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April 7th, 2013

[info]laurakinney in [info]thedoorway

Filtered to Logan:
I'll get your motorcycle back to you after next week. I promise. Please do not be upset.

Filtered to Julie:
The date was very good. But the bike now has a scratch on it that was not there before Wolverine loaned it to me.

He is going to hate me.

[info]the_lonelyangel in [info]thedoorway

I'm actually watching the show and I've actually got a question.

Where are my eyebrows?

[info]fiestyisabel in [info]thedoorway

I feel like throwing an impromptu dinner party. Anyone want to drop by for food?

Filter: Elaine Mallory & Jason Todd
You two better be here for dinner.
Roast Lamb and Potatoes, plus other sides.

Filter: Jason Todd
Dear heart, is Elaine alright?

[info]verdancy in [info]thedoorway

[Sherlock Holmes & Sherlock Holmes]
I am told when it comes to information there are none better.

[info]hippobrooch in [info]thedoorway

» K so I might've found two free seats in the Wicked show tonight
» 4fore I buy them, are you available, in the mood, etc?

[info]sijevoulais in [info]thedoorway

Herein follow the MINUTES of the FOURTH meeting of the most dubiously distinguished Society of Displaced Rebels Against Kings and Rulers, formed 26 Nivôse année 213, CONVENED 15 Germinal of that same year at eight o'clock in the evening, at SAM'S BAR & GRILL,

The following being PRESENT:

Stephen Dedalus & Simon Grantaire, CONSULS; Deirdre Barimen, Henri Combeferre (by telelink), Denis Enjolras, Gale Hawthorne, Maedhros, Jamie McCrimmon, Peeta Mellark, Renee Montoya, Damien O'Donovan, Isabel Pole, Septimus Smith; special honorary GUEST Greg Lestrade.
8– : Mr. Dedalus, CONSUL, delivered opening REMARKS, viz. the simultaneous HOPE and DESPAIR evoked by the ever-increasing membership of the Society;

8:04– : Miss MONTOYA in her generosity distributed headgear, to wit: paper crowns form the BURGER KING, which were deemed most fit and becoming by the CONSULATE, who did then decree that said paper crowns were to be, while not required at future MEETINGS, most actively ENCOURAGED, the better to emphasize the flimsy, cardboard nature of any monarchy and to stress the undeniable link between CAPITAL and OPPRESSIVE GOVERNMENT; which decree met with objection from certain CORNERS but which was extinguished in favor of the remarks following;

8:15– : Wherein Miss POLE introduced and encouraged contributions to the LOCATIVE PRESS, featuring the work of local refugees;

8:20– : Which exhortation was repeated and elaborated upon at some length by Mr. SMITH;

8:28– : Whereupon Citoyen CHAUVELIN stood to read prepared REMARKS regarding the meaninglessness of political boundaries and the assumption of sovereign POWER into the transnational commercial structures prevalent now across the GLOBE;

8:30– : Which remarks Mr. GRANTAIRE put an end to after the Citoyen's alloted two (2) minutes, and promised to place said REMARKS into the Society's RECORD (here the CONSULATE does NOTE that any VOLUNTEERS willing to keep the Society's RECORD should come forward at their earliest convenience as said RECORD does not presently exist);

8:35– : At which point an INTERRUPTION did occur in the form of one SHERLOCK HOLMES stating within earshot of the CONSULATE that any idiot concerned with legal restrictions and the edicts of KINGS should be buggered for a sheep and deserved every OPPRESSION he might SUFFER; and was thereupon REMOVED from the premises by Mr. LESTRADE, employed of SAM'S BAR & GRILL, and who is hereby awarded:

The Society of Displaced Rebels Against Kings and Rulers'
BRUTUS Award & Honorary Membership Granted Pursuant to the Vanquishment of TYRANTS

and shall be welcome at all future Society MEETINGS;

8:43– : And this disturbance being eliminated, Mr. MAEDHROS asserted with admirable gall and considerable circumlocution what he did PROFESS to be the BENEFITS of a system of leadership structured centrally and invested in one (1) person;

