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April 10th, 2013

[info]liftandseparate in [info]thedoorway

Soooo, we've established that this place is PRETTY MUCH Vegas, right? Like that saying "What happens in Vegas stays in Vegas" applies here? NO ONE back home knows what's going on here. It seems like it's pretty much just left to our own morals.

Why aren't more people playing the "when in Rome" card?

[info]oldparkerluck in [info]thedoorway

Go on! Guess what it's a picture of. Hint: the answer isn't an out-of-focus plant.

Soooo. Whatcha doin'?

[info]bitterman in [info]thedoorway

For various reasons I have never had much of a chance to travel. I have decided to take some leave and do just that before the schools here end their year and the places I might wish to see are overrun. I have the Grand Canyon, Yellowstone, New Orleans and San Francisco on my list so far but I would welcome any other suggestions of places that would be worth visiting.

[info]thepieman in [info]thedoorway

The bees actually make me feel a bit more at home. My girlfriend Chuck keeps bees, and at first I was a little freaked out by them, but since they remind me of her, and the honey she always smells like, I can't help but smile when I see bees about.

From my experience, if you keep calm, the bees will generally leave you alone, though they might be curious at first.

That said, The Pie Hole, which is now officially opened to full hours, will be featuring Cup Pies with honey baked into the crust and a bee design, all this week in honor of our new friends.

[info]huge_mistake in [info]thedoorway


[info]drewlove in [info]thedoorway

Wait, and we know these bees haven't been sent by some monster or titan how? Seems like something they would do.

Filtered to: Octavian

I'm interested in your opinion about Percy leaving. I know you didn't exactly get on well, but it does seem strange that he would just get sucked back when he had Annabeth here. I imagine she'll go looking for him. That's what she does. Also, should we maybe go to dinner or do something? I hate how working gives me less free time.

Filtered to: Lavender Brown, Penny, Santana Lopez, Kurt Hummel, Elle Woods, Lydia & Jane Bennet, Cece Meyers, Silena, Ivy Lynn, Caroline Forbes, Vicki Donovan, Lily Kane

Hello Ladies (and gentleman)! I've warded you because from my observation you are all lovely girls who are interested in fashion and beauty in some way or other. I was thinking of putting together a little outing, and if it was enjoyable, we could continue doing it regularly. Perhaps a little shopping, rotating where/what kind of district (window shopping even, if purchasing much is out of your budget), maybe lunch and a manicure?

I'm always interested in meeting more like minded friends, so why not have the best dressed ones?

Let me know!

[info]myeu_muh in [info]thedoorway

Always appropriate. (Try not to get stung and listen to Sherlock. Also read this, just in case.)

[info]behindtheline in [info]thedoorway

There's a curious buzzing in the lobby and I should think that maintenance will see to it soon. A loose pipe, perhaps? Until then, a measure of caution is warranted among the comers and the goers ... I wouldn't want a leaky roof caving in on my head while I was going about my business, anyway.

Updated to add: Nor a swarm of bees. Please see Mr. Holmes' entry regarding the buzzing. It's bees and he's got several very useful tips for keeping safe.

ATTENTION, though, to any interested young ladies. I am going to hold another self-defence class shortly and wanted to gauge interest. Please let me know if you would like to attend and what times are best for you so that I might ascertain if we need to use the tower's group facilities.

I feel Mr. Cobb's absence quite keenly

[Filter: Floors 7 & 8]
I know that there have been several departures lately - among our number and among our friends - and I want you to know that you are not alone. Your losses are keenly felt and should you need to discuss this with anyone and at any time, please do note that my door is always open.

[info]secrettrader in [info]thedoorway

Are we certain they're not tracker jackers?

[info]sherlockholmes in [info]thedoorway

It's been brought to my attention
(By the sound of loud buzzing)

That a swarm or three of bees have somehow entered the building via the ventilation system. They seem to be concentrated on the First Floor. Please do your best to avoid this floor until they can be contained. I am an amateur beekeeper, myself, and I'm working on a solution.

If you find yourself on the first floor, do your best not to provoke them. Swiping, running, screaming, failing and carrying on will cause them to sting you to blazes. If you are stung -- Run. They will continue to attack you.

I promise, I'm working on a humane solution to this problem. Avoid killing them. Bees are an important part of our ecosystem and environment -- and the numbers of some species are actually decreasing so it's very important we don't spray or poison them.

There are 477 different species of bee found in New York state. I'm doing my best to identify which these are so I can proceed with the proper removal methods. I believe they are from the Andrenidae family, genus Andrena, subgenus Melandrena, species: Obscuripennis.

But don't quote me on that just yet, they could be Callandrena Fulvipennis.

[info]dainesarrasri in [info]thedoorway

I can't seem to get a handle on the bees. I'm so so sorry. Their minds aren't like that of other animals. These ones are nasty like rats, too.

I wish I could do something to help. I know how bad their stings can be if you're allergic.

[info]wearethefuture in [info]thedoorway

WHO: Wanda Maximoff and Erik Lensherr
WHERE: New York City, around.
WHEN: Pre-Pietro, which makes this funnier.
WHAT: Father and daughter take a walk together.
STATUS: log; complete.

