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April 1st, 2013

[info]snakeamonglions in [info]thedoorway

I was flipping through the telly and BBC America was advertising for the new episode of Doctor Who that aired Saturday. And something horrible occurred to me. If I remain here, it will be another twenty years before I see a new episode of Doctor Who.


Filtered to the Ninth Doctor
Do you ever think you are supposed to feel an emotion but then feel guilty because you don't?

[info]irelandunfree in [info]thedoorway

So the clock on the computer just switched over to April 1st, and more than that, it's now Easter Monday. It was...seven Easter Mondays ago for me now since Padraig Pearse stood in front of the GPO in Dublin, proclaimed Ireland a Republic, and began our own cycle of blood sacrifice and redemption.

I think it's appropriate that Easter and the true beginning of our Independence struggle fell so close. So many similar themes. Persecution. Loss. Death. Rebirth against all odds and a resurrection in the face of evil.

And yet...what was it for? Ireland is (mostly) Irish now, and yet so little has changed. We traded the Imperialism of the British for the repressive Roman rule of Dev. Contraceptives weren't legal without a prescription until 1985! Women were expected to be in the home - and this was enshrined in our constitution. We fell again into poverty, and Dev turned on the very people who had supported him the moment he was in power.

Was this what we died for? Was this what we fought for? To have the country divided and backwards and to have the whole world come down on us for letting a young woman die because we had draconian restrictions on life-saving medical procedures?

It wasn't what I fought for.

Connolly was right all along. “If you remove the English Army tomorrow and hoist the green flag over Dublin Castle., unless you set about the organization of the Socialist Republic your efforts will be in vain. England will still rule you. She would rule you through her capitalists, through her landlords, through her financiers, through the whole array of commercial and individualist institutions she has planted in this country and watered with the tears of our mothers and the blood of our martyrs.”

Only, he forgot to add Rome to that, as well.

[info]not_the_ship in [info]thedoorway

Network Post

What is the accepted behavior after mating for humans? I am curious.

Also, how would one go about contacting their author? Or at the very least prevent something from being published?

[info]makalaure in [info]thedoorway

my brother showed me how to use this

but it is very strange and I am not good at things like this

are there people out there

where are you

why do we simply not meet and speak instead of using such things

i am makalaure


[info]tonystark in [info]thedoorway

Alternate earth, huh? Fuck Guess I'm late to the party.

Anyone seen a stretchy super-genius named Richards? Or T'Challa? Strange, even? (That's a name, by the way. I'm not editorializing.) Other local brainiacs who eat accidental alternate-universe travel for breakfast, maybe?

[Filtered to 616 Avengers & Allies]
Miss me?

[info]woodenleg in [info]thedoorway

So is there any way to tell the Tesseract that you'd prefer staying than being sent back again?

Filtered: Killian, Jefferson, Victor, Amber
That was some double-edged sword. Any of you have a bottle to open? I'll pay you back later.

[info]the_lonelyangel in [info]thedoorway

Hello! I'm The Doctor.

I sensed a Time Lord the minute I got here. Well, I was worried about the tear and then I sensed a Time Lord. Well, I said 'Oi' first. I don't like weapons.

[info]rednecksavior in [info]thedoorway

Network post: Daryl Dixon

I skipped watching the show last night. I don't think I can yet after what happened last weekend. He was a zombie. He sacrificed himself for us. And then I had to be the one to kill him. We just found each other...this wasn't supposed to happen. I fucking hate the governor.

[info]fistsfirst in [info]thedoorway

Network post: Shane Collins

The line for the Game of Thrones was ridiculously long but It was worth it. Like the wait was hours long. Seriously. But going in a group made waiting that long not suck so badly. I got to take a picture in the iron throne. And afterward went to the HBO store over on Avenue of the Americas and got a few things. The weather was nice too. It was a little bit of a long day but a good one!

[info]missedmunds in [info]thedoorway

Network post: Katherine Edmunds

Easter made me really miss home. I miss my students and I miss the fun we always used to have. Especially around holidays. Kids always have a tendency to get a little restless around the holidays. I would always try to find things that kept them moving, kept them busy. Does anyone have any advice on how I go about becoming a teacher here? It's not looking like I'm going home anytime soon.