8:48– : Whereupon Mr. GRANTAIRE did remark that his GLASS did not runneth over or anywhere in particular, and suggested that Mr. DEDALUS procure him ANOTHER; Mr. DEDALUS, unwilling to perform this menial task, did pass the buck most unconscionably down the line to Mr. COMBEFERRE, who, present only through telelink and quite unable to procure any sort of BEVERAGE whatsoever, could not be expected to comply with the orders of the CONSULATE and is hereby ABSOLVED of any abuse Mr. DEDALUS may have heaped upon him;

9– : Miss BARIMEN resolved this conflict posthaste and it hereby RECOGNIZED for her selfless devotion to the cause of keeping the Society in pints;

10:44– : Said pints having been obtained many times OVER, Mr. MCCRIMMON demanded FREEDOM and independence for Scotland from the DAMN SASSENACHS and engaged a not inconsiderable number of hapless passers by in a rousing CHANT to that effect;

12:30– Some time after which the CONSULATE declared the MEETING an unparalleled success and declared the MEETING ADJOURNED.

Miss POLE is further to be recognized and hereby COMMENDED by the CONSULATE for her selfless and untiring support of the Society, to wit: two (2) rounds of CALVADOS; the Consulate also NOTES that a petition to allow the consumption of tobacco products on premises is most agreeable to the CAUSE for which the Society stands, and is to be presented to the CITY at the earliest opportunity;

The Society also wishes to recognize the CONTRIBUTIONS, though they be more of character than of word, of: Mr. HAWTHORNE, who did bravely bear the weight of the tab of one half of the CONSULATE, no mean feat;

Citoyen ENJOLRAS, who did consume two (2) glasses of the Cabernet (here the Consulate NOTES that the Malbec in this particular establishment is superior and expresses its SURPRISE that Citoyen ENJOLRAS should embark upon such a momentous decision unaided by any of the Society's boundless EXPERTISE upon such matters);

Mr. MELLARK, who did manage to get a word in edgewise despite all the odds being most definitely stacked against him;

and Mr. O'DONOVAN, who did by his gravity of presence lend the Society a measure of much-needed MAGNITUDE.

This society shall convene again on 29 Germinal 213 at eight o'clock in the evening.

/S/ S. Grantaire, Consul
17 Germinal 213

[info]humansparkler in [info]thedoorway

JFC. Can't a girl eat a pizza hut big box on her own without judgment?

[Filter to Alex Summers (MCU), Hank McCoy, Rogue, Raven, Bobby Drake]
The adults seem to be on a team building kick and that's well and good, but we should have some bonding time that doesn't involve OLD PEOPLE. I have managed to procure (HANK WORD OF THE DAY!) two 6-packs of Smirnoff ice. Do you know that that means?


We'll have food, games and really terrible movies. You know you want to....

(And if a person HAPPENS to have the power to look like a 80 year old man and wants to grab more booze for us I'm SURE it wouldn't be a problem. And I'm SURE people would be willing to pitch in for the. No pressure. Okay, a little pressure, but not much.)

[info]not_betty in [info]thedoorway

Text Message to Sam Winchester

>>Hows mancation?
>>Every bit as manly and rustic and you thought it would be?
>>How much belching, on a scale of 1 to a beer commercial?

>>Also, I miss you.
>>Is that dumb?
>>Might be dumb.
>>Had some alcohol.
>>God you're sexy.

[info]vulcanmind in [info]thedoorway

While I would not go so far as to say that my decision to research the alternate universe was made in error, it did not yield the type of results that I had anticipated. The film containing this exchange, in particular, has perplexed me.

Subsequent attempts to satisfy my curiosity have only raised more questions. Primarily concerning the logistics of time travel using this slingshot maneuver, the enterprise's fitness for whale transportation, and the danger of introducing an extinct species into a new and unfamiliar ecosystem.

But perhaps the greatest question that arose was a moral quandary: if successful travel back in time can be achieved, and if saving a whale is a valid application for this technology, then why has this technology not been used to prevent other instances of far greater devastation? I understand that the Prime Directive and other policies regarding non-intervention in the affairs of others would undoubtedly come into play, but this would not apply to civilizations that have already achieved warp technology. And given that a time traveler was responsible for the destruction of Vulcan- How does one determine appropriate use?

