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March 20th, 2013

[info]weasleygirl in [info]thedoorway

Well, if you want to alarm someone then taking them very painfully from their home, pointing guns at them, and rattling off questions will certainly do it. I also should probably apologize to the man I hexed - but you shouldn't threaten to shoot someone just because they asked where their children were.

I'll admit I probably shouldn't have sworn at him, but desperate times and all of that.

They told me I had been here before, at 15 no less. What a bloody nightmare. Sorry about that. But better 15 than 16. Or 17, come to think of it. Those two years were complete rubbish.

Name is Ginny. Anyone mind pointing me to my children or, possibly, my husband? Goes by Harry - Harry Potter.

[info]suspendered in [info]thedoorway

network post: ben stone

Filtered: Private
Rob Portman, similar I thought to the man I knew in my time and place, changed his opinion on gay marriage. That decision came from one of empathy rooted in the desire that his son might be able to marry and raise a family because his son came out to him as gay. His previous vocal advocacy of marriage as between one man and one woman was rooted in his religious beliefs. When those were confronted with a living breathing example, someone he cared about, other values - Christian values - became of more import than the verses which directly speak to it in the Bible.

Whether gay marriage is right or wrong, the morals and basis of beliefs should not be dependent upon the character of one's children. For that to be necessary to understand something means that great injustice must be left untouched in the world, for none of us do know even half the hardships others do face. I cannot imagine my daughter lesbian, and yet, I must try to think of her as all that I do not come into experience with. I must not insulate myself so that I later discover I ignored concerns and wrongs for years.
Filtered: Julie Power
I was curious for your thoughts on Rob Portman's change of heart on gay marriage, which he said was because of his son.

[info]neurarchitect in [info]thedoorway

It's strange here. I don't think it could really be anything but strange when we're all tv and movie and comic book characters living in a comic book world. But even madness has it's method and In any case, there is a small group of us who have been monitoring the arrival/departure notices for several months now. And we've reached a few conclusions, and even statistical significance utilizing a Cochran-Mantel-Haenszel Statistic to account for uneven weight of arrival date, so I felt it would be of interest to everyone if I shared some of our findings. CUT FOR SCIENCE )

I'd really appreciate if there were no death threats this time. Hopefully this study could be helpful in convincing outside industry to take a risk on refugees who have already been here some time :)

[Filter to Lucy Stillman]
I'll admit. 90% of why I did this tonight is I cannot look at that fMRI any longer.

Whoever coded its analysis software doesn't even deserve to have a masters degree. Have you had any luck with exporting the neural network to a drive?

[info]ohroonil in [info]thedoorway

network post: ron weasley

Filter: Friends & Family of Harry Potter
I think Harry's gone.

He wasn't here when I woke up for work. None of you lot have seen him, have you?

Posted via Journaler.

[info]verdancy in [info]thedoorway

I have managed to secure archival work in one library on the proviso that I prove myself fully competent with digital databases -- I am not much afeared on that count -- and a placement in another (the Morgan). I am told this will make me most employable in New York in time, which I presume is what they tell all interns, but whilst there is something intrinsically satisfying in making oneself useful in all honesty I have accepted to spend time with their catalogue and to make eyes at the conservation centre staff until they promise to show me how to preserve a manuscript. Being a relict myself has its own certain draw, in this!

But to real purpose: I intend to take a beginners class at the Dokoudovsky New York Conservatory of Dance this Saturday (basic beginner being quite the safest category when one is already setting out to make a fool of oneself). Do come with me, if you are interested.

[info]sijevoulais in [info]thedoorway

The last day of winter has a little less weight to it when we've already had a week of extra sunlight, but I'm still saying good riddance to the season. Any wind that wants to come along and blow this weather off to sea or lands distant can come from what direction it will - Zephyr, Notus, even Eurus. All are welcome. Push on, lads.

Oh, for spring in Paris.

[Stephen Dedalus]

Do you ever wake up feeling like a foolish virgin?

[info]repobarbie in [info]thedoorway

As much as I love the city, and I typically love cold weather, I'd kill for a tropical vacation.

Please tell me you're getting up to some kind of shenanigans, Caffrey? You're never this quiet without a reason.