[info]bornwithmagic in [info]thedoorway

Network Post: Merlin

It's been so long since I thought about the first time I arrived in Camelot. It almost feels like it was a lifetime ago. I ended up in the stocks more times than I could count because of Arthur. I almost forgot how much of a bully he had been then. And that started the first of the many times I had to save Arthur's life.

One "episode" in and nothing terrible so far. From what I know of our history...there are terrible things in store. I know that I must continue though. There are questions that still need answers. I need to find out what happened to Morgana and Mordred.

[info]purpleshorts in [info]thedoorway

[ Filtered to MCU + 616 Avengers + Sif]

Good morning. If we hadn't already had a chance to speak, my name is Dr. Bruce Banner. I trust that will be enough of an introduction.

I have a double in the other universe. This double is in a similar situation as I am with regards to his gamma radiation experimentation. It's recently come to my attention that Alex Summers was able to subdue the Other Guy. Given that nothing in this universe has been successful so far in even slowing him down, I'd like to see if I can replicate the results.

For safety, I would appreciate those among you who wish to act as Alex's backup. If you'd rather not, that's perfectly fine, but I'd like to get a headcount so I know what I'm working with.

I doubt I need to underline the fact that this isn't a game nor is it a typical invitation to spar.

Thank you.

[ /Filter ]

[info]ihaveashotgun in [info]thedoorway

» So humans have a silly tradition but I thought it was- oh no I'm not supposed to warn oops Garrus.
» We need to talk.

[info]cyborgish in [info]thedoorway

After-Easter candy sale!!! I'm gonna Peep Joust. Who's with me?

[ Filtered to Male Friends (if you think you're on the filter, you are!) ]

Soooooo is it bogus to think about actively flirting with someone when the Tesseract might nom you at any moment? I mean, on one hand, 'carpe diem', on the other hand... who knows, right?

I guess our lives are one big Who Knows.

[ /Filter ]

[ Filtered to Jan ]

It was really cool hanging with you. I think you're badass enough that I don't have to call you Grandmother. That fly?

[ /Filter ]

[info]sijevoulais in [info]thedoorway

Delivery to Combeferre, with note, made unconscionably early in the morning. )

[info]supposedtobe in [info]thedoorway

[Filtered to Nick Fury (616)]

I suddenly find myself in need of a steady income. Did they lock you in a dungeon for a month? I kind of need to check in with be above ground every now and then.

[info]shadowofacat in [info]thedoorway

Hey everyone!

I’m Kitty Pryde. With the unfortunate loss of Susan Sto Helit a few days ago, I talked to SHIELD about taking over for her at the Educational Services Division, or ESD from now on to make it easier. I’ve been teaching there on my off time, but I gave my two weeks notice to SHIELD to focus solely on this. She left behind impeccable records and I’m going to do my best to keep her vision alive.

I look forward to getting to know everyone in the division soon, but for right now I’m going to need basic facts to move from here. There needs to be some reorganization with the loss of students and teachers, so what I need is all of the teachers and advisors to sign in. Reply to this post to restate you still want to be involved. Advisors, I need you in particular to reply so we can talk about your current students and work load. This is also the place for any new people to offer their services if they have experience teaching. We have an amazing group of students here.

Also if anyone over eighteen wants to sign up for some of our advanced and creative courses, since boy do we have a lot of them, please feel free to do so.

Students I would appreciate replies here too to talk about your classes and advisors and any feedback you have right now. Feel free to filter anything you want to me if you don’t feel comfortable talking in public, and I’d be happy to meet with anyone privately too. I know this has to be a big collaborative effort and I’m looking forward to jumping into the deep end here.

I’m afraid I might be clogging up the network for people in the division over the next week as we work out the details, but I hope everyone can bear with me.

[ooc: there will be an ooc post after this with more depth, but please do reply with your characters officially IC here]

[Filtered to Scott Summers]

I’m NGL I’m freaking out a little. Huge undertaking. Any advice?

[info]childofthor in [info]thedoorway

It doesn't make much sense, but I feel more cooped up and useless here than I did in Tony's fortress in the Arctic. I finally got a job teaching sword fighting. With any luck that will help some.

[info]younghero in [info]thedoorway

It's April Fool's Day! I wonder what sort of pranks people are doing today. I'm not doing any.

[Filtered to OUAT]

I promise that I didn't or won't prank any of you. Or anyone else today.