[info]seasonofthe in [info]thedoorway

I've spent the last twelve hours watching Golden Girls. No regrets.

How are you settling in? I hope you're not too miserable. If you're not busy tomorrow, I was thinking I could fix us dinner. We could invite Erik

Alex (616):
Since you were nice enough to take me to see a comedy, I've decided to return the favor by finding a bar that serves wings, beer and shows Wrestlemania. Tempted?

Thank you again for talking to me the other day. It was nice getting to know you outside of SHIELD. And don't worry, I won't let the other trainees know you're nice.

[info]olivialt in [info]thedoorway

SHIELD agents, can you please tell me how the hell you make this jumpsuit not look completely ridiculous? Because inquiring minds want to know how anything that's this clingy and one piece can look flattering.

But damn did I miss being called "Agent". Now if Charlie could come through, that'd be Or if we can have dead people, I'd take Li

[info]blueeyed in [info]thedoorway

[texts to isabelle, jace and tj; separately]

[info]the_minstrel in [info]thedoorway


Maglor Fëanorian. Hmm.

[info]firstfrost in [info]thedoorway

[X-Men 25+]
Not it.

Anyone interested in surprise training tomorrow? I'm thinking 7am.

[info]brrrr in [info]thedoorway




why did Cyclosp give up teaching???

[info]highlander in [info]thedoorway

Happy Tartan Day! And a grand day it has been, let me tell you. Never have I had a happier accident than stumbling over the tartan week celebrations today, except perhaps meeting the Doctor. I was surrounded by all that is good and great about Scotland and its people and some of them even knew me! I had a chance to listen to some fine pipers and pipe bands and I was even given a grand set of pipes as a welcome to our world gift.

I'll be off next week on a little trip. To a place called Nashua, for a Scottish Festival. I'll even be playing in the solo piping competitions. I think I have a fine chance there. We were bandying about the names of songs we can play and I think I know a few that have been lost in the mists of time. Shame that, they're grand pieces but they'll be my advantage in the competitions before I teach them to the others afterwards.

[info]ticktickboom in [info]thedoorway

An alternative universe where Maria Hill's not a shrew? I must have hit my head harder than I thought.

[info]abrotherslove in [info]thedoorway

After much consideration, I have chosen to heed the recommendations of the healers in this world and allow them to perform what they feel will be a beneficial procedure. To have even a fraction of my old strength again would be most welcome, and, I believe, well worth the risk.

[ooc: I'm going to put a trigger warning on this just in case, since I know from personal experience that talk of surgery and physical therapy can be a bit difficult to stomach, even if it's only referenced a tiny bit.]

[info]woodscommaelle in [info]thedoorway

Left outside Ben Stone's apartment )

[info]suspendered in [info]thedoorway

network post: ben stone

Filtered to Elle Woods
Thank you for the muffins. They are delicious.
With the constant arrival of new people, I am unaware if more legal professionals have arrived. If it would be of interest to you to become an attorney here, I suggest that we work together. I have been collecting and organizing my notes, to be of assistance of anyone who would like it. We could be a community of professional and personal support. SHIELD can help with the logistical issues of not having evidence of our accomplishments, academic, professional, and of personal character, but we can be of best assistance to each other. Certainly I am in as much a need of that as anyone else.

[info]doriangray in [info]thedoorway

I must say I never thought I'd make it to New York.

Honestly, I really didn't. I thought if I ever tried, the ship would be so boring that I'd pitch myself straight into the sea before we made it even halfway. I can't imagine being cooped up with the same people for that long, particularly if none of them were not even the least bit interesting. Which, in my sad experience, not many people are.

Anyway, I'm glad to be here. In 2013, as well. I like that it didn't take it's time getting here, or at least I like to think I skipped the dull in-between stages of past and present. Transitions always drag on far too long. No one knows when to bloody-well let go of the old. As though anything old, worn and used up has any value at all.

[info]startinganew in [info]thedoorway

As I've been getting myself acquainted with this city's culture (and this planet's multitudes of cultures), I keep finding myself missing aspects of ours that were lost during the war. The television show helps fill in some holes, but one of the only things that carried over from before the Fall to the war was religion. When you're too busy trying to save your own skin from certain death, and trying to make sure all of humanity doesn't blink out, it doesn't leave a lot of time for artistic pursuits. We lost so much of our music and our literature. We lost our history. All we had were our memories.

