, but I'm Garrus Vakarian. Looks like I'm the new guy on the team.

[info]awkwardfall in [info]thedoorway

You know, if anyone needs help with the ghost at Sam's... I'm a ghost. I thought I've mentioned it every time but I guess. Please do not treat him terribly just because he (or she!!) is acting out. I've helped people cross over before. They just need their unfinished business.

Could I maybe speak to someone who uses magic? Or Magick, with a k? Someone who is an expert on dead things and the magic that goes with it? I asked before I have some questions about my state of being.

[info]tachisiri in [info]thedoorway

Hard to get any meditation in when the only refuge in this building is closed off. Even harder when you can't even hear yourself think.

Is construction always so loud in this world?

You mentioned Tesseract duty. Is that this week for you?

With all of the disappearances lately, I just wanted to drop in to let you all know I'm still around. Training has been rigorous and time-consuming, as expected. Are we all still accounted for?

[info]ororo in [info]thedoorway

To: [Stark Charity Board]
Cc: [Pepper Potts]
From: Ororo Munroe [omunroe@pottstower.com]
Subject: PTYC Program
Attachment: resume.docx

you have 1 new message )

[info]sijevoulais in [info]thedoorway

This is the most beautiful day I've seen in any August, and I'm not exactly a young man. I think, for this breeze, I might well come out from under my bridge. I may even have a walk (no flash photography, please), despite the fact that I understand that such things are considered healthful. I intend to set no precedent, I deny any and all knowledge of the potential character-building, mind-clearing, or leg-stretching effects of such a course of action, and I hereby submit advance notice of my intent to attribute any positive feelings that may occur in the course of the afternoon to the excellent terrine I had last night at Jadis.

That said, I'm going for a stroll in the sun.


And if the sun would like to accompany me, provided he promises to walk slowly and not say too many improving things, he is naturally very welcome. Unless he is otherwise engaged.

[info]walterblythe in [info]thedoorway


I look like Ben Whishaw.

We've all been through this, we've all grappled with that strange moment when we finally realised our uniqueness is not entirely unique and that God did not quite break the mold as we'd all been lead to believe.

Over the weekend, Ben Whishaw gave me a gift. No, I didn't meet him personally, but he did help me to realise that privacy can exist even though it feels like everyone is reading over your shoulder and waiting for you to trip and fall, that love does not have to be loud, or broadcast but can still thrive as privately as the meaningsome of his deserved privacy by doing something important, and talking to us about it.

[info]kibwana in [info]thedoorway

network post: azari

Filtered: Ororo Munroe & T'Challa
Mother, Father, there are a few topics I wish to discuss with you.

First, registration for courses approaches. It's been some time since I spoke with mom about classes. My background is more in the sciences than other fields, as well as training to fight with my other siblings. Tony and Bruce worked on the physics of breaking time and fixing it mostly on their own. We took turns watching Kang the Conqueror.

Second, I want father to move into the room in the empty apartment my bedroom connects with. You are both important to me, and I know it can work well if you both commit to it doing so. Bast made a generous offer to live in her house, but I will not abandon my siblings, and I would like to live here with both of you.

Third, you agreed that there was some time until I would be able to travel to Wakanda. I'd like to know what progress has been made. And if there has been none, I want to know what more we can do. In absence of being able to travel to Wakanda soon, I would like to see Africa. It is a vast continent and beautiful land. At the least, this should be possible.

Thank you both for considering these important issues.
Filtered: James Rogers, Henry Pym Jr, & Francis Barton
What classes are you each thinking of taking this fall?

[info]dl_greenarrow in [info]thedoorway

Well. I have to say, there is nothing quite like waking up surrounded by military types pointing guns at you. Can't say I ever want to experience it again, really.

[info]enoughsleep in [info]thedoorway

Oh good, she's getting her own movie.

[info]fiestyisabel in [info]thedoorway

I love the Summer - it's one of my favorite seasons - alright, I lie, I love all the seasons for various reasons - but Autumn. Oh Autumn - you are certainly my favorite of favorites. The changing leaves, the crispness in the air. And some of the best farmer's market foods. Oh and can't forget, apple pie. Fresh picked apples are some of the best treats, turn them into fresh pie and it's a little slice of heaven on a plate. Over six weeks to go, of course, before it's the beginning of apple picking season, but I can still dream of that freshly baked apple pie.

It'll be a good time to be in my apartment, I think.

Roy Harper, Jason Todd, Elaine Mallory, Barbara Gordon
That being said, I have fresh blueberry pie, strawberry jam, and honey oatmeal cookies if anyone wants some.

[info]lmartin in [info]thedoorway

Well damn, looks like Ivy's gone. At least that explains why I couldn't find her.

[info]pureheartedsnow in [info]thedoorway

So I have discovered this band called Celtic Thunder and I find them to be quite good actually. Still I find myself missing the music from home, nothing is quite the same here.

[info]neverhurthim in [info]thedoorway

Who: Annabelle and Open/otherwise works as a narrative
What: Arriving.
Where: New York.
When: August 4, 2013, noonish.
Rating: PG-13 for violence.

Under here. )

[info]invisible_c in [info]thedoorway

[Filtered: Alisha Daniels]

I googled our show. There was ..this awful story someone wrote about Nathan and There's a lot of different things. Some of them are really ..strange.

Cut )

Is this how it goes?

I couldn't be tha

He I We What about your power?