I'm so painfully bored it's not even funny.

[info]alittledarkness in [info]thedoorway

Work's pretty much consumed my life.

Filter: Jason Todd Wayne
Thanks for reminding me to grab Isa's lunch for me today.

Filter: Molly
Hey darlin', what say you and I book it for the afternoon and catch lunch out on the city?

Filter: Thomas Raith
How are things on your end of the world?

Filter: Dresden
You doin' okay?

[info]sailor_pluto in [info]thedoorway

It's Spring. Officially. I wonder idly if we shall see Spring soon or not. As such, however, I have begun prepping spring treats for the shop. I am trying to stay with tradition and put only seasonal treats in store. We'll see how it goes.

[info]gambler_girl in [info]thedoorway

I miss bribery for good answers with desserts. And stealing our leader's clothing. I should have paid more attention to Trey about physical training and how to fabricate droids. I miss having an R2 unit around.

Cheesecake is this weeks' new dessert. I'm also learning to make tacos and sushi rolls. Sushi rolls are delicious. I've also discovered craps for gambling. The holodrama...movie, excuse me, Guys and Dolls was fun!

[info]painandmisery in [info]thedoorway

this place is way too crowded...

[info]daretodobetter in [info]thedoorway

delivery for Dr. Leonard McCoy )

[info]pureheartedsnow in [info]thedoorway

delivery for shawn farrell )

[info]lmartin in [info]thedoorway

Hey! So I figured we should probably choose a date for our birthday. I don't know about you but I don't want to spend the rest of my life as 19!

Uncle Obi
Do you have any idea how our dates convert to this world? I'm talking to Leia about when our birthday would be.

[info]the_doctordonna in [info]thedoorway

» Favourite foods?
» And cake. What sort of cake?

[info]headbitch in [info]thedoorway

Who: Spencer Hastings & Annabeth Chase
When: Tuesday, March 19, 2013; Around 9pm
Where: Spencer's Apartment
What: Annabeth watched the finale with Spencer, Spencer reacts.
Rating: TBD, likely low

For a girl who thrived on facts and logic and proof, it killed her to not have the answers and to not be able to explain the things she was seeing now from a third party perspective. )

[info]therealnickfury in [info]thedoorway

[Filtered to Hill]

Looks like the alternate reality me is going through with training. Showed up for intake paperwork and everything.

How would you like to run his psych evals? Closest you'll get to doing one on me. See if he cracks.

[Filtered to Widow(MCU), Coulson, and Hawkeye(MCU)]

What's your read on the man whose claiming to be me? If you haven't been too busy with children's television theme songs, Barton.

[info]wantedout in [info]thedoorway

Apparently my husband's actor believes that we're interesting enough to have our own "spin-off." Babe, I don't know if I'm comfortable with them airing my secret pie recipe or the way I karate chop you with my spatula when you try to sneak a taste before the food's ready. However, they might be entertained by simply watching your face. I know I am.

Any updates on the possible road-trip you three are going on to get the car?

[info]walterblythe in [info]thedoorway

The apple appears between olive leaves
Splash of red in the green of summer fields
It brings young men to their knees

A thunder clap that moves the trees
Dreams in the distance remain concealed
The apple appears between olive leaves

Smoke swept away by the warm breeze
All spirits broken remain unhealed
It brings young men to their knees

Truths in which they all believe
To strive, to seek, to find, and not to yield
The apple appears between olive leaves

Hearts adorned on brass buttoned sleeves
Until away they soar in coffins sealed
It brings young men to their knees

A moment of silence but no reprieve
Fallen fruit in a deflowered field.
The apple appears between olive leaves
It brings young men to their knees

Pte. Walter Blythe

[info]aurortonks in [info]thedoorway

So my birthday is next month and that's really got me thinking! Considering it's 2013, I know technically I should be turning what 40? No thank you! So I'm going to stay 24 if that's all right with everyone else!

Or we could make a fun party and celebrate my "40th" birthday.

Is the pink too much for a 39 year old?

[info]doesntsuck in [info]thedoorway

[Filtered to Kara/Peej]
So it's not catching muggers on my lunch break or anything, but I did work with four others to stop a bank robbery yesterday. I've never been part of a team before, so there were a few mistakes, but in the end no one was hurt and the police took all of the robbers into custody. A win for the good guys.

