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December 12th, 2012

[info]stilllucy in [info]thedoorway

I think I'd almost forgotten what it's like to be able to sleep in a real, actual bed.

Definitely think I could get used to it again.

Though I'm not sure what to do with myself. It's weird not having work demanding every moment of your time. It's weirdly freeing and maddening at the same time.

[info]acciohansolo in [info]thedoorway


» Call over to ours asap
» Even asap-er than that
» Snotter is here
» He's snotting all over the place
» Figure you'll want a bromancey hug
» And bring food. He's too hungry for our apartment

[info]selfmadman in [info]thedoorway

delivery for Kara Thrace )

[info]deirdreofamber in [info]thedoorway

Christmas. I'm always amused at this world's holidays. We don't really celebrate such things at home. Every time I spend Christmas on Earth, at any time, I find myself remembering all of our family gatherings. I truly loved them, even if half of us were plotting against the other half. When you have 20 odd siblings, you find yourself needing a scorecard to keep track. I suppose we do, in a sense, although we don't celebrate "Christmas". We decorate the Palace and the City for the people - and it certainly snows. Although I miss the sight of the city from the top of the palace right now. It would be lovely.

We've tried Christmas once. It was a bit of a disaster, really. Tried to gather the whole horde of us into the Palace at one time. I love my sisters dearly but we are all cunning bitches and it only gave us all ample time to plot against one another, and my brothers all tried to curry favor with us and figure out who was supporting who for the throne next. While we women cannot rule (such an archaic rule) we do wield the ability to sway the masses, the rest of the family and the army of servants in the castle. The boys always thinking they're so smart. How else do they think we know when they're in their rooms so we can drop by for a little chat? Or who had meetings with who? Just luck?

The subtle stir of plotting at any family gathering is almost as comfortable as coffee in the morning and just as regular. Father doesn't approve of fratricide, of course, or sororicide, but it does happen or least there are a fair number of our siblings who are *missing*. (to be fair, Dad, if you can read this, it happened in Chaos, so you're being a tad hypocritical!). I have found the novels I am from. And I have read them. It is interesting to see my life told in the perspective of my favorite brother. The only one I have never had a desire to see dead. It is an interesting read, to say the least, and I've learned a lot about my siblings. Probably for the best that I am not home to use that knowledge.

I am surprised any of us made it out of infancy, to be honest.

[info]dontyouladyme in [info]thedoorway

Anybody got a spare lightsaber I can fiddle with? Or, alternatively, anyone want to just stab me with their lightsaber?

The less questions you ask, probably the better.

[info]theblue in [info]thedoorway

I have a fucking TV SHOW!

Hey yo, Mr. White! -- We're on AMC!

[info]tryingagain in [info]thedoorway

Log: Luke and Thalia

WHO: Luke Castellan and Thalia Grace
WHERE: Luke’s Apartment, Potts Tower
WHEN: Latelate Sunday, Dec 9/early Monday, Dec 10
WHAT: Luke tries to brood on his own. Thalia isn’t having any of it.
STATUS: log; complete.

All Luke really wanted to do now was sit on the sofa, try to get himself together, and probably take a shot of NyQuil to knock him out in time to get at least some sleep before work. Or as Thalia would have put it, go into a brooding spree. )

[info]grahamthehunter in [info]thedoorway

I've heard there are people here who are into archery. Most notably some lady named Katniss and a man called Hawk Eye? Are either of you, or any others interested in opening up some kind of an archery/sports store with me? Where we make and sell bows, arrows, and the like, and also give lessons to people interested in learning? We could expand to other hunting sports as well.

I've got to do something in this place, and I don't think I could run a shop like this on my own.