We will be united again. Nothing keeps us apart for too long )

[info]pymjr in [info]thedoorway

Text to Cassie Lang

- Hey!
- Do you think we could use those helmet prototypes and talk to the bees?
- We can shrink down to their size, I should be able to carry you in the air!

[info]selfmadman in [info]thedoorway

At least none of the bees have asked me to sign anything.

[info]glissement in [info]thedoorway

Well, it certainly looks like a fine day to practise immobulus. They're not Cornish Pixies like Aunt Hermione froze in the books, but I'm sure the incantation will work just the same. For those of you who are concerned, the bees won't be harmed in any way when the spell is used, just frozen in place, and I'm sure we can find some way to transport them safely to an abandoned field if there's a good number of magical volunteers to help me.

Unless Mr. Holmes has come up with a solution by now. I admit that I've been camped up in my room all day to avoid being stung.

Pick one: A or B.

[info]tonystark in [info]thedoorway

Hey Spider-Man. Based on the current state of the first floor, I'm pretty sure Fritz von Meyer is here to see you.

[info]braidsnbowties in [info]thedoorway

Thank you so much for all of you who helped my sister, Lizzie, when she got stung earlier today. I really, really appreciate it and I know Lizzie is very grateful as well that someone had an epi pen on them. I've made a bundt cake for you to enjoy, and I hope you stop by our apartment later on to have as much as you like!!

I'm on my way to the ER to get Lizzie. She's fine - she just went as a precaution. I'll let you know when we're back.

[info]phoeniceous in [info]thedoorway

Yes, I'm afraid of bees. In fact, I'm allergic to them. So when I scream and run in the opposite direction after hearing the sound, that's me just trying to keep myself BREATHING. I don't appreciate being laughed at and being told "it's just a bee, girl".

[info]jasontoddwayne in [info]thedoorway

Bees. My God.

[info]howardstark in [info]thedoorway

To anyone who would like to help me stave off the bee infestation that is currently plaguing our tower, I have a box of Padrón cigars in my room. Availability is limited, so there may be a brief screening process. Only those most fit to combat the bee infestation need apply. I also have a bottle of Woodford Reserve for the same purpose.

[info]thefirebender in [info]thedoorway

I wonder if smoking and then flaming the bees would work. Very carefully, of course. Very controlled use of smoke and fire, which I can do. Very well. At long as those on the lobby floor could coordinate to create one logical exit for bees, I can offer my assistance with my firebending. I'm not sure whose permission I would need before I start this process, and someone with some soothing lotion for any stings that might occur would be nice to have on hand.

It's nice to finally be of use

[info]just_bones in [info]thedoorway

WHO: Leonard “Bones” McCoy and James T. Kirk
WHERE: Bones’s apartment.
WHEN: Backdated! Evening, April 8th.
WHAT: Jim stops by.
RATING: Medium.
STATUS: Complete.
NOTE: This is the webpage Bones is viewing.

I know you. You might get lost in the moment, but you never learned how to leave a mess behind. )

[info]firstfrost in [info]thedoorway

Starting in May, PTYC will be hosting a series of talks followed by roundtable discussions. The speakers will be presenting on life in their world and whatever they deem that to entail. Food and drink will be provided and admission will be free, although donations are always accepted. More details will be available once details have been finalized.

If anyone would be interested in speaking, please let me know. This is a chance to talk about your world and share your experience. Hopefully it will be fun and educational for all involved.

[info]likesbees in [info]thedoorway

I had no idea so many people hated bees. Yeah, they can sting ya, but I always thought they were pretty cute. As far as insects go and all.

[info]ihaveashotgun in [info]thedoorway

Placed in Shepard's apartment right before he comes home from work. )

[info]rachelruined in [info]thedoorway

Well, go figure that you'd have two absolutely gorgeous warm days and then suddenly have yourself a downpour. I should have probably checked the weather before going out. I've been to New York a number of times before.. always wondered why we didn't live here instead of California and now I remember... Mother Nature doesn't tease me with weather like this back home.

And random lesson learned of the day: Creature cups are cute and amusing, until you realize they'll probably be slightly difficult to clean. Anyone want a T-rex in a cup?

Or bring me an umbrella? I'm in a gazebo in Central Park.

[info]doriangray in [info]thedoorway

For those of you who don't already know, I've gotten a job at the library. No one has bothered to give me anything to do yet so I mostly just sit around and read. A few patrons have asked me questions but I merely asked them if I looked like I worked at the library and they'd scurry off like mice.

What I'm reading/going to read at the moment

My Secret Life "Walter"
Fanny Hill John Cleland
120 Days of Sodom Marquis de Sade
The Monk M. G. Lewis

But if anyone has any suggestions, I really am interested.

(OOC: SOME of these links are to the Project Gutenberg page where these books can be found. They're all free of copyright. They'll also all written between 1800-1910 or so, but some of the books deal with mature themes, or are somewhat sexual (a lot sexual) in nature.

[info]lilyluna in [info]thedoorway

If you didn't notice, Scorpius has been gone the past while and I'm finally ready to drink about it somewhere that isn't alone and in the kitchen so I can stop judging myself. Someone can take me out drinking, please/thank you.

