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January 25th, 2013

[info]sweetjoannabeth in [info]thedoorway

Filterd: Dean
Hey. I have presents for you.
Just so you know.

Since Sam's already beaten me with the embarrassing GIFs for Dean's birthday. I can just add my embarrassingly sparkly birthday wish, instead.

Cut not filtered )

[info]glimmerofone in [info]thedoorway

I got stopped on my way to the gym today. Said I looked like some lady in print or something. I was not expecting that but I pretty much ignored her. Whatever.


Hey. Thanks for everything. This training feels better and it's worked out the most of the leftovers from the Trackers. not 100% yet but getting there!
Want to stop by later and I'll make us something to eat? It's only fair I return the favor.

[info]plasticed in [info]thedoorway

Who: Mickey Smith and Rose Tyler
When: January 20, after this
Where: Potts Tower Lobby & then A Salt & Battery
What: Getting some real chips
Rating: Low, I'm sure.

too cold to be witty )

[info]ewoksrule in [info]thedoorway

network post: dorcas meadowes

I miss Quidditch.

Filter: Marauder Era Girls
I think we need a girls night. It's been far too long and I want to hear about Lily's date and I want to catch up with you lot. What do you say?

[info]vampirenow in [info]thedoorway

network post: vicki donovan

Daytime is fucking boring.

I need something to do.

[info]ihaveashotgun in [info]thedoorway

When I said I wanted to experience living in a place with snow... this wasn't quite what I meant. Getting to work this morning was nearly impossible.

But the upside is that I got the idea to create a better snow-removal device for the sidewalks and roads?

[info]letsgobats in [info]thedoorway

After a few misfires, (which did not involve Hugo being launched into a wall, no matter what he says) I have a broom that flies.

[info]oftheangels in [info]thedoorway

Next person who calls me a werewolf and mentions something about a vampire's diary is going to need to be carried away on a stretcher.

[info]timetorun in [info]thedoorway

Look at the snow! This is brilliant! I'm going outside!

[info]welshmonk in [info]thedoorway

Who: Brother Cadfael & Regina Mills
When: 24 January
Where: The lounge, 13th floor, Potts Tower
What: What does Game of Thornes mean to you?
Rating: PG

It wasn't the various underlying subjects in the books that bothered him. )

[info]findlight in [info]thedoorway

It is hard to believe that I have been in this city as long as I have. It has been nearly two months since I arrived here. The city has its benefits, I suppose, and there are a good number of interesting people here; I have enjoyed speaking with several of them.

But I loathe the distance between the city and the forest. And not just the forest, but the wildness of the sea, the freedom of the meadows. Birdsong is drowned by the screaming of engines, and the water in the river runs dark and filthy. It pierces my innermost fëa that Men have rejected Arda in such a profound way. How can one truly live, if one cannot even see the stars?

[info]suspendered in [info]thedoorway

network post: ben stone

To those who wish to study the law: I have a multitude of books I can bring to a common study area. Currently, my focus is on state and federal emergency management law and regulations. I have learned this storm is the second in months to affect New York City and surrounding areas to such a degree. I have also heard about Hurricane Katrina and read about FEMA's miserable response. To be caught with one's pants down so many times is more than an embarrassment.

To those responsible for Potts Tower: congratulations. It's needed more widely.

[info]sassyrogue in [info]thedoorway

Network Post: Rogue

Y'all, it is DAMN cold out.

But at least now I fit in and can wear all my crazy gloves without lookin' like some Eskimo in July.

Stupid of me, but I keep hopin' Gambit will come back. Don't like knowin' that at one moment y'all are here, and the next, y'all can be gone.

I'm wondering since things seem a lot less apocalyptic 'round here, if I should get a job. Do you people know how long it's been since I've had a normal job? Imagine Rogue, workin' on Wall Street. Hah.

[info]purrception in [info]thedoorway

Who: Selina Kyle and Bruce Wayne
When: shortly after Bruce's arrival (backdated like crazy, I know)
Where: Sam's
What: they're from the same reality and he STILL doesn't know who she is
Rating: G for GOTHAM

Selina was surprised by how much she was rattled by Bruce's arrival. )

[info]pheebspower in [info]thedoorway

It is seriously weird watching myself get older on a TV show. I mean, does this mean Billy, who is now from a fictional movie inside of a... Never mind headache.

[info]shiningwire in [info]thedoorway

Network Post


Not really sure what to do with this. "Write"? This is Bigwig.

Hazel. Fiver. Am I doing this right?

This is ridiculous.

[info]tryingagain in [info]thedoorway

Loving the snow, super excited about the Compitalia games tomorrow, and stressed the hell out because getting those two things to work together is going to be a little bit more excitement than I was planning on.

But never fear! The games will go on! The only events in danger of cancellation are the footraces, since coming up with an indoor solution for the longer ones may be outside our abilities right now.

[Filtered to Thalia]
Wanna come with me to pick up the lambs for roasting? The snow just made that drive to the butcher in Queens a lot longer. Leaving in about an hour.

[info]odysseys in [info]thedoorway

I've been in bed the last few days, laid up with what I'm pretty sure is just a stomach flu. Is that still going around? It really is annoying. I'm hoping some rest this weekend will help and I'll be back on my feet by Monday.

To my French students, I am sorry, but I won't be able to meet with you tonight.

I haven't left the apartment tonight, but I've seen the weather reports. Please stay safe out there, everybody.