On board so far
Graham Humbert / The Huntsman (Training apprentices, bow/arrow craftsman)
Thalia Grace (Shooting instructor and bow/arrow craftsman)
Finrod Felagund (Shooting Shooting instructor and bow/arrow craftsman)
Princess Deidre of Amber (Shooting Shooting instructor and bow/arrow craftsman)
Clint Barton / Hawkeye (Advanced Workshops)
Clint Barton / Hawkeye (616) (Shooting instructor)
Katniss Everdeen (Equipment tester and apprentice)
Kate Bishop / Hawkeye (Shooting Shooting instructor and part-time sales)
Marian Hawke (Shooting Shooting instructor, sales, arrow craftsman, apprentice)
Legolas Thranduilion (Bow/arrow craftsman)
Moira Johnson (Bookkeeping)

[info]demmedelusive in [info]thedoorway

Whilst I cannot say one way or another about this Ring Lord what-have-you-all, I have discovered that there is an opera house in town. Most delightful news indeed.

More, they've performances next week of an opera Les Troyens by some chap Berlioz. I do believe it's one of those endless Roman tales they stuff into schoolboy's brains to shove out any thoughts of mischief. The Odyssey or the Aenied or some such. La, but I could never keep them straight! It's in French, but we can hardly fault it for that.

Would anyone care accompany me? We could take in a spot of brandy before and thence arrive at the theatre in one of those automobiles I've seen such a titter about.

They're holding a box in the Grand Tier, but I'd rather confirm sooner than later. So what say you all?

[info]mouthymerc in [info]thedoorway

Who: Deadpool and Sherlock (Movie)
What: Going to eat, even if Sherlock thinks they're going to an opium den.
Where: Out and about in NYC, then eating.
When: 12/9, after Sherlock's arrival. [backdated]

He was musing about the weather, specifically about how interesting it would be if clouds looks like the ones in Super Mario World. )

[info]anaire in [info]thedoorway

» I am making dinner tomorrow night for the two of you.
» Six-thirty.

[info]tookthestupid in [info]thedoorway

There's way too much that has gone on in the last 70 something years. I'd really like to get caught up, at least on the important stuff, but man, I had the attention span of a gnat in school and only joined some of my classes because Steve was gonna be in them.

So I know what happened at the end of the war (we didn't call it a world war then, just the war), but after that, it's hard to really put a timeline on things.

[info]mouthymerc in [info]thedoorway

i'm guessing i can't just continue to rob banks forever to keep funding my plans for world domination

soooo i guess i need a job. unlike that kid with the large forehead, i can kill people with no fingers if necessary. as in, i can kill amputees

and i guess i could kill people if i happen to have no fingers also

maybe i could pursue my original dream of becoming a back up dancer for ricky martin. he's still a thing right?

[info]weasleygirl in [info]thedoorway

[Filtered Private to Harry Potter]

Remember how I said we'd get this done in one more try? I lied. It's gonna take two more - mostly because it might blow your mind if I lay it all out in one go. I really am sort of proud that you managed to live all of this in a year though. I'd have gone mental.

But, I think before I get into the last book, I should probably go back and fill you in on the bits I left out -- just to be fair.

The Quick Guide to Harry Potter's Obsession with Ginevra Molly Weasley )

Got all that in your brain yet? I hope so because I'm not going to lie to you - this next part is rough. A lot of bad stuff happens to a lot of people that we know, and it bloody sucks. I'm just happy that I don't remember any of it and just had to read about it. Otherwise, I'd probably be somewhere crying constantly.

Actually, if I'm honest, the reason it took me so long to read the last one is because I was stopping to cry or yell or whatever.

That said, take a deep breath and just read it. Once you're done you'll know everything, and it's definitely easier than not knowing. Or having someone assume you do and letting details slip.

The First Account of How the War Was Won (or Harry Potter and The Deathly Hallows -- Part 1) )

[info]alwaysfindher in [info]thedoorway

WHO: Snow White & Prince Charming.
WHERE: Potts Tower; Lobby.
WHEN: After Charming's arrival.
WHAT:They found each other.
RATING: PG at most.
STATUS: Log; Complete.

Of course I found you. I will always find you. )

[info]oftwominds in [info]thedoorway

After the brilliant idea from Mr. Graham about his archery shop I had a thought of my own.