I never really missed any of it until I started thinking about it here. It was gone. I didn't miss cooking on a stove, or any of the normal activities that filled my daily life. I missed my grandfather's library, or going to see a pyramid match with my. I missed going to concerts and the way Caprica City lit up at night on the weekends. All the things that could never be replicated.

I think that's what makes being here difficult. We miss so many important aspects of our lives here, and we have to reinvent ourselves. I've never been good at that myself.

Anyway, for anyone interested and anyone who chipped in to help pay, I've settled on October to make my trek back to Africa. Happy one-year anniversary. If I get taken back, you can all have your money back as long as you promise to use it towards fulfilling one of your dreams instead.

[info]theotherparker in [info]thedoorway

(ooc: please imagine all icons as blond and a bit battered)

Alright, I think I've finally gotten the hang of this. Or I haven't and I'm going to be getting a lot of interesting emails and phone calls. Because, wow, I feel like I'm in Star Trek with this phone. Except we're not in space. And no green alien women. I think. If there are green alien women around, please send them to medical and ask for Ben Reilly. I won't believe it unless I see it with my own eyes.

Actually, ignore that. I think I'm still at my green person quota for the month. Year. Century. Can I just say how great pain killers are? Really great. I am starting to see the benefit of proper medical care if it always involves these pain killers.

[info]nelyafinwe in [info]thedoorway

I envy your ability to die. That you may leave this place and all her cares behind. Whither do you go when you pass from this world? To what peace.

I envy your ability to die.

100 years you have, maybe a little more or less, but that is just one season of hurts, sorrows, pains and aye, joys and happiness. 100 years. I spent a quarter of it chained to a And then you are gone from this world and her life and her changes need bother or burden you no more. Under what circumstances do you go. Young or old, a soldier or civilian, creator or destroyer.

You go where none but Men can follow.

And yet the Eldar must linger on, through the centuries. Never changing but in mind only. Left to watch the world fall to ruin, and with each century that passes made to bear her burdens in memory and in body. I wonder if peace shall be found, that even when I pass from this world and return to waiting if I shall be free of it. I yearn for the gardens of Lórien.

I think I shall linger in Mandos for a millennium, and if after that I am reborn I shall stay in Lórien. I should like to sleep for the next age of this world, without dreams.

I envy your ability to die. But I think it is as Gwindor says, you may envy the fact that the Eldar shall not die. Gifts that cannot be shared. Indeed.

[Filtered; Fingon]
I feel lighter today than I have in four centuries. I do not expect it to last, so we must enjoy it while I am experiencing it.

I have a bottle of wine.

My brother has music. Let us disturb him this evening. I must make sure he has eaten anyway.

[info]greglestrade in [info]thedoorway

» So.
» You stole my keys.

[info]sijevoulais in [info]thedoorway

[Stephen Dedalus]

The Citizen decided, after I'd walked him up and down the pool a couple of times, that he knew how to swim. You ought to have seen it. You really can't call him timid.

I'll be home in not very long, and it won't be midnight, and I'll have behaved myself like a complete (only moderately incomplete) gentleman for several hours and I'll be bringing a jacket I can't quite see myself wearing again.

So if you'd make sure there aren't just dregs in the pantry, my dear.

[info]proudofyou in [info]thedoorway

» I'd forgotten how long it takes to drive across the country.
» Miss me?

[info]e_nocapes in [info]thedoorway

Well if I'm going to be in another dimension, I'm happy it's New York. And Fashion Week here isn't for another year, so I'll have time to do it properly.

I am Edna Mode. You can call me E if you like. I understand many of you may be familiar with me as a character from a movie, I don't know, it doesn't really matter. I design the best costumes and everyday clothing for superheroes and other people with special abilities.

If you're interested, contact me on the network and I'll get to you as soon as I can. I like to know who I'm designing for before I start work.

[info]thenextcap in [info]thedoorway

I've done a few sports events now. Went to Central Park and did tourist things. Anything else on the New York City bucket list people recommend?