[info]deviledham in [info]thedoorway

[Filtered to El, Sara, & Neal]
As you may have noted from the alert, Diana apparently returned through the device that brought us here. At least I hope that's what happened and they aren't secretly selecting some of us to sacrifice to an Elder God and----- okay, all these comic book heroes are making me think I already miss having her around and it's still not the same without Jones. The White Collar agents here just aren't as enthusiastic about their work.
[End Filter]

[Filtered to Captain America (both?)]
This feels a lot like my 10 year old self writing fan mail to the address at the back of a comic book, but here goes: Dear Cap, this is a horrible idea and I'm not going to bother you

My hat's off to whomever pranked the elevators this morning. Well executed, I'm just glad I wasn't already carrying a coffee.

[info]calibrates in [info]thedoorway

» You wouldn't happen to be anywhere around R&D right now, would you?

[info]biomechanoid in [info]thedoorway

network post: moya

Happy birthday, me!!!

[info]dainesarrasri in [info]thedoorway

The mages who came to collect me after that blue light told me that I'm not actually dead, which is honestly a miracle after everything I went through yesterday, but I've never heard of this realm before.

Anyway, my name is Daine, and I apologize if my responses are ever slow or look strange. I'm still learning this typing business. At least I won't ever get another bottle of ink knocked over and spilled on my clothes with this method.

[info]impsychicnow in [info]thedoorway

A lack of coffee causes me to walk right into plexiglass covering the elevator door, and then stare at it confused trying to figure out who put the spell on the elevator for at least a minute.

Monday mornings, not my friend.

[info]nelyafinwe in [info]thedoorway

[Text messages to Fingon]
» I think I need to be closer to my brother.
» If he is not reminded to eat he won't.
» Tch! I trade one for the other.
» But this stress is one I gladly accept.

sometime later

[Text to Legolas]
» Aiya Legolas!
» I have need of you.

[info]eclairage in [info]thedoorway

This is a world of curiosities and no, I am not your poisson d'avril.

[Les Amis]
G. I am in receipt of your extremely early morning package and had you waited for me (just another hour), I would have probably been in a waking state. Apparently, due to the trauma, people are given medicines of such a power to make them sleep instead of feeling I want to feel everything their wounds.

As it is, I do not think I will be able to lay here long. What is required, however, is clearance from the doctor to let me start trying to stand. And then daily therapy, I presume, since it seems that people believe that therapy is required for healing. I told the nurse all I needed was a very good reason to stand and it had been the visit from my friends.

Is there, perhaps, someone in this tower of yours who has the medical foresight to provide therapy so that I can leave the hospital before too long? And G. to assuage your mind, I did not let E. show me anything. But still and yet, I could not wait ... I have slept too long and I fear missing things of note.

G. & E. I am pleased that I am here, with you. I am immeasurably grateful that despite the gravity of our sacrifices (which did, at least, plant the seed) that there is a world in which we can be together once more. Further, and most importantly, it's damnably nice not to be dead.

I could have used this book
No matter. I am glad to see that ours is more comprehensive than most.

Succeeding in effectively dismissing this Valjean fellow, I will continue on in a moment as my nurse has alerted me that our texts also include film and musical.

The bottle is happily secreted away. The pens and the paper are ... not at all what I expected. You are too kind. Wake me next time.

[info]wheezes in [info]thedoorway

There comes a time in every man's life when he must realise that he is too old for birthdays and must face reality that the cake goes straight to his hips. Seems like 27 is it for me, and it's a wonder my wife hasn't left me because of my child-bearing hips.

Unfortunately, it also pains me to announce that WWW will not be opening a branch in New York City due to disheartening research findings and lack of an interested market. It was good while it lasted, boys!

Happy birthday, Freddy. April Fool's, right? I wish. Miss you, buddy, and bring my ear back in one piece, yeah?

[info]fullofschmidt in [info]thedoorway







[info]spelling in [info]thedoorway

I think I'm in lust with my own dopelganger. Bless the boy.

[info]call_shaft in [info]thedoorway

The African Western Black Rhino has been declared extinct.

Why is this so jarring?

[info]makalaure in [info]thedoorway

This place has such strange music...

Lovely, and yet so full of sadness and the quick decay of Men.

How do Men stay happy with so much loss? How do they not spend all their time weeping? Your lives are so short, and as you live them, everyone you love must die.

Perhaps...does it make every moment of your lives all the sweeter, and all the more precious, knowing that you can only cling to it for a time?