Back home I'm a healer. I ran a free clinic for the forgotten of the city. It seems here I lack something called a medical license in order to work at any of the clinics here and I don't really have the ability to just... procure one. I might not be the only one with my sort of skills that would like to continue their work though.

Which is where Graham's idea seemed rather brilliant to me. Are there any other healer or healer minded among us tesseract picks? I think opening a clinic would be rather brilliant, especially since I imagine some of us have rather unique health situations. We might also be able to help the public a little.

[info]luna_loony in [info]thedoorway

I read somewhere that the world is going to end on 21 December, 2012. That's 9 days from now. I don't want to die! I still haven't seen a Crumple-Horned Snorkack yet!

Does anyone know anything about this!?

[info]wasatree in [info]thedoorway

log; thalia and legolas

WHO: Thalia Grace and Legolas
WHERE:The forest!
WHEN: A while ago
WHAT: Thalia vs Legolas, Round One
STATUS: log; complete.

She was not going to be the one to get Legolas Greenleaf killed in a 10 car pile up if she could help it. )

[info]wallofwtf in [info]thedoorway

I am a black coffee girl, probably because I insist on drinking roughly eight cups of it a day. I stand strong when it come to offers of cream and sugar, but damn it all if Starbucks doesn't get me every winter with their promise of whipped cream and sprinkles.

Anyone want a running buddy? I don't actually run, but walking and making commentary is bound to work something off.

[info]ohsit in [info]thedoorway

wH at helDO Yu pEEPle pat i nyour alcohl.a?

[ooc: So, Em may have taken Inuyasha out for drinks after he found out there's no magical well to take him back in time like there is at home, and he may have overindulged.]

[info]stormblades in [info]thedoorway

If I may beg your indulgence, where might one come across herbal remedies in this city?

[info]themadgirl in [info]thedoorway

I miss my ocean today a little bit.

And shrimp. I really miss fresh shrimp. My doctor said I could have a little of some seafood, but I don't know where to find it good and fresh. It was easier at home when everything was fairly fresh at the market.

There is someone here that looks like me.

[info]thesightless in [info]thedoorway

I am beginning see this world more clearly now. I am feeling more situated, yes. Though being in this place with so many voices it can feel overwhelming. I do promise, yes, to keep your secrets safe.

Am I to understand it is nearing Christmas?

[info]justcallmegod in [info]thedoorway

Who: Gabriel Derrick and Daphne Greengrass
What: A reunion in unexpected places
Where: Their apartment in Pott's Tower
When: Backdated to Monday, 10 December
Rating: PG maybe? To be safe?
Status: Logged, Complete

Cheer up, Daphne. It could be worse? )

[info]imyourdarling in [info]thedoorway

network post

filtered to peter banning
I have a job! Or I will, soon, when Graham really takes off his business.

filtered to moya
By chance, have you happened upon anything?


I found Skittles! And pop rocks. I still think I am fonder of chocolate, but they were still rather tasty. Does anyone else have recommendations of foods I should try?

[info]unaskedquestion in [info]thedoorway

Ugh. So. I've been looking into re-establishing professional and personal networks here, and I'm going to reach out to everyone else for a moment.
  • A. It is apparently a tremendous pain in the culo to get a New York State Driver's License. Do you see all those hoops they want? A five hour class? Book an appointment three to six months in advance? I have a New Jersey License, but something tells me residing in Gotham City might spring a few flags here. Is that even valid? I mean, I know how to drive, but would that license be valid here?
  • B. Started in on the NYPD application procedure. At least that's a bit more streamlined. So Morgan. Look for Company soon.
  • C. Insofar as how everyone's adjusting. I know back in Gotham, I had a group I went to about once a week. I've checked Intergroup here, and over the past two weeks been to probably seven or so different meetings in the area. Open, Closed, Big Book, Steps, Womens' only, Spanish language, LGBT, you name it and I'm not finding a decent fit. Maybe I'm not being patient enough. But I'd say right now the biggest issue I'm dealing with is being ripped out of my dimension by some blazing blue box into a world that's like mine but different. And I don't think that's something a lot of people at these groups are getting. So I'm going to reach out and maybe say a bit more than I should about my personal life. But if anyone else here is in recovery and would be interested in forming a group that meets once a week or so, that'd be great.
  • D. Yoga is daaaaamn expensive in this city. But I found a gym a bit more towards midtown that's 12$ a class if anyone's been looking for one.