I ended up calling it a night after all of the questions and reports (so much paperwork, why?) and I just remembered today that I never even finished what I was in the bank for in the first place. It took a small loan, but you're looking at the proud owner of a '76 Herreshoff Nereia. She's old, but I didn't want some fancy plastic-looking white boat.

I've got a little hibachi grill and the night off if you're bored and want to see what sailing is like.
[End Filter]

So... any sailing enthusiasts out there, by chance?

[info]thetowelgirl in [info]thedoorway

I know I've on occasion decided that wearing clothing is annoying, but running down Riverside Park naked? Can't say I've done that one.

Although if it were a race, I could get into that.

[info]hihon in [info]thedoorway

It's been surprisingly nice working in this version of New York.

I may consider finding an assistant.

[Filtered to White Collar People]

I've got a tasting at Kefi for one of my clients and could use some other tasters to join me.


[info]notacomputer in [info]thedoorway

Email to: Tony Stark

You have 1 new message )

[info]tinygenius in [info]thedoorway

network post: claire danvers

I feel a little like a creeper admitting to this, but I just watched all 97 episode of the Lizzie Bennet Diaries on You Tube. How did I not know this was a thing BEFORE I met Lizzie and Jane? I don't even know. But I have to say they were super awesome and WAY easier to get through than the book.

And I feel a little like a stalker, but if it makes you feel better, I have the books Shane and I are from and I'm willing to lend them out to anyone who wants to read all about my adventures with vampires.

Filter: Shane Collins
You know what I was thinking? We should have a party. Just a small one, but I think it would be fun to get everyone together for a night, don't you?

[info]wouldbedoctor in [info]thedoorway

The weekend around St. Patrick's Day is always bloody mad. I mean it's certainly not the most mad. There's Halloween for that, but this holiday is definitely up there. I picked up a shift at the general hospital because they needed the extra help. I wish I wasn't bound by law to not divulge patient information, but I will say this: riding a horse while intoxicated is still considered a DUI. Who knew?

Checking in on you! I've been so busy lately I feel like I've been a bad friend. How are you doing? Settling in okay?

[info]peacekeeper in [info]thedoorway

I don't get what the big deal is about green beer. Phellep nectar comes in a variety of shades. I drank a pink red one once. I'm also not sure I understand why everyone seems to think pinching and kissing random strangers is a good idea. A man tried to pinch me for not wearing green at a bar and I broke his fingers retaliated.

I have an idea. I'd like your help with it. It's for Rygel and he can never know it's coming from me.

How is Gilina? I noticed you two have been spending time together.

[info]unaskedquestion in [info]thedoorway

Is it wrong to think that the person you share a face with sometimes is hot? Because damn I don't think I've ever cleaned up like that.

I'm not compliment fishing. I'm just pretty damn impressed.

[info]jamiewon in [info]thedoorway

Is anyone else making a bracket for March Madness? I don't know much about the sport, but I'm feeling lucky.

Evans and I have moved up to unit 2406 in case you're looking for us. As for Harry [...] I can't find him.

[info]singletonjones in [info]thedoorway

Network Post; Bridget Jones

[Filtered to Friends]
Hypothetically speaking, if someone said that they liked you on Valentine's Day, and then didn't say anything to you for the next, well, month, even though you see them every day, even if they are very busy...

What would you do?

[info]newly_human in [info]thedoorway

Cut for trigger warnings: talk of character death )

Xander Harris, will you marry me?

[info]cleanandsober in [info]thedoorway

The Macy's Flower Show is coming up, and I've never been, but I thought it might be fun to check it out. I'm sure it will be fairly over the top and ridiculous, but it could still be worth a look. And while I did convince Sherlock to go with me to the Orchid Show, I thought asking him to go to Macy's might be a bridge too far.

They have High Tea on March 27th at 1PM. The description on the website said:
Join Sylvia Tirakian, owner and founder of award-winning Harvest Song Preserves, as she hosts High Tea. Harvest Song Preserves come from spring-fed fruits grown in the volcanic-rich soil and lush wildflower-filled meadows of Armenia. Delight in the taste of these truly unique artisanal preserves.
I thought it might be a good excuse for us to chat again. Does that sound like something you ladies would be interested in?