[info]basementman in [info]thedoorway

Text to Christine Chapel

>> Found this perfect little hole in the wall diner yesterday.
>> Unfortunately the tables seemed to come with two chairs attached to them.
>> Help me try it out tonight?

[info]welsh_teaboy in [info]thedoorway

I'm engaged. Not sure when I'll be able to stop grinning, but I don't think it'll be today.

So, Martha agreed to stand up for me. And is going on and on about a bachelor party.

You know my brain is already starting to spin on the logistics side of things. Oddly, given the disaster of Gwen's wedding, I don't feel the need for a big hoopla.

[info]stephendedalus in [info]thedoorway

It would appear I've gone an become an academic while I wasn't looking. A few teachers lost, a few teachers gained and I've re-organised the subjects I'm teaching -- and added a course, as well. Classes are as follows:

Greek, Latin, (Greek and Roman) Philosophy, Ancient World History - These will all be part of a Classics series. If you're interested in any one -- I might suggest you take, or consider taking, any of the others as there is so much intersection. If you already have a full schedule but might be interested in some supplemental reading, I could easily provide you with a book list.

Welsh - I'm taking over this class from the charming, former resident, Brother Cadfael. If there is enough interest, I'll open up to not only Welsh but Gaeilge, Manx and Scots Gaelic as well.

(European) Medieval History - Not all just plague and crusades.

Irish History - Not all about potatoes, Catholics and Protestants Well, it might act

Irish Culture - Bit of a vanity project this. The focus of it will be on Irish traditions, music, literature, theatre, language etc. Bit of a catch all, good for anyone interested in more than just green beer.

If anyone else is interested in some of these topics, please inquire. We could certainly use the numbers.

[Rupert Giles, Loki (the smaller?) Lily Evans, Percy Jackson, Jeremy Gilbert ]

You're a very small group, so I was wondering if you'd all like to meet together? I'm a bit informal, but given that a pub is out of the question, I propose a coffee shop -- I'm sure there is a budget for that. Twice a week at a time that works for everyone? Two hour blocks. There will be assignments but no tests or exams -- with people up and leaving, what's the point? This is about learning, not about proving anything

I spoke to Septimus for quite some time today, he was very... His face was very Anyway his line of questions (don't ask) led me to this article here. So I think I'm going to kill myself.

[info]daretodobetter in [info]thedoorway

Well, as of yesterday, I am now 51. (Even though I haven't been born yet according to the calender.) I'm hoping that this year is better than the last. Unfortunately, it seems my recovery has been set back a bit which has put a damper on birthday celebrations.

Would there be interest in a cadet sort of training program for those in the educational system?

[Cameron Mitchell]
So, I was an idiot. Screwed up my recovery because of sex.

Also, thank you for the pimp cane.

[Barbara Gordon]
I'm sorry.
Maybe we ought to take a break.
Or at least lay off the sex.

Your choice on Thursday.

[info]oursavinggrace in [info]thedoorway

I'm never going to get used to this place, and how it seems to think that if you're under eighteen, you're incapable of doing anything worthwhile.

Anyway, I found a job. At a place called Five Guys. Making hamburgers.

[info]siberiantiger in [info]thedoorway

To: S.H.I.E.L.D. Human Resources <human.resources@shield.gov>
From: CPL Berenson <jake.berenson@pottstower.com>
Subject: Application
Attachment: Resume.docx

You have [1] unread message. )

[info]thislooksbad in [info]thedoorway

I'm actually liking this handler thing. Not all that different from leading a team. In that it's half herding cats and half running a daycare Katie, I guess you were good practice for this kind of thing.

( filter: Deirdre Barimen, Ianto Jones, Jim Kirk )
Guys, I think we need to have a team get together. By which I mean drinks. An important part of working together in the field is trusting each other, and that means getting to know each other. Just let me know when you're free.

( filter: Natalia Romanova )
I'm in charge of baby agents. Who ever thought this was a good plan?

( filter: 616 & MCU Avengers, and those other Avenger types from other places - looking at you T'Challa )
So, since our universe's Cap and Tony are finally here, after taking their time might I add, I think we need to have a get together. I'll be good for all of us to catch up. I'm thinking another one of those potlucks like Jan organized. That's if you guys want to, of course.

( filter: Jessica Drew )
You look hot today. Want to have dinner? Then maybe come back to my place and fool around some?