So that's that. Still looking for a decent church, and have some shopping to get done, but this city isn't half so unconquerable as TV says it is.

[info]acceleration in [info]thedoorway

Sooooooooooo, job hunting has started. (Thanks, Emily, for the help!) I've never had a real job before, so that's a bit of a hiccup, but I'm hoping that all the skills I've gained from fighting bad guys and wrangling my brothers and sister and all the teamwork stuff I learned at the academy will help. Anyway, I put in applications at practically all of the coffee shops and bookstores in Midtown and Downtown. I had a moment today when I was out this afternoon that I almost thought about trying to find something to audition for, but I don't think it'd be fair when I don't even know how long I'll but I don't know. Maybe some other time.

So that was depressing, and so is knowing I can't just call my family up whenever I want, and not having my sort of girlfriend or our other friends around, but I can't just mope forever, that's not my style. So I thought I should make a list of 10 nice things for whenever I'm feeling bummed.
1) I haven't had a white Christmas in AGES. Los Angeles doesn't have those, and it reminds me of growing up in Virginia. (Which yeah reminds me of my family, but it doesn't really feel like Christmas without snow.)
2) Shopping for cold-weather clothes!
3) Going to see a movie with some really awesome people tomorrow! (Nico, Humberto, we have more company!)
4) Not having to pay rent (SO NICE)
5) Shopping for a dress for the New Year's Party
6) All the pictures of same-sex couples getting married in Washington
7) Seeing Evita on Friday!
8) Peppermint bark.
9) These baby animals
10) Tard the cat and this meme:
not actually cut )

See, everything's great.

[info]younghero in [info]thedoorway

I have now been here a week and this place is still really cool and made better because my whole family is here. Even my not a firefighter dad I just wish more Storybrooke/Fairytale Land people show up! Then all of my friends will be here!

I'm Henry Mills for those of you who don't know me!

[info]trackinganklet in [info]thedoorway

It's cold, it's cloudy, and it's just the sort of quiet night that pairs with a good Merlot, some self-reflection, and a handful of albums. Tonight's selections? Tom Waits: Nighthawks at the Diner, Billie Holiday: Lady in Satin, and Echo & The Bunnymen: Crocodiles.

The last one's definitely the odd one out, but I don't like drinking with just one mood in mind. Self-reflections all well and good but c'mon, too much and where does that leave you? That guy.

What are you people enjoying, lately?

[ Filtered to Sara Ellis ]

I thought about your suggestion re: getting a "real job" (which, I take offense to, because I already have a real job as in it pays me for work that I do, but I take your point; it's mind-numbing and I'm probably just going to wind up robbing them. Also, the insurance just isn't there, and I could use a decent chiropractor right now).

Nothing happened, but I thought about it a lot. For at least seven minutes. I may think about it some more later. Don't get your hopes up. But it might happen.

[info]soldierofwinter in [info]thedoorway

» Doing anything right now?

[info]just_bones in [info]thedoorway

Email to Emma Frost

To: Emma Frost
From: Dr. Leonard McCoy
Subject: Thanks

you have 1 new message )

[info]impsychicnow in [info]thedoorway

I will forever love the cast of the Big Bang Theory. Bazinga.

[info]imyourdarling in [info]thedoorway


[info]youarethepan in [info]thedoorway

I am not Peter Pan.

[info]laurakinney in [info]thedoorway

I was told to write in here to get more information.