Next vacation, I'm going somewhere without angry drunk people and emergency room visits. Preferably somewhere warm, too. Los Angeles is nice this time of year, isn't it?

[info]dauntlessborn in [info]thedoorway

I guess I need to find a job. And better clothing. I've been oh so rough on my gear while out running and training and shit that it's all torn up. Parkour's rather rough on clothes when you're first learning. Maybe I'll just wear sweatpants forever. They're cheap, right?

[info]stephendedalus in [info]thedoorway

Green beer, strobe lights and Bono have very little to do with Ireland. Yes, even Bono and yes you can all tell him I said that.

Waking up on a beach being feasted upon by sea birds and attempting to sleep beneath a fallen flag might be, perhaps, the closest to home I ever hope to be again. I lost my way and found myself identidem -- à plusieurs reprises -- in the echoing chambers of my dried up skull.. It's the 20th of March and the decorations are coming down, I think I've showered off all the green and the glitter and the Guinness. Perhaps now the world can go back to ignoring the Irish, they're much better at it than they are at pretending they are us.

Perhaps now I can go on pretending to care about the rest of the world. Patriotism is the virtue of the vicious.

[info]firstfrost in [info]thedoorway

[Filter to Jean Grey, Ororo Monroe, Kitty Pryde and Sage]

I was wondering if you would be interested in joining me for manicures, pedicures and a few cocktails afterwards. I realize we don't usually socialize outside of the team, but if we are to ask the young X-Men to be united perhaps we should make that effort as well. Perhaps I should make that effort. Before you say no, let me just state that it's all on me.

[Scott (616)]
It's amazing the things I'm willing to do for the sake of the team. Fully recovered from the hangover yet?

[info]enoughsleep in [info]thedoorway

Upon the advice of several people, I decided to learn how to ride a bike. It took two scraped knees and a bloody palm, but I did it. Probably a good thing, running was never a realistic option.

[info]bordercollie in [info]thedoorway

Got an exciting outing for a couple of us coming up on March 30. I'm getting tickets to the NYC Craft Beer Festival. 150 brews available to sample and a couple seminars that'll be useful for us. I'm thinking I might be able to use this as a stepping stone to branch out and grow our selection of brews if we find anything we really like. Anyone interested? We'd be going to the first session in the afternoon if anyone wants to tag along with me. I'm thinking I can only spare 5 of us that day, so first come first serve.

[info]babsgordon_ in [info]thedoorway

Who: Barbara Gordon & Christopher Pike
When: Wednesday morning, early
Where: Barbara's apartment
What: The morning after
Rating: PG

Pike makes morning after pancakes )

[info]anne_shirley in [info]thedoorway

Walter Blythe

I have to admit I have been putting this off for some time, not sure if I wanted to know the truth or not. You know me in your time do you not?

[info]elspethgordie in [info]thedoorway

I'm thinking of learning some new recipes I just do not know what. Does anyone have any suggestions?

I am also thinking of getting a cat. I miss Sarauman.

[info]tawnyeyes in [info]thedoorway

Are mundanes always so hospitable when they feel like they've been wronged? I may have accidentally tripped one.

[info]barbiefangs in [info]thedoorway

network post: caroline forbes

I understand a few things here:
1. Elena Gilbert and Bonnie Bennett are here. Someone please bring them to my attention.
2. This is still a Klaus-free life.
3. We're in New York City.
4. I'm not sure what mundanes are, but that's a great way to get your butt kicked by mundanes.
5. Congratulations Anya and Xander.
I'm Caroline Forbes. Thanks for the phone and computer and money for a shopping trip. That is happening tomorrow.

[info]talkbacked in [info]thedoorway

NYC blows. Why couldn't I end up on a beach with babes and mai tais? Guess it's not so bad considering the new threads and kicks on an Avenger's dime. Thanks a bunch, Cap'n Self-Righteous.

They told me Team Estrogen was here (you're part robot, Vic, so you count as a girl)? I gotta go pick up OL later. We hittin the road or hanging out for a while? No more random hyperdriving my rent's toys, okay?

