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February 20th, 2013

[info]oftheangels in [info]thedoorway

I need these in my life )

[info]isacompliment in [info]thedoorway

There're steam EVERYWHERE! Sadie tried to fix the shower and made it happen! It's almost like that time I was on a boat, from home, and the engine started sounding funny, except without the different noises. I think I like it even though it makes typing really hard!!

[info]olivialt in [info]thedoorway

Who: Lincoln Lee & Olivia Dunham
When: Valentine’s Day!
Where: Out at a random unnamed bar in NYC.
What: They pretend to be a couple to try and win a TV. It’s mostly a bunch of ridiculousness and awkward fake-couple cuteness.
Rating: PG!

“I was trying to decide if teasing people counted.” )

[info]soflyohmy in [info]thedoorway

» hey
» you know how it's tuesday?
» pretty sure I'm still drunk from saturday

[info]mettles in [info]thedoorway

Would anyone like to join my friends and me in a community service project? We're going to build a playground for some inner-city kids. Could use some supplies, some brains, and some brawn to help. X-23, I'm lookin at you girl. Finesse, you better be in on this too. The more the merrier. Costumes are a must, this is like.. PR stuff and kids dig heroes.

[Filter to AA/Runaways]
Yo, what are you guys doing for work these days? I feel kinda useless being cooped up in this shack. Plus, these funds won't last forever.

[info]dauntlessborn in [info]thedoorway

Having a night out with friends really is good for the soul.

Filter: Peter Harkiss
Haven't seen you on the network much - surviving here?

Filter: Tom McNair
I figured I'd say HI and not just comment on your stuff all the time.
Did you have a good weekend?

[info]deirdreofamber in [info]thedoorway

I'm still enjoying training. Although I feel like I need a vacation - or a spa day. It's great work, but it is tiring a bit. Even for me. Maybe if I didn't give it 200% all the time I wouldn't be tired but that's okay.

I find myself being a bit melancholy here. The winter is dragging on - I miss Dad and his Jewel, if we got sick of snow he'd whisk it away for us - although I miss being able to travel the most. Just walking and ending up in a new realm was the best for these melancholy days.

[info]notacomputer in [info]thedoorway

I'm not sure if I'm bored or just feeling lackluster.

Filter: Daryl Dixon
Do you have plans for the weekend?

Filter: Logan
What's the word on your survival course?

[info]myeu_muh in [info]thedoorway

» Please tell me you have hot water.
» Because I really really need a shower.
» This is not just a ploy to get me naked in your apartment.
» I swear.

[info]greglestrade in [info]thedoorway

I like that the rivalry is so long standing a potential facedown makes news. They destroyed Brentford on Sunday. They're still trailing in the Premier, but not by much.

Sparta Prague tomorrow. Anyone want to head to The Cricketers with me tomorrow about three for the match and a late lunch, then?

[info]tryingagain in [info]thedoorway

[Filtered to Peter Pettigrew]
Hey dude - welcome to New York 2013.

I wanted to let you know that the Potts Tower Youth Center is open to everyone in the 21-and-under set, and that we're a pretty friendly, non-judgmental group of people. Some of us are like you - people who don't really have many friends from our home world because we're considered bad guys there.

Basically, I wanted you to know that this world is a really good opportunity for a fresh start, and for doing something better with your life than how it turns out in your home world. If you want that, come hang out downstairs. We can help you get started on building a life that doesn't suck here.

- Luke

Audiobooks are my new favorite thing. Finally, I can learn stuff without the dyslexia leaving me with a blinding headache if I try to read too long. And I can listen to them while I do other stuff, so I don't get distracted halfway through the fourth page and wander off.

And Temeraire, thanks for the suggestion of The Art of War. It's hard to wrap my head around sometimes, but it's really interesting. And when I have those moments when I really get it, it blows my mind in a completely awesome way.

[info]gambler_girl in [info]thedoorway

I've got a sabacc deck again. I found one online. Anyone up for a bit of friendly fun? I need a mental break from studying

Training is interesting here. It's different from back home, not in a bad way. The computer systems are very different and it's extremely weird to only have to compensate for human bodies and reaction times. It's also a lot of the same old same old. Except we don't have to also plan for the vacuum of space. But drill drill drill is about the same as when I went to school and when Daddy taught me to fly. If you didn't drill you could wind up dead or worse, a teammate dead.

[info]nelyafinwe in [info]thedoorway

Who is this that says 'gingers' have no fëa? I have never consumed another fëa in my life. And it has been a very long life. I can't account for the freckles on my face in this manner.

[ooc: based on this conversation]

[info]spiritoffire in [info]thedoorway


Somehow I believed that the Halls of Mandos would let in far less...chaff.

[info]fennelstalk in [info]thedoorway

Is there a problem with the heat of the water? For if there is, I am not experiencing it.

Leastways, I was able to have a long, cleansing soak this morning and I would think that it was at a temperature which would be unkind to mortals.

[info]doesntsuck in [info]thedoorway

If anyone needs hot water, I've got plenty and I won't be around much today to use it anyway. Just seeing a lot of complaints and trying to help out if I can.

In other news, Die Hard this weekend. Who's in?

[info]slicendice in [info]thedoorway

Folks interested in the survival course;

Got the use of a gym [address] first weekend of every month, Sat and Sun, from 2-5. Don't gotta come to each one but gonna be mixing it up and doing something different each day. After the first weekend's over, every third weekend of the month'll be going out on the trails and in the woods outside of the city. Gonna be renting Slim's pink van those days 'cause he was right - damn dirt cheap. Y'all are lucky I don't just drop you in the wo You wanna go out in the woods, you gotta go to one of the gym classes.

Things you gotta bring each time:

(Put this shit in it)
Rope (20-50ft)
Pocket knife
Emergency Blanket
Empty canteen or flask

I'll give you anything else you need, and I'll be showing you how to get food with just what's above. Too much crap to be hauling around if you ask me but they

It's all free, but if you wanna make me happy, I prefer red racer beer and and Cohiba cigars.

[info]neversurrender in [info]thedoorway

DEAN | CAS (cut for length) )
So, that angel. We've put together a case file, but based on what's in there, I don't think we're going to have to worry. If any of you were worrying, you can stop now. She's nothing we can't handle.

Panicking over. I don't think she-Lucifer is actually much of a devil, and if she turns out to be, I don't think we'll have any trouble taking her out.

Remind me next time I see you that I have something I've been meaning to tell you. That's not as ominous as it sounds, it's just something that keeps slipping my mind because I've been preoccupied.

Also, co-founder, want to take the lead (and the credit, ha) on organizing a meeting for the think tank and the hotline? Or I can do it later, I'm just... exhausted from this girl-Lucifer business, which turned out to be not even worth losing sleep over. I'm going to watch tonight's episode of my show and then I'm probably going to go to sleep. You'd be welcome to join me for the sleeping part.