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May 25th, 2013

[info]castlewriter in [info]thedoorway


Have a happy Towel Day everyone!

[info]nogloves in [info]thedoorway

Network: OTA and random

I'm a southern girl, that can't be denied, but I do listen to more than just Country music, Pandora. With that said, I really like waking up with nothing to do but roll over, tap a few buttons and let this station try to wake me up while that automatic kettle in the kitchen flips on to warm some water for tea. Maybe I'll just close my eyes for a few more minutes.

...Can I get something besides love songs!? I know Country ain't all about love and heartbreak. Oh, Lord. I broke Pandora, it's done gone all suicidal (If I Die Young - The Band Perry). Anyone have something better to listen to?

Filter: Private )

[info]perceweasley in [info]thedoorway

I really wonder what makes the tesseract act so capriciously. It brings people here and takes them away from loved ones with no regard to how either party will get on without the others. It's cruel, though of course when it's a sentient alien being, there is little SHIELD can do but keep processing arrivals and departures, but it still makes one think.

Private to Ronald

I am sorry to hear about your children's departure. I know very much how you feel. All the best to you and Miss Granger. If you have need of anything, please do not hesitate to ask.

Private to Roxanne

I am sorry to hear about the departure of your parents and brother. Even though your father liked to tease me, I am still quite saddened that he is no longer here. If you would like to come by for some dippin dot ice cream treats, just say the word.

Private to Weasleys

Mum, I know you must be shaken by the departure of your son, daughter in law and grandchildren, but I think we all should stick together as much as possible. I would be willing to host another family dinner, if that would be enticing to anyone. I do care about all of you, you know.

Private to Harry Potter

I'm sorry about your mother, Harry. If you would like to have some drinks at Sam's with me, I'd be happy to oblige and supply them.

[info]loveandjustice in [info]thedoorway

I don't know what I'm going to do Why did Setsuna have to leave? I can't run the tea shop by myself

Timeless Tea is going to be closed this weekend. Setsuna has returned to our world.

I'm all alone

[info]freezeorexplode in [info]thedoorway

Would anyone like some cookies? I went on a bit of a baking spree and made chocolate chip, oatmeal raisin, and peanut butter.

[info]chapelrn in [info]thedoorway

[Filter: Nyota Uhura, Kathryn Janeway, Deanna Troi]


I think we can all agree that this has been one hell of a couple of weeks for all of us. Therefore I am proposing that we go out tonight and get totally wasted. Except for you Kathryn. You are the designated cab hailer and you are also responsible for making sure we don't make complete fools of ourselves. Slight fools possibly but not complete fools.

I found a gay club in Chelsea that looks perfect. That way we get guys to buy us drinks, they'll dance with us but we don't have to worry about them hitting on us. Sound like a plan?

[info]babsgordon_ in [info]thedoorway

Who: Barbara Gordon and Christopher Pike
When: Saturday night
Where: Napa Valley, California
What: a weekend getaway
Rating: PG13 for fade to black times

She took her time changing into a red bikini she'd bought especially for this trip and then made her way out to the back. )

[info]calibrates in [info]thedoorway

» Want one?

[info]radicaledward in [info]thedoorway


I would do this when people are home too.

[info]mouthymerc in [info]thedoorway

delivery to kingsley & moody.

anonymous delivery )

[info]thereisanother in [info]thedoorway

Who: Mara Jade & Leia Organa
When: Monday May 8
Where: Leia's apartment
What: Meeting, getting to know each other
Rating: PG
Status: Complete.

A scoundrel? Must be a friend of Han's )

[info]chapelrn in [info]thedoorway

Who:Christine Chapel and Christopher Pike
When:Monday May 20 early evening
Where:Pike’s apartment
What:Christine brings dinner and finally finds out what happened in the movie
Rating:PG-13 for discussion of character death and language
Warning: Will contain STID spoilers

It's good to know tribbles are good for something )

[info]daretodobetter in [info]thedoorway

cut for image;unfiltered )

It feels strange to be back here with everything so different. Technically it's my first time in this San Francisco. I keep seeing where things should be. (Used to be?)

[info]hippobrooch in [info]thedoorway

Can I go one mile without finding a sailor?

One mile. And you really shouldn't be wearing this much white in the city.

[info]fitforaking in [info]thedoorway

Does anyone have any idea for new hobbies? I've tried a few new things but I have room to learn more.

I'll also assume that the movie left outside our door without any note was meant for me and Alastor. If all of the security spells that Moody puts it through doesn't melt We'll make sure to leave a review after we've watched it.

[info]welsh_teaboy in [info]thedoorway

Who: Ianto Jones & Jack Harkness
When: Saturday, 25 May
Where: Jack & Ianto's flat
What: Coming home after an away mission,
Rating: PG13 / R? It's Jack Harkness. He's frisky.
Status: In progress
Quote )

[info]smilekatie in [info]thedoorway

Who: Harry Potter & Katie Bell
When: After This
Where: Heading to a fancy place to eat dessert and Katie's getting a drink.
What: Not focusing on the people that just got sent back.
Rating: PG/PG-13 for possible language.

Dessert & Drinks. )

[info]iseetails in [info]thedoorway

I suppose I should be grateful that while this is the future, it is not the one where everything has been destroyed.

I don't suppose there are any rich egomaniacs who want to throw all of their money into fixing the past and the future, are there?

Either that or anyone who wants to fund a city in the clouds. I suppose I can do that again.

[info]boswell in [info]thedoorway

I've been on tumblr. Never Again.

As I understand it, What I used to do, publishing stories in the Strand, has been replaced by blogging, and that -- in turn -- has been replaced by... what ever it is that is happening on the internet. The words "Dear God, Why" spring to mind.


Tumblr. Is that the ceasepool from whence you came? I must say, it quite reminded me of you.

[info]doriangray in [info]thedoorway

[Septimus Smith]
Entertain me.

I've spent my entire day entertaining the Navy.

[info]tictic_boom in [info]thedoorway

helllooooooo SAILORS!

Okay who wants to go bar-hopping with me bc i am pretty sure i can get some free drinks

[info]neversurrender in [info]thedoorway

Who: Sam & Castiel
What: Dean disappeared!
When: Just after this.
Where: grocery market, at least for starters.

... )

[info]dontyouladyme in [info]thedoorway

» Now that I'm done making the Navy boys cry...
» You still catching up on sleep?
» Figured we might need a night out to talk patrol.

[info]ewoksrule in [info]thedoorway

» It's just you and me now, Marls
» We have the boys
» But Emme, Hes, Lils- they're all gone
» And that's depressing
» Let's go get pissed

[info]neversurrender in [info]thedoorway

Dean's gone.

My brother's gone back, so he won't be coming in to work tomorrow. Or whenever he was supposed to.

[info]lovespies in [info]thedoorway

Who: Dean & Sam Winchester
When: Saturday, May 25, 2013; Evening
Rating: PG-13-ish? Mentions of handcuffs, maybe some language.

Quote )

[info]thepieman in [info]thedoorway

The tesseract certainly is making it hard for me to be able to leave my shop.

I don't suppose anyone would like to work as a delivery person for my shop? At least, temporarily?

[info]neversurrender in [info]thedoorway

Who: Sam & Veronica
What: holding it together.
When: Saturday night.
Where: Sam and Dean's apartment.
Warnings: sads.

... )