[info]vulcanmind in [info]thedoorway

Living on Vulcan (which is generally arid year round) and then relocating to the city of San Francisco (which is unceasingly temperate,) I have seldom experienced atmospheric conditions such as these. I find myself particularly grateful for my newfound winter coat. Is snowfall of this magnitude typical to the region at this point in time?

What is the significance of these humanoid-shaped outlines in the snow?

[info]grandiloquence in [info]thedoorway

Who: Hermione Granger and Ron Weasley
What: Finally talking about the future, good & bad
Where: Hermione's apartment
When: Friday night
Rating: TBD, but probably a little high. Mentions of violence/torture
Status: closed; incomplete

+++ )

[info]finesse in [info]thedoorway

I seem to have arrived just in time for a freak storm. I've been meaning to catch up on my reading and figure out a way to recreate Dr. Pym's unstable molecules for multiple costumes. It's amazing how quickly we go through these.

[info]badderfaith in [info]thedoorway

what in the bloody hell have i just stumbled upon?

it's oddly catchy.

[info]sweetjoannabeth in [info]thedoorway

Who: Jo Harvelle and Ben Stone
Where: Gym then 13th floor (a run afterwards)
When: After making a stupid comment on Sam's B-DAY post for Dean
What: Punching things. Mini-mental breakdown! You know. Fun stuff.
Rating: R for language.

Oh.My.God. Did I just DO THAT?! )

[info]sweetjoannabeth in [info]thedoorway

Text to Veronica Mars
• I am so hiding right now.
• If you need me, text me.
• Probably not going to the bday bash tomorrow.
• I've lost my damn mind.

[info]doesntsuck in [info]thedoorway

[Filtered to Peej]
Any big plans this weekend?
[End Filter]

For those curious, the NY Aquarium is still closed til further notice due to the storm damage, and we're buckling down for this incoming weather, but I wanted to at least put it out there that we're to the point where private tours can at least come through - as long as you excuse the "Pardon our Dust" type of signs.

That being said, I want to put out a belated thanks to everyone that's spent time helping rebuild everything from housing to playgrounds to even just handing out food the last month or so. You've really made a different to a lot of people.

[info]weasleygirl in [info]thedoorway

I remember one time when it snowed at home over Christmas hols and we (being my brothers and I) were bored. So, George got the idea that we should have a snowball fight. The difference was, we tied bags of them to our brooms and then had one while flying around.

And it was as brilliant as it sounds. Of course, Charlie cheated and charmed his to all fly out really fast. It was funny since he aimed them all at Percy, who refused to join in the fun but watched from the ground. Mum didn't share the sentiment though, she yelled at us for at least twenty minutes and, keep in mind, Charlie and Bill were fully grown adults with jobs and houses of their own.

Not that its gonna stop my mum.

Point is, there's loads of snow out there. Who wants to go have a fight with it?

[info]childofpluto in [info]thedoorway

I haven't seen this much snow since Alaska. Everyone be real careful if you go outside. I'm planning to stay right at my kitchen table with some art supplies and apple cider.

Do you want to come eat brunch with me and my friends on Sunday? It's like breakfast and lunch all at once. It'll be fun.

[info]themadgirl in [info]thedoorway

It's snowing! But I'm sure everyone probably noticed that on their own through their windows.

I have a question though and thought that I would ask it here since everyone comes from different kinds of backgrounds and cultures and things. In those different backgrounds do you have any kinds of people or places that are relating to water or the ocean that would be good names for a boy? I had done a little bit of research and I made a list but thought that maybe other people would have different ideas from their own experiences.

My list right now is:

Jonah - a man that was eaten by a whale or large fish and survived after a few days
Noah - a man that built a large boat before a flood
Sebastian - the crab from the movie about the mermaid
Eric - the prince in the same movie about the mermaid
Nemo - the little fish in that other movie

Monstro - whale in Pinocchio
Utnapishtim - survived great flood by building a large boat
Raleigh - explorer
Drake - explorer
Heath - explorer
Magellan - explorer
Melbourne - planet with oceans and fish
Felix - can make penguins
Perseus - Greek hero
Voronwë - means "steadfast one"

It's not a very long list right now. If you have ideas though that would be really nice!

[info]whatsthestitch in [info]thedoorway

I'm really excited about taking classes for college. It was exciting enough that they let me in, but it's double exciting to actually be taking the classes. Taking classes online is going to be interesting, to say the least; I can't decide if it will be more or less of a distraction to be doing it from the comfort of my apartment, but it's awesome either way. I might be the only person in the world to be excited for college, but it's not that huge of a difference from when I was back home. I'm square with it.

Without missions, though, I feel like I have way too much time on my hands, even with school. I have watched so much TV lately that I'm pretty sure my brain is going to leak out of my ears pronto. I think it might be time for me to attempt to join the ranks of the employed. Scary thought, right there.

[info]purpleshorts in [info]thedoorway

[ Filtered to Carol Danvers and Peter Parker 616 ]

Do you have a moment to discuss my findings re: the blood sample you provided?

[ /Filter ]

[info]katsie in [info]thedoorway

Snowstorm party. Who wants in?

[info]nelyafinwe in [info]thedoorway

Aiya, Glorfindel! Merin quetë.

Findárato tells me of a great sadness concerning the fate of Gondolin. I would hear this tale with my own ears from one of its lords.

[info]mechromancing in [info]thedoorway

It's snowing. And there are no bullymongs to throw cars at me or try to eat my gun. And I am resisting the urge to booby-trap the coffee maker.


[info]sherlockholmes in [info]thedoorway

You weren't in Edmonton, Alberta about a month ago, were you?