[info]painandmisery in [info]thedoorway

Too bad mah power doesn't work on bees. Although ah don't have a problem with em. They pretty much left me alone when ah went out today. Ain't used to seein' bees in the city, in that amount, though.

[info]wearethefuture in [info]thedoorway

This is 2013, don't you have some kind of insect repellent?

[info]sherlockholmes in [info]thedoorway


[Pepper Potts]
I have spent my afternoon working with Tony Stark to develop a vacuum that can be used to safely relocate the bees. I am an experienced bee keeper and I've some experience relocating bees -- and I've been recently looking into roofstop space away from the building to keep them. (I think you'll remember the inquiries we made in the fall? I was waiting for the spring, you see). With your permission I would like to move forward tomorrow with volunteers and sweep the first floor.

I promise it will be bee-free by nightfall.

[Janet van Dyne]
I'm sure I don't need to tell you we've been invaded by bees. I've heard however, that you might be able to assist? We want to relocate the insects safetly and I was speaking to Tony about the fact that you might be able to lend a hand guiding and protecting the poor, frightened things. Operations begin tomorrow, please let me know if you would like to lend a hand.

[info]knocknocknock in [info]thedoorway

Are the bees gone? I'm not coming out until they're gone.

[info]goodshepard in [info]thedoorway

Thanks for the mech. When she squatted to pee right in the middle of the kitchen, I wondered for a minute if you'd gone to the trouble of making the smell authentic. The fact that the thought crossed my mind before wondering why you programmed the thing to pee in the first place is noteworthy, I think.

Anyway, I appreciate the gift of a pet I can't starve. It's been kind of a long day, so I think I'll wait on deciding on the name. If I do it now, she'll end up being called something like Pain in the Ass.
I hope you don't have a thing against robots.

[info]just_bones in [info]thedoorway

Are the bees still on the loose in Potts Tower?

[info]mouthymerc in [info]thedoorway

[info]thebuffster in [info]thedoorway

I'd complain about the bees, but I'm too worried this is a ghostly infestation. Next thing you know, there'll be snakes out of the sinks and swirly vortexes in the floor. Possession better not be next.

[info]neversurrender in [info]thedoorway

Who: Sam & Mary Winchester
What: mother-son time!
When: Wednesday, late morning
Where: Mary's (& John's) place
Warnings: TBD, probably feels

... )

[info]gingersnappy in [info]thedoorway

"Watch how much cake you're eating, Ginevra," they said.

"Don't lose thar planner, it'll save your life," Hermione said.

"Gin, please don't get hurt the week before our wedding," Harry said.


So. Lemon tarts? Raspberry? Or even twizzlers? Girl's gotta stress eat.

[info]shadowofacat in [info]thedoorway

Filtered to Ben Reilly

I'm putting together a playlist on YouTube for you. While multi-tasking like fifty things. Skills, I have them.

Basically this is me.

How's it going Spidey "cousin"?

[info]daredevilmck in [info]thedoorway

I've never actually played quarters before. I think I might need to attempt that.

[Filtered to Sirius Black]

Unless you have a better idea for how I could spend an evening?


[Filtered to Emme, Hestia, Dorcas and Lily]

Some asked me to sing a song I've never heard of today, and when I tried to make up the words they told me I wasn't the girl from Nashville....


[info]thelittleliar in [info]thedoorway

Text: Sam Winchester
» Do you and Cas want to have dinner?
» I need some dinner guests to practice cooking on.

Text: Prim
» Have you ever had a pet?

Text: Matty and Tink
» I hafta practice cooking so I'm making cinnamon rolls but
» the dough has to rise 'en stuff first,
» so don't go poke the bowl on the counter 'en if I did it right, it'll
» get bigger 'en bigger, so
» don't be tempted!

[info]partlighter in [info]thedoorway

I think I've heard more than enough bee-related puns and jokes for the day.

[info]theotherparker in [info]thedoorway

» just being nice and doing a good deed. don't think too much about it
» hey
» don't know how often you come here
» or if you're caught up on the network
» just in case we've got a bee problem
» so we're the place to avoid
» unless you like bees
» lots of bees

[info]greatballs in [info]thedoorway

To bee or not to bee – Shakespeare

To do is to bee – Nietzche

To bee is to do – Sartre

Do bee do bee do – Sinatra

[info]keephersafe in [info]thedoorway

Today is a strange reminder of how little animal and plant life there is in this place. For all the people, it is rather empty of anything that does not have to do with people. Though I imagine many insects find a way no matter what. Still, it would nice to see the flowers that would usually go along with so many bees.

[Filtered to Aurora]

The first time I fought beside Philip was in a tavern. It was not long after we had met. A man the size of both of us was refusing to pay the barkeep. Philip attempted to be reasonable with him. As he would not be reasonable, we saw to it to make him more amendable to paying his debt.

He fought much like Lancelot, with purpose.

[info]quiteprolific in [info]thedoorway

text to will darcy

>> Hey, you okay?
>> Um.

>>So allergic reactions are a turn-off?