[info]shoeshinist in [info]thedoorway


[info]daredevilmck in [info]thedoorway

From a book. "A lot of people are here from Harry Potter." Harry's not even a year old yet! Got it, different worlds. Right.

And I'm in a three bedroom flat alone? Seems really kind of, large for one person.

Sirius? I was told you were here?

Does this even work?

Hit post......

[info]sirius_business in [info]thedoorway

Texts to Remus Lupin and James Potter
» Let's just say the lass you were secretly engaged to shows up here.
» And still thinks you're engaged.
» That allows me a drink, right?

Text to Kara Thrace
» Busy?

[info]senatorskyboy in [info]thedoorway


>>Looks like you're going to need a new roommate.
>>Kathryn and I have decided to move in together.
>>It might seem kind of sudden but I'm happy, Pete.
>>She makes me really happy.

[info]adjutant in [info]thedoorway

S.H.I.E.L.D. Advisory Notice

S.H.I.E.L.D. Advisory Notice to Potts Tower Network )

[info]revolutionary in [info]thedoorway

Qui: Grantaire et Enjolras
Quand Son arrivée à New York
Où: Le lobby SHIELD
Que: La réunion d'Oreste et Pylade
Estimation: PG car l'exécution est mentionné.

Faites-en deux d'un coup, dit-il. )

[info]blaisethezabini in [info]thedoorway

Is there anyone else out there keeping statistics solely on their world? I know Miss Halverson has been keeping them for all the refugees, but I find the break down between worlds just as fascinating as the breakdown across the board.

Filter: Severus Snape, Albus Potter, Regulus Black

There are currently 40 of our world here, if the rumours of Potter leaving are correct. Of these, 18 are from the Potter-Weasley family group. Of these 40, 8 have been here before, left, and returned. No-one has returned more than twice. (There have been 49 of us, with 9 doubles, grand total of of 58 of us - Pansy Parkinson has been here twice, and departed twice.)

26 Gryffindors (30, with 3 doubles, grand total of 33)
7 Hufflepuffs (7, with 2 doubles, grand total of 9)
1 Ravenclaw (3, with 0 doubles, grand total of 3)
6 Slytherins (9, with 4 doubles, grand total of 13)

ETA: 23 males (30 with doubles); 24 females (29 with doubles)

Filter: Private
POTTER IS GONE. I know when he comes back, he'll be worse than ever, but the annoying little brat is gone and I cannot help but want to drink in celebration.

Filter: Haymitch
Someone incredible annoying (and more full of himself than God) from my world has left, and I feel the need to have a drink. Care to indulge with me?

[info]hazel_rah in [info]thedoorway

Rabbits do not have holidays so Man-holidays are confusing to me. I know there was just one for someone named Patrick although I am not sure who he is. Now there is one coming up soon called Easter. It appears to have something to do with rabbits.

I like to take walks in the afternoon after my classes are done and I have seen many windows with rabbits in them. They are not like any rabbits I have seen before though. There are pink ones and blue ones, purple ones, even some that are more than one color. They also do not appear to be alive. And eggs. They are always positioned near eggs. Rabbits do not lay eggs.

I am finding it all very disturbing.

[info]demmedelusive in [info]thedoorway

[Text to Armand Chauvelin]

» I was thinking today
» About how you're not dreadful good at surviving on your own
» And seemed monstrous uncivil leaving a babe in the wilds
» So how's the 21st century treating you, you frisky dog.?
» And that beeping noise is coming from your telephone.

[info]neversurrender in [info]thedoorway

» Hey Cas, c'mere for a second.

[info]revolutionary in [info]thedoorway

Grantaire a expliqué

bien que je comprenne Anglais While it is true I understand English. I fear the nuance may on me be lost.

I apologise for this in advance. cette machine étrange I have my friend for his assistance. il est plus sobre que prévu

My name it is Denis Enjolras, I am from years before now and France aussi also. It is strange that I am here, but I offer still the finest greetings I may donner impart to you all.

[info]hazmatup in [info]thedoorway

[Filtered to Avengers Academy]

Where the hell is Finesse?

[info]findekano in [info]thedoorway

Filtered to Maitimo

I have a gift for you.