[info]particlethief in [info]thedoorway

I know the way they talk about their cars is totally fake and all...but I wish the Fast and the Furious people would show up. Just so they could get cars and I could ogle them and go to their races. Speaking of, I'm having a marathon while doing my homework. Anyone who wants can come join me.

Pym, if you come by,I've got your ant-farm set up. We can roll it to your place whenever you want.

[info]handysparehand in [info]thedoorway

Stop changing clothes! We don't change clothes! Well, we do, but not like that. Or we haven't. Not for a long time. When do we start switching coats after we've found a perfectly good one to wear?! Honestly! Something clearly went horribly wrong last regenertion.

[info]oldparkerluck in [info]thedoorway

» Hey... so. Sorry about earlier.
» You're all better now, right?

[[Five minutes later]]

» Bruuuuce, buddy?

[[Three minutes later]]

» You're not passed out underneath your lab stool, are you?

[[Five minutes later]]

» Because there are other places to pass out. I don't suggest behind a dumpster.
» I've done that. Just don't. You wake up smelling in ten different species and food groups.

[[Six minutes later]]

» Want a grilled cheese? I'm getting a grilled cheese.

[info]sherlockholmes in [info]thedoorway

Something just occurred to me as I was talking to the -- Tenth Doctor's hand clone. When I was a kid growing up, my favourite Doctor was, actually, Peter Cushing in the Dr. Who and the Daleks film. Peter Cushing did not -- in my 'world' also play Sherlock Holmes, for obvious reasons but I can't help but wonder if that's why I liked him so much.

But then I got to thinking -- I know I'd already realised it with me being the interpretation of another source material, but Cushing was supposed to be within the same continuity. He was just the First Doctor -- does that mean there might be another "Doctor" entirely? One unconnected to the others?

...or is Peter Cushing Doctor the Doctor that brought us Hugh Grant Doctor?

Thoughts? Trouble with your own spin-offs? Maybe a round at the bar for attempting to follow Who-timelines?

[info]venomblast in [info]thedoorway

Filtered: Jan, Peter, Carol
I could really go for some Coldstone's right now. Who is in?

[info]runawaynico in [info]thedoorway

Since we've got a bunch of new people running around and all... my name's Nico Minoru. I'm a witch. I like pretty much anything if it's purple or black, my favorite author is Margaret Atwood, I hate institutionalized BS, and I have a pet rabbit named Hudson who has been trained to appear out of hats. I don't have one of those magician hats, so right now she's settling for Chase's baseball cap (she's housebroken, Chase. More or less).

My parents got themselves killed by some elder-gods because they were evil idiots, and I've been taking care of myself ever since. My New Year's resolution (besides drinking less caffeine, which I already broke) was to try to be less cynical, and so far, it hasn't completely sucked. I was thinking, though, that I needed to take this time here in NYC to learn more stuff, and while the Scarlet Witch has been helping me with my magic (represent!), Karolina's always great for teaching me vegan recipes, and the other Avengers have been teaching me to fight (more), I'm sort of wanting to try something that doesn't involve either soy milk or excessive bleeding.

Ergo: swing dancing lessons. Ballroom's too frou-frou, and I'm not comfortable with salsa.

Is this a bad idea?

[info]themadgirl in [info]thedoorway

To those of you who are most familiar with this world or Earth in particular and have been able to see different parts of it, what are your favorite places to visit? And why do you like them best?

I'm only curious because while this world is apparently the same as my world only many years in the past I've still only seen a little bit of it. And since coming here I haven't gone very far away from the tower. I've seen lots of pictures on the internet but I'm curious about what it is like away from here.

[info]thelittleguy in [info]thedoorway

Looks like we were good luck for the Mets today.

Before he gets surprised, has anyone told Tony that Howard's here? I know he's not exactly your Tony's father, but I wouldn't want him taken off guard by that news. It'd be better from a friend.

[info]just_bones in [info]thedoorway

WHO: Leonard “Bones” McCoy and James T. Kirk
WHERE: Leonard’s apartment
WHEN: Backdated! Sunday night, 24 March, 2013
WHAT: Bones cooks and Jim pretends that having a bag of unopened presents isn’t weird
RATING: Mild language
STATUS: Complete

Ho, ho, ho, have some beer. )

[info]daisywillrocku in [info]thedoorway

19 feels just like 18.

[info]the_mariner in [info]thedoorway

April! Valar, I hope spring's coming soon. Longer days, less time to look at the night sky and feel guilty.

[Filtered to Maedhros]

I heard your brother arrived.

[info]timetorun in [info]thedoorway

My dads are children.

Anyone fancy a pint?

[ooc: trigger warning for talk of mass death, patricide, matricide, all kinds of -cides due to the time war]

[info]scrappy in [info]thedoorway

Hey, so. That was nice Can we do the makin Man the 60's sucked in compar I found this place today.

[info]loveofjapan in [info]thedoorway

The museums in New York are amazing. I've been spending the last few days in them, trying to soak up everything I can. There's also so many places to go in New York, places I've only ever dreamed about seeing.

I know I need to get a job, but since there's no Magical community here, I might take a few weeks and not rush into the first thing that comes. I have two months. It's important to remember that.

Filter: next-gen Potter-Weasleys + Lorcan
I don't know you all that well at all, and you're all about my age, so I thought we could all go out sometime, get to know one other?

Filter: Spike
Thank you for being so kind my first day here. I really appreciate it.

Filter: Lorcan
That was okay? Inviting all of them out? Lily Luna is named after Mother after all. Might be nice to get to know them.

[info]dontyouladyme in [info]thedoorway

» Friend of mine went all green and angry today because of some loose lips.
» Tony's dealing with his dead girlfriend not being dead, his not-dad being here and Steve's mother-henning.
» I walked into the glass in front of the elevator this morning WHILE holding coffee (all that was injured was that black catsuit)
» And now some of us are going out for ice cream because everybody feels bad about Bruce
» How was your day, dear?

[info]dinocrazy in [info]thedoorway

I start my first night at work tonight.


[info]shadowofacat in [info]thedoorway

Delivery to Jim Kirk )

[info]acceleration in [info]thedoorway

» Hey prof. We gotta go for a fly sometime soon.

[info]notmyfirstrodeo in [info]thedoorway

Phone Call

Who: Phil Coulson and Wanda Maximoff
When: April 1, early evening.
Rating: Likely not high.

ring ring ring )

[info]bamfsrsly in [info]thedoorway

[Filtered to 616 Scott]
It occurs to me that you'd be the perfect straight man for a good April 1st gimmick, oh brother of mine.
[End Filter]

[Filtered to Wanda]
You ever feel like it's waaaaaaaaaaaay too crowded here?
[End Filter]

I think the plexiglass prank was worth it just for Carol's method of handling it. Sorry, Carol, it's true. Stay classy.

[info]just_bones in [info]thedoorway

» I'm glad that you discovered the glass in front of the elevator this afternoon before I did.
» I'm not sure I've ever laughed that hard.

[info]supposedtobe in [info]thedoorway

To: S.H.I.E.L.D. HR <human.resources@shield.gov>
From: Steve Rogers (616) <steve.rogers2@pottstower.com>
Subject: Employment
Attachment: Resume.docx

You have (1) thousand unread messages. )

To: Tony Stark (616)
From: Steve Rogers (616) <steve.rogers2@pottstower.com>
Subject: Your employment
Attachment: (None)

You have (1) unread message. )

[info]ex_quicksilv340 in [info]thedoorway

Who's exceptionally dimwitted idea was it to put a damn glass wall in front of the elevator?!

Filtered: Scott Summers (616)
Evening, Summers. May I have a word?

Filtered: Carol Danvers
So, you're training the Avengers Academy students now.

[info]savedthechrldr in [info]thedoorway

Private to Lucy

[Filtered to Lucy Pevensie]

Hey, you doing okay? I think I'll be off work a little early tonight. They're cutting back on our overtime.

We should talk. About us and about Susan.

[info]tinnedtuna in [info]thedoorway


Well. It would certainly work better than dogs.

[info]walterblythe in [info]thedoorway

» Hello.
» It's not too late to text, is it?

» I meant to say something today at the store but
» What, with the girls around I never get the chance, do I?

» But you seemed a bit upset?
» Is everything all right?

[info]therealnickfury in [info]thedoorway

[MCU Shield Level 6 and above]

A hulk incident on April Fools.

[Bruce Banner (MCU)]

Well we know what to prepare for now. And you didn't destroy the building.

Do you need anything? Outside of a